Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

You always stumble before reach. The glass in your hand gets chipped every time. Then everything should start again from the start. There are, however, things you can discover only through repetition. The answer resides in yourself.

2013 年,杰里米·克拉克森 (Jeremy Clarkson) 和理查德·哈蒙德 (Richard Hammond) 开始了他们希望的完美公路旅行。 坦率地说,它开始得很好,结束得非常糟糕。 不屈不挠,这对顶级齿轮(Top Gear)又回来了,这一次他们希望避免像被法国警察逮捕这样的担心。 那么,欢迎来到完美的公路旅行...2。 克拉克森和哈蒙德再一次寻求快乐和完美,无论它在哪里,这一系列快速、美丽和令人兴奋的汽车在美丽的风景和浸透在地中海的辉煌道路上释放阳光的表演。 作为他们对完美和艰苦研究的一部分,这对搭档还将承担一些荒谬的挑战和热闹的特技,最终在卡普里岛上进行一场奇怪的赛车比赛。 顶级齿轮(Top Gear)完美的公路旅行 2。这一次真的很完美。 除了一点点不是问题的问题。

A college student deals with being stuck in quarantine by experiencing the five stages of grief.

A young girl's overnight stay at a rural daycare takes a dark turn when she discovers she's not the only guest.

高级警司/黑帮卧底刘建明(刘德华 饰)在警察卧底/帮派干部陈永仁(梁朝伟 饰)被杀10个月后接受警队内部调查,被架空职权,加上家庭的变故,他的精神状态每况愈下,但他坚信局面很快就会扭转。年轻警司杨锦荣(黎明 饰)在同事看来是怪人一个,他正凭着过人的业绩迈向警队最高层。为了搞清楚杨锦荣的真实身份,刘建明开始对其调查。刘建明渐渐发现韩琛旧日的生意拍档沈澄(陈道明 饰)与杨锦荣有着千丝万缕的关系,为了置杨锦荣于死地,也为了不让自己的身份曝光,渴望做个好人已久的刘建明开始千辛万苦地找寻一个又一个证据,可是他总在最接近真相时功亏一篑…

本片根据传奇教练 Bob Ladouceur 的传记 When the Game Stands Tall 改编,讲诉这位年轻教练是如何带领De La Salle高中的橄榄球队伍,打破美国历史上所有记录取得151场比赛连胜的故事。

Extraterrestrials contact earth in this delightful fable. Their message is "HELLO" in many languages, and there is a celebration.

While on vacation in Egypt, Tintin encounters an eccentric archaeologist who believes to have found the whereabouts of Pharaoh Kih-Oskh's tomb. Tintin finds there a cigar marked with a strange emblem.

Athens - Greece - The age of Economic crisis Demetris is a highly independent man who lives a normal life. A confirmed bachelor at the age of 33! When a moment arrives, his choice at that point in time will change everything. His roommate is a female German Shepherd called Lonesome. One night, after supper, Lonesome wants to be taken out. Demetris tries to change her mind but Lonesome insists Its at this moment that he comes to a decision. This decision will change his entire life. If Demetris goes out he will meet Christina, the love of his life. If he stays in, he will not meet her. Does true love exist? What is the impact of a severe economic crisis on people and how can the crisis destroy a couple? One story shown from two different angles.

Examining the violent death of the filmmaker’s brother and the judicial system that allowed his killer to go free, this documentary interrogates murderous fear and racialized perception, and re-imagines the wreckage in catastrophe’s wake, challenging us to change.

这部纪录片探讨了泰迪·彭德格拉斯(Teddy Pendergrass)的崛起,他是第一位在20世纪60年代美国的背景下连续五张白金专辑的非洲裔美国男性艺术家,也是他在一场改变人生的事故后卷土重来。

In a retirement home for former professional musicians, a newcomer convinces some of his mates to embark on an exciting adventure that will change their lives.




An unmarried career woman decides she wants a baby and finds a suitable partner, a sportswriter working for the magazine she publishes. After she maneuvers him into proposing marriage to her, she learns that he happens to be sterile.

弗兰奇(艾德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰)刚刚结束为期十年的漫长牢狱之灾,然而,艰苦的铁窗生活却并没有改变他暴戾邪恶的性格,刚刚出狱没多久,他便开始筹划着干一笔大买卖,以此作为收官之战。 弗兰奇找到了自己的弟弟詹姆斯(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰),希望能够得到他的帮助,然而,詹姆斯早已经弃暗投明,成为了一名汽车修理工。他打算和女友艾米丽(乔丹娜·布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)一起踏踏实实过日子,共同打造美好安定的未来。弗兰奇的出现彻底搅乱了詹姆斯的人生计划,眼见弟弟不情不愿,弗兰奇竟然以艾米的性命为威胁,无奈之下,詹姆斯只得就范。