An incorruptible IT officer Amay Patnaik (Ajay Devgn) gets an anonymous tip about a political leader Tauji’s (Saurabh Shukla) illegal assets. Patnaik plans an elaborate Raid on Tauji’s home and businesses.

Kenza and Yaël are two young French women who go to Syria to fight alongside the Kurdish forces. There they meet Zara, a Yezidi survivor. Born in different cultures but deeply united, the women-fighters heal their past wounds and discover their present strength, especially the fear they inspire in their opponents. The three young women soon bound together and become true sisters-in-arms.

Powerful, uncompromising drama about two boys' struggle for survival in the nightmare world of Britain's notorious Borstal Reformatory.

Lisa ja Julien ovat naimisissa ja viettävät onnellista rauhallista elämää heidän poikansa Oscarin kanssa. Mutta heidän elämänsä muuttuu radikaalisti eräänä aamuna, kun poliisi tulee pidättämään Lisan murhasta. Hänet tuomitaan 20 vuoden vankeuteen. Ollessaan vakuuttunut vaimonsa syyttömyydestä, Julien päättää toimia. Kuinka pitkälle hän on valmis menemään Lisan vuoksi?

Odottamaton ystävyyssuhde kehittyy nuoren kuuron pojan, Wesleyn, ja hänen sukunsa Pohjois-Dakotassa sijaitsevalla maatilalla piileskelevän vankikarkurin välille.

Audrey ja Morgan ovat kolmekymppiset parhaat ystävykset Los Angelesista. Kun Audreyn poikaystävä jättää tämän tekstiviestillä, Audrey suuttuu ja haluaa kostaa ikävän tempun parhaan kaverinsa Morganin kanssa. Ex-poikaystävä ilmaantuukin yllättäen Audreyn asunnolle joukko palkkamurhaajia kannoillaan. Agenttina toiminut ex-poikaystävä on jättänyt jälkeensä tulenarkaa informaatiota sisältävän muistitikun, joka tempaa Audreyn ja Morganin kansainvälisen salaliiton pyörteisiin. Kujajuoksu muistitikkua metsästävien agenttien ja rikollisten kanssa johtaa kaksikon läpi Euroopan Amsterdamista, Pariisiin ja Puolaan. Ystävykset yllättävät jopa itsensä, kun he pakenevat tappajia sekä charmikasta, mutta epäilyttävää brittiagenttia. Naisten tavoitteena on - ei enempää eikä vähempää - kuin pelastaa koko maailma.

A robber escapes from prison with a single objective in mind: to track down his former cellmate, a serial killer who intends to pin his crimes on him. A cop is sent after the robber who, despite his best efforts, soon becomes Public Enemy Number One. As the protagonists are driven to their limits, it becomes increasingly unclear who is the hunter and who is the prey.

In order to escape her looming post-graduation fate that includes student debt and zero romantic prospects, Blake Conway becomes a sugar baby. As the aspiring journalist and hopeless romantic documents the adventure, she sets out on a quest to figure out if society is right to judge these women and if her own self worth comes with a price.

A young man cares for his younger sisters after their mother is imprisoned for murdering their abusive father. When he strikes up an affair with a married woman, long-dormant family secrets bubble to the surface.

When a driven doctor doesn't get the prestigious position she planned for, she unexpectedly finds herself moving to a remote Alaskan town. While she meets the locals and even starts a new romance, she has to learn to let the life she planned for give way to a love she never could have imagined, and finds this festive small town is hiding one big holiday secret.

A young insurance salesman takes advantage of the fact that a beautiful young woman he is attracted to is under house arrest, so cannot go anywhere to escape him.

A new era is about to begin in Eastern Europe. Scythians, the proud warriors, are all but gone and most of the few remaining descendants have become ruthless mercenary assassins. Lutobor, a warrior who becomes involved in intertribal conflicts, sets off on a perilous journey to save his family guided by a captive Scythian.

Paris Hilton, the Fat Jew, and Brittany Furlan have all used social media to achieve massive internet fame. But, American Meme explores, is it worth it?

When Luna’s family is killed in cold blood on a mountain vacation, she barely escapes, and has to discover she’s been living a lie: her dad was a Russian secret agent, and her family was just a front. Luna has the opportunity to flee the country. But first she wants revenge.

Accused of a murder he didn't commit, a prosecutor sets out on a mission to clear his name.

Lorenzo is a lawyer who files a lawsuit against the zoo of his town but after winning it he has to take home a gorilla.

Isabelle on eronnut pariisilainen taidemaalari. Hän heittäytyy rakkauden etsintään itseään säästämättä.

Pitkälle koulutettu erikoisryhmä jää vangiksi eristyksissä olevalle sotilasalueelle. Jonkin ajan kuluttua he alkavat kokea pelottavia ja salaperäisiä ilmiöitä - samalla kun he yrittävät saada selville, mikä tappoi edellisen ryhmän, joka oli jäänyt loukkuun samaan paikkaan.

When former LAPD officer Brett Anderson takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Sofia, Bulgaria, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Soon after delving into the building's sinister history and investigate its shadowy owners and past employees, Brett uncovers a malevolent force nestled deep in the bowels of the building that will do anything to be set free into our world.

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