A jailed swindler leaps at the chance to earn parole in return for taking care of his estranged brother, an athlete who recently lost his sight.

A story about a mentally ill man wrongfully imprisoned for murder and his relationship with his 6 year old daughter.

Mika is a fresh high school student who starts texting a mysterious boy. She is shocked when he reveals who he is - Hiro, a delinquent attending her school. What she doesn't know is that Hiro isn't as bad as he seems.

In a future world, the 'Wonderland' service – which uses AI to replicate people who have died – has become widespread. Baili signs up for Wonderland in order to hide her impending death from her young daughter. After an accident leaves her boyfriend Tae-ju in a coma, Jung-in passes the days chatting with an AI-revived version of Tae-ju who has become an astronaut in space. In this way it is possible for people to choose a life free from longing and sadness.

During the Japanese colonial era, roughly 400 Korean people, who were forced onto Battleship Island 'Hashima Island' to mine for coal, attempt to escape.

Tower Sky, a luxurious building complex, has organised a lavish Christmas party for its VIP guests. However, things go awry when a fire breaks out and thousands of lives are endangered.

At the same time as murder suspect Yeo-hoon is brought unconscious to the emergency room following a shooting incident, an assailant breaks into the house of Tae-jun, the emergency room's doctor in charge, and kidnaps his wife. The kidnapper calls the doctor and tells him to bring Yeo-hoon to him. To retrieve his wife, Tae-jun has no option but to save the patient and sneak him away before the police can notice.

On Haeundae Beach, a guilt-ridden fisherman takes care of a woman whose father accidentally got killed. A scientist reunites with his ex-wife and a daughter who doesn't even remember his face. And a poor rescue worker falls in love with a rich city girl. When they all find out a gigantic tsunami will hit the beach, they realize they only have 10 minutes to escape.

Teenage friends must resist the spell of an evil showman staging a house of horrors show in their small town.

A washed-up musician teams up with a teacher and a kids show personality to protect young children from a sudden outbreak of zombies.

The details of undercover police officers are deleted from a police database and a senior officer is left struggling to know who are the undercover officers and who are the criminals.

When Maggie gets an emotional support dog to help quell some of her anxiety, she finds him to be even more effective than she imagined... because unbeknownst to her, he kills anyone who adds stress to her life.

Šestnásťročná Alice, vyrastajúca v Midweste na začiatku milénia, bola vždy dobrá katolíčka. Nevinný čet na sieti AOL sa ale rázom zmenil na pikantný, keď objaví masturbáciu a prepadne ju vina. Počas toho, ako hľadá vykúpenie, ide na tajomný náboženský pobyt, aby skúsila potlačiť svoje živočíšne pudy. Ale to nebude vôbec jednoduché, hlavne keď s ňou začne flirtovať chutný chlapec.

A young man who arrives at a remote island finds himself trapped in a battle for his life.

Youth from different social classes in Beijing come together to form China's best dance crew and learn what it really means to be family.

Aki isn’t a brave little boy, but he’s dedicated nonetheless to safeguarding his sickly, mute friend Fuyu. They and their little gang live deep underground, in the concrete warrens to which survivors have fled following the eruption of Mt. Fuji. The community is in decline, however, as illness and despair take their toll. Fuyu dreams of the outside world, which he is too frail to ever reach. But what colour is the sky out there?

Young-ju lives with her little brother after losing her parents in a traffic accident. She would even give up her studies to care for her brother. But as life gets more difficult, Young-ju decides to visit the perpetrator in the accident that killed her parents.

Skupina gangstrov sa rozhodla využiť najsilnejší hurikán v dejinách, aby zakryli stopy po lúpeži 600 miliónov dolárov z americkej mincovne. Keď hurikán zosilnie na smrtiaci piaty stupeň a ich dobre premyslený plán sa začne rúcať, potrebujú získať kód k trezoru, ktorý pozná len tajná agentka Casey Corbynová, a sú ochotní kvôli nemu aj vraždiť. Agentka však získa nečakaného spojenca - meteorológa Willa Rutledgea, ktorý je aj napriek veľkému strachu z hurikánov odhodlaný dostať svojho brata zo zajatia lupičov. Svoje znalosti o búrkach využije na to, aby pomohol zastaviť zlodejov a zachrániť rukojemníkov skôr, než z mesta zostanú iba trosky.

Pre študentov elitnej Spenserovej akadémie sú členovia Sons of Ipswich najrozmaznanejšími študentmi školy. To však nie je jediná vec, ktorú majú spoločnú. Týchto štyroch priateľov spája ešte jedno 300 rokov staré tajomstvo. V skutočnosti sú to čarodejnice - mladé stúpenkyne čarodejníckeho paktu zo 17. storočia. Keď sa teda piaty člen kovenu nečakane vráti z dlhého vyhnanstva a vyhráža sa, že zabije ich blízkych, všetci si uvedomia, že musia čeliť veľmi mocnému nepriateľovi, ktorý má dostatočnú moc nielen na to, aby ich oslabil, ale aj na to, aby získal ich silu pre seba.

Kate je učiteľka angličtiny na strednej škole a Meg je ambiciózna biznismanka v oblasti kozmetiky. Už roky po večeroch vysedávajú pred televíziou, popíjajú víno a snívajú o vzrušujúcejšom živote. Keď sa konečne rozhodnú, že si obe vezmú dovolenku, ich výlet naberie nečakané obrátky. V lietadle si totiž medzi ne sadne extrémne príťažlivý Ryan, ktorý letí na kamarátovu svadbu. Ich let je kvôli hurikánu odklonený do slnečného St. Luis, kde ich dočasne ubytujú v tom istom hoteli ako Ryana. Kate aj Meg začnú súťažiť o to, ktorá ho prvá zbalí, no ich spočiatku nevinná hra medzi nimi vytvorí priepasť a začne ničiť ich dlhoročné priateľstvo. Stojí im Ryan za to, aby stratili jedna druhú?