“黑蛇”(乌玛•瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰)继续上一集未完的复仇之旅。探听得知,前比尔的贴身保镖“响尾蛇”洗手不干后住在得克萨斯州的奥斯汀。当她晚上悄悄溜到“响尾蛇”住的拖车上时,却中了埋伏,被“响尾蛇”用枪击中胸部并被麻醉了。“响尾蛇”将“黑蛇”装到棺材里填埋 了。此时,“黑蛇”苏醒过来,运用她的师傅白眉老道所传授的功夫从棺材里脱身。当她回到“响尾蛇”所住的拖车时,发现“响尾蛇”和另一个追杀目标“加利福尼亚蛇”正在交易她随身携带的宝刀。打斗中,“加利福尼亚蛇”放出的巴曼蛇咬死了“响尾蛇”。“黑蛇”终于见到比尔了,并揭开了自己满门被杀的真相。

闻一多生性风流,但却有恶妻,不时施以酷刑,令他苦不堪言。一日往省城办货途中,遇一相士,指他会遇上艳鬼痴缠,闻不信离去。但回家途中,突见一弱质纤纤的少女在树林狂奔。弱女自称小翠,家贫被卖到青楼,因受不住皮肉之苦而出走,闻怜其身世于是邀其返家小住,但碍于恶妻,于是让小翠乔装男仆,果然瞒过恶妻,二人得以相栖嬉戏。 一次,恶妻强拉小翠沐浴,帮其擦背之际发觉小翠竟然是女儿身,大怒并将小翠锁在刑牢,而后又将各种用具实施在她身上,小翠饱受着这样的折磨一直长达三个月之久,随后发生了一幕幕令人脸红的事件。

A young witch visits her cousin in a small town during a heated mayoral election race. Her kind-hearted cousin, the town’s beloved “good witch” and newlywed with two teenage step-kids, is running for office, but must keep her family from falling apart when their visitor uses her magic to put them—and the whole town—under her bitter spell.

After volunteering to participate in a crossword solving competition with a new supercomputer, crossword puzzle editor Tess Harper finds herself swept into the investigation of the bizarre murder of a tech CEO


The ostensibly calm and courteous Gerald Ballantyne lives in and embodies modern suburbia. But he is haunted by the memory of a recent car crash and hounded by his estranged wife and her demands for divorce. Slowly, a festering insanity takes over and unwilling to face the outside world he embarks on a lunatic experiment. Confining himself to his middle-class home, he eschews contact with others and survives entirely off 'food' which he can find in his house. Based on JG Ballard's The Enormous Space.


为拍摄一部广告,Joy飞去了莫斯科红场(Red Square)。刚到那儿,她遇见一位出租车司机欲招募年轻性感的女郎。事实上,这是由臭名昭著的Rasputin为首的特殊网络,它逼迫受害者用自己的魅力来满足富有游客的各种要求...

在一个阳光明媚的日子里,克林、小八戒、布玛、悟饭(野泽雅子 饰)相约去山里野营。夜深人静,一枚来自外太空的飞行器引发森林大火。克林和悟饭用气吹散大火,并集结七颗龙珠召唤神龙,将被火焚毁的森林恢复原状。悟饭还认识了新朋友快速龙。未过多久,新的敌人向地球逼近,他是与悟空长相极其相似的邪恶赛亚人达列斯。达列斯带着爪牙在宇宙中流浪,到处寻找适合种植神精树的星球。神精树的果实可以成倍提高一个人的战斗力,但这种树也会将该星球的生命力全部吸收耗尽。为了阻止达列斯的阴谋,拯救赖以生存的美丽地球,Z战士团结一致,迎战敌人…



Many years after the war has been lost, and all the dragons slain, a lone knight travels the lands of Agonos seeking to raise an army against the demon lord Abaddon. When a healer's vision reveals that one dragon still lives, and together with an eager young squire, the knight sets off in search of the fabled creature. As the armies of Abaddon descend on the human kingdoms, the dragon is their last hope of fending off the horde, before it lays waste to the lands of men. But does the creature even exist? And if it does, will it fight for them once more?


Using images from my childhood and phone calls from key people in my life, we explore my particular sense of what is home to me. The home is not a place but a sensation produced by many more common factors that characterize our generation.

When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.

Mysterious Orfamay Quest hires Los Angeles private investigator Philip Marlowe to find her missing brother. Though the job seems simple enough, it leads Marlowe into the underbelly of the city, turning up leads who are murdered with ice picks, exotic dancers, blackmailed television stars and self-preserving gangsters. Soon, Marlowe's life is on the line right along with his case.

Esen, a young man who has been expelled from his village, escapes with the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the village. Whilst being pursued, he is forced to fight for her hand in a battle that results in the destruction of a sacred totem tree. This puts the whole village in jeopardy, and it is up to Esen to redeem himself and save them all.

A hypnotic and slow-burning journey through the austere landscapes of the island of South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. Shot on black and white super 8 film as a series of mostly static tableaux over a period of 20 days during the waning days of the Antarctic Summer, the film is a startling look at life at the edge of the world.

Cowboy/western: hero fakes cowardice to trap the bad guys into showing their hands.