When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

When the space shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986, it was the most shocking event in the history of American spaceflight. The deaths of seven astronauts, including the first teacher in space Christa McAuliffe, were watched live on television by millions of viewers. But what was more shocking was that the cause of the disaster might never be uncovered. The Challenger is the story of how Richard Feynman, one of America's most famous scientists, helped to discover the cause of a tragedy that stunned America.

La paisprezece ani de la evenimentele din primul film, o serie de întâlniri între oameni din Marea Britanie ne amintește că în aceste vremuri diferite dragostea există de fapt.

It is 300 years into the future. Earth's environment had been devastated by mankind's own foolish plans and humankind is beleaguered by the sentient forests which they have awoken. The world balance is tipped when a young boy named Agito stumbles across a machine that glowed in a strange blue hue inside a forbidden sanctuary.

Încercând să se îndrepte, un fost afacerist de succes tocmai ieșit din închisoare trebuie să pună la cale o crimă brutală, altfel își pune familia în pericol.

Plagued by a recurring dream,​ master thief and sorceress Lina Inverse discovers ancient evil and lovers cruelly parted.​ Dragged into a vortex of time,​ she must fight to restore history to its proper course.​ But what will she do when the fearsome power of the Dragon Slave spell fails her as she tries to change the past and save the future!

In the Mexican town of Santa Clara, Salma, a 16 year-old orphan who never got to meet her biological parents, has spent most of her life searching for clues of their identities and whereabouts, that is until she discovers a special book that is filled with stories of the town's past and the history of it's people.

When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.

Povestea este plasată în 1898, iar eroul principal este ofițerul britanic Harry Feversham, care alege să demisioneze chiar în ajunul unei lupte împotriva rebelilor sudanezi. De la prietenii și logodnica lui, Feversham primește patru pene albe, simbolul lașității. Astfel, ofițerul se deghizează în arab și decide să plece în Sudan într-o misiune sub acoperire, pentru a-și răscumpăra onoarea. Când fostul său regiment este atacat, Feversham este cel care le salvează în secret viețile celor care îl catalogaseră drept laș.

The little swift Manou grows up believing he's a seagull. Learning to fly he finds out he never will be. Shocked, he runs away from home. He meets birds of his own species and finds out who he really is. When both seagulls and swifts face a dangerous threat, Manou becomes the hero of the day.

At the height of the frontier era, a train races through the Rocky Mountains on a classified mission to a remote army post. But one by one the passengers are being murdered, and their only hope is the mysterious John Deakin, who's being transported to face trial for murder.

Wind and Cloud find themselves up against a ruthless Japanese warlord intent on invading China.

Terence McDonagh este promovat locotenent după ce salvează un om în timpul uraganului Katrina. Actul său de eroism nu are niciun efect pozitiv asupra vieții lui Terence, totuși, căci îl lasă cu o afecțiune a spatelui și dependent de analgezice. Un an mai târziu, Terrence începe o luptă pe cont propriu împotriva lui Big Fate, un traficant de droguri bănuit că ar fi ucis o întreagă familie de imigranți senegalezi.

Led by a strange dream, scientist Aki Ross struggles to collect the eight spirits in the hope of creating a force powerful enough to protect the planet. With the aid of the Deep Eyes Squadron and her mentor, Dr. Sid, Aki must save the Earth from its darkest hate and unleash the spirits within.

Un avanpost îndepărtat al Federației, Fort Casey, este atacat de insecte. Echipa de pe nava de atac rapid Alesia este desemnată să ajute nava stelară John A. Warden staționată în Fort Casey să evacueze împreună cu supraviețuitorii și să aducă informațiile militare înapoi pe Pământ în siguranță. Carl Jenkins, acum ministru al Războiului Paranormal, duce nava într-o misiune clandestină înainte de întâlnirea cu Alesia și dispare în nebuloasă. Acum, soldații înrădăcinați sunt însărcinați cu o misiune de salvare care poate duce la o consecință mult mai sinistră decât și-ar fi putut imagina vreodată...

Norway, 1204. A civil war between the birkebeiners —the king's men— and the baglers —supporters of the Norwegian aristocracy and the Church— ravages the country. Two men must protect a baby, the illegitimate son of King Håkon, who will be the future king and peacemaker, from those who want to kill him.

După ce Abigail, o mamă singură cu doi copii, rămâne însărcinată după o aventură de o noapte cu Ben, cei doi încearcă să dea o sansa relatiei lor.

In the year of 2039, after World Wars destroy much of the civilization as we know it, territories are no longer run by governments, but by corporations; the mightiest of which is the Mishima Zaibatsu. In order to placate the seething masses of this dystopia, Mishima sponsors Tekken, a tournament in which fighters battle until only one is left standing.

Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the letter "x" by that guy. A game of cat and mouse follows, but the story has an unexpected twist.

In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race of aliens on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth clean of its natural resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has descended into a near primitive state. After being captured, it is up to Tyler to save mankind.