The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

Paaiškėjus, kad Pietų parko pradinės mokyklos mokytoja turi „OnlyFans“ puslapį, Rendis priverstas atidžiau pažvelgti į nešvarius internetinių nuomonės formuotojų pasaulio užkulisius.

Kelionės laike tęsiasi. Martis sėkmingai grįžta į savo laiką, tačiau netikėtai gauna laišką nuo daktaro Brauno. Pasirodo, kad jis – įstrigęs 1885-uosiuose. Taigi Martis keliauja į Laukinius Vakarus ir turi išgelbėti daktarą Brauną nuo mirties…

Tomas – beviltiškas romantikas, duoną uždirbantis iš tekstų sveikinimo atvirukams rašymo. Kai jį palieka jo mergina Samer, vaikinas ima prisiminti kartu su mylimąja praleistas 500 dienų, siekdamas išsiaiškinti, kodėl žlugo jų santykiai. Prisiminimai ne tik padeda Tomui rasti atsakymus, bet ir priverčia jį susimąstyti apie tikrąsias vertybes...

Keka is a beautiful young woman working in a call center. Wanting to hunt down the killers and avenge her boyfriend's death, she undergoes rigid training. Everything has been going well until she meets the guy who makes her fall in love again.

Groot investigates a spooky noise that’s been haunting the Quadrant, which leads to an intense dance off.

Hüseyin Al Baldawi arrives in Brussels in August 2015. He has traveled thousands of kilometers until he got there from Iraq. A year after his arrival, he receives his residence permit and decides to go to Greece. This journey from Brussels to Athens involves the viewers on the difficulties faced by Hüseyin and thousands of other immigrants. While the story of Hüseyin is taking shape through the countries he travels, the forgotten people he meets and the selfish society of Europe give us many messages, as well.

Caterino is a worker at the Ilva factory in Taranto. When the company executives decide to use him as a spy to identify the workers they should get rid of, Caterino starts to track his colleagues, in search of reasons to report them. He then asks to be assigned himself to the Palazzino LAF where as punishment, some employees sit out their time with no job assignment. There he discovers that what looks like paradise is actually a strategy to psychologically break troublesome workers.

15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is.

A suburban family is torn apart when fourteen-year-old Annie meets her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via online chat and phone, Annie discovers her friend is not who he originally claimed to be. Shocked into disbelief, her parents are shattered by their daughter's actions and struggle to support her as she comes to terms with what has happened to her once innocent life.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 55–56, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro undergoes rigorous training with the Stone Hashira, Himejima, in his quest to become a Hashira. Meanwhile, Muzan continues to search for Nezuko and Ubuyashiki.

PEOPLE is a new collaboration of riders and filmers from Mack Dawg Productions. Directed by Pierre Minhondo and Justin Eeles. This newly formed collective combines the talents, attitude, and fun-loving folks from such films as kidsKNOW’s “Burning Bridges,” and Neoproto’s “Some Kinda Life”. Learn, watch, and follow these PEOPLE as they show you real snowboarding in their own form. From our cities to yours, look forward to watching: Jon Kooley, Justin Hebbel, Nima Jalali, Jordan Mendenhall, Curtis Woodman, Mitch Nelson, Bryan Fox, Etienne Gilbert, Robbie Sell, Stephen Duke, Pat McCarthy, Shaun McKay, Josh Mills, Marius Otterstad, Jussi Tarvainen, and Ryan Thompson. -Released August 2006.

Pirmosios dalies pabaigoje išsiskyrę, Ana ir Kristijanas netrukus supranta, kad negali vienas be kito. Siekdamas susigrąžinti mylimąją, Kristijanas sutinka su Anos sąlygomis ir apriboja savo seksualinius poreikius vardan normalių, labiau tradicinių santykių. Tačiau naujajame santykių etape netrukus atsiranda ir naujų problemų. Anos dėmesio ima siekti naujas jos viršininkas Džekas, taip sukeldamas Kristijano pavydą. Anos problemos įsikūnija dviejose moteryse iš mylimojo praeities. Dabartinė Kristijano verslo partnerė Elena (akt. Kim Basinger) kažkada buvo toji moteris, kuri supažindino naivų vaikiną su rafinuotais sekso žaidimais. Negana to, į Kristijano gyvenimą sugrįžta ir ankstesnė jo simpatija. Ar sugebės mylimieji nugalėti iškilusias problemas ir surasti juos abu tenkinantį santykių receptą?

Turbūt žinote, kad kiekvienoje mokykloje, kiekvienoje klasėje, yra būrelis „moksliukų“? Tai - gerų, tvarkingų, stropių, sąžiningų ir... šiek tiek nuobodžių vaikų. Keturi pagrindiniai šios komedijos herojai yra būtent tokie. Visus mokyklos metus jie praleido stropiai mokydamiesi, engiami kitų klasiokų ir jausdami, kad praleido kažką ganėtinai svarbaus - visą smagumą. Vieną dalyką jie žino tiksliai: nenori tapti tokiais pat nuobodžiais koledžo studentais. Vadinasi, jiems reikia pasikeisti. Tam šaunioji ketveriukė teturi vieną vasarą, prieš prasidedant naujiems mokslams. Jie nutaria žūt būt tapti kitokiais ir paskutinę vasarą kartu praleisti taip, kaip visuomet svajojo, tačiau neišdrįso.

1830-aisiais į britų gyvenvietą atvyksta pamokslininkas, kurio smurtinga praeitis aplinkiniams kelia abejonių. Užvirus priešiškų maorių genčių mūšiams, Munro tikėjimas patiria ne vieną išbandymą.

An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him.

Pjūklas ir jo mokinė Amanda nebegyvi. Detektyvo Hofmano padedami FTB agentai bando įminti painią paskutinės Pjūklo bylos dėlionę. Joje apstu į niekur vedančių pėdsakų, nutrūkstančių linijų ir nepaaiškinamų ryšių tarp aukų. Tačiau net ir mirus Pjūklui, skerdynės nesibaigia. Netrukus prasideda dar vienas kankinantis bepročio žaidimas su nieko nenutuokiančiomis aukomis.

In the last days of WW2, women are volunteering from all over Germany to serve in the front lines by having sex with the brave Nazi soldiers. But when they start having sex with each other, things get complicated. Especially with the increasing danger from the revengeful Soviet army!