When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

Kad je svemirski šatl Challenger eksplodirao 1986., bio je to najšokantniji događaj u povijesti američkih svemirskih letova. Smrt sedam astronauta, uključujući i prvu učiteljicu u svemiru Christu McAuliffe, uživo su na televiziji pratili milijuni gledatelja. Ali ono što je bilo još šokantnije je to što se uzrok katastrofe možda nikada neće otkriti. Challenger je priča o tome kako je Richard Feynman, jedan od najpoznatijih američkih znanstvenika, pomogao otkriti uzrok tragedije koja je zaprepastila Ameriku.

Fourteen years after the events of the first film, a series of encounters between people in Britain reminds us that in these different times Love, actually exists.

Hector se opušta ispred svoje nove seoske kuće i gleda obližnja brda kroz dalekozor kad ugleda nagu ženu između stabala. Kreće prema njoj no napadne ga osoba glave zamotane u groteskni, ružičasti zavoj. Sklanja se u laboratorij na vrhu brda, gdje ga usamljeni stanar uvede u čudnu znanstvenu napravu.

The assassin Deathstroke tries to save his family from the wrath of H.I.V.E. and the murderous Jackal.

It is 300 years into the future. Earth's environment had been devastated by mankind's own foolish plans and humankind is beleaguered by the sentient forests which they have awoken. The world balance is tipped when a young boy named Agito stumbles across a machine that glowed in a strange blue hue inside a forbidden sanctuary.

Plagued by a recurring dream,​ master thief and sorceress Lina Inverse discovers ancient evil and lovers cruelly parted.​ Dragged into a vortex of time,​ she must fight to restore history to its proper course.​ But what will she do when the fearsome power of the Dragon Slave spell fails her as she tries to change the past and save the future!

When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.

The little swift Manou grows up believing he's a seagull. Learning to fly he finds out he never will be. Shocked, he runs away from home. He meets birds of his own species and finds out who he really is. When both seagulls and swifts face a dangerous threat, Manou becomes the hero of the day.

At the height of the frontier era, a train races through the Rocky Mountains on a classified mission to a remote army post. But one by one the passengers are being murdered, and their only hope is the mysterious John Deakin, who's being transported to face trial for murder.

Radnja filma "Free Fire" odvija se u Bostonu tijekom 1978. godine. Dogovoreni otkup oružja između dvije kriminalne bande pretvori se u potpuni kaos kada se ispali prvi metak. Iz napuštenog skladišta u kojem je izbio oružani okršaj svi pokušavaju izvući živu glavu. No, sudeći prema svemu ova borba za preživljavanje neće svima poći za rukom. Film prepun akcije ispresijecan je duhovitim dosjetkama i šalama, a sudeći po reakcijama nakon premijere filma u Torontu ovog vikenda film je u jednakoj mjeri duhovit i uzbudljiv.

Miles kupuje najnoviji computer na tržištu, posljednje čudo tehnike. Vremenom Edgar, computer, počinje ispoljavati emocije, stavove... Problemi nastaju kad se i Miles i Edgar zaljubljuju u istu djevojku...

Led by a strange dream, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the spirits within.

Terrence McDonagh is a New Orleans Police sergeant, who recieves a medal and a promotion to lieutenant for heroism during Hurricane Katrina. Due to his heroic act, McDonagh injures his back and becomes addicted to prescription pain medication. He then finds himself involved with a drug dealer who is suspected of murdering a family of African immigrants.

Wind and Cloud find themselves up against a ruthless Japanese warlord intent on invading China.

In 13th century Ireland a group of monks must escort a sacred relic across a landscape fraught with peril.

Daleka postaja Federacije Fort Casey je na udaru buba. Jedan tim na brzom napadačkom brodu 'Alesia' dodijeljen je da pomogne zvjezdanom brodu 'John A. Warden' stacioniranom u Fort Caseyju u evakuaciji preživjelih. Carl Jenkins, sada ministar paranormalnog ratovanja, vodi zvjezdani brod u tajnu misiju prije susreta s Alesijom i nestaje u maglici. Sada su vojnici zaduženi za misiju spašavanja koja može dovesti do mnogo zlokobnijih posljedica nego što su ikada mogli zamisliti...

Darren Shan is a regular teenage kid. He and his friend Steve find out about a Freak Show coming to town and work hard at trying to find tickets. They do, and together they go to "Cirque du Freak" where they see many strange acts including a wolf-man and a bearded lady

In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

After Abigail, a single mom of two, becomes pregnant following a one-night stand with Ben, the unlikely pair try to make a go of it.