Koniec 30. rokov: Pán Karel Kopfrkingl je obetavý zamestnanec pražského krematória a vzorný otec rodiny, ktorý dôsledne dbá o riadny chod domácnosti a všestrannú výchovu svojich detí. Rád číta zo svojej obľúbenej knihy o Tibete. Ťaživá atmosféra napätej doby násobí všeobecný strach. V meštiackom stereotype žijúci Kopfrkingl spolupracuje s nacistickými okupantmi a s obludnou samozrejmosťou sa zbavuje všetkého nebezpečného vo svojom okolí, vrátane členov vlastnej rodiny. Jeho veľká a nebezpečná kariéra začína ...

An intimate look into the life of icon Quincy Jones. A unique force in music and popular culture for 70 years, Jones has transcended racial and cultural boundaries; his story is inextricably woven into the fabric of America. Jones came to prominence in the 1950s as a jazz arranger and conductor before working on pop music and film scores. He moved easily between musical genres, producing major pop hits of the early 1960s and serving as an arranger and conductor for several collaborations in the same time period.

Jonathan Harker, a real estate agent, goes to Transylvania to visit the mysterious Count Dracula and formalize the purchase of a property in Wismar. Once Jonathan is caught under his evil spell, Dracula travels to Wismar where he meets the beautiful Lucy, Jonathan's wife, while a plague spreads through the town, now ruled by death.

Max Manus is a Norwegian 2008 biographic war film based on the real events of the life of resistance fighter Max Manus (1914–96), after his contribution in the Winter War against the Soviet Union. The story follows Manus through the outbreak of World War II in Norway until peacetime in 1945.

When socialite and heiress Julie Wardh begins receiving blackmail letters attributed to a mysterious serial killer, she suspects her cruel and sadistic former lover Jean is behind them. With her husband Neil frequently out of town, she falls into the arms of her friend's cousin George, and as the unknown assassin begins to make his move, she fears that one of the three men in her life may be the killer.

A seventeen-year-old boy blackmails his father after discovering his secret second family

Warren Maxwell, the owner of a run-down plantation, pressures his son, Hammond, to marry and produce an heir to inherit the plantation. Hammond settles on his own cousin, Blanche, but purchases a sex slave when he returns from the honeymoon. He also buys his father a new Mandingo slave named Mede to breed and train as a prize-fighter.

On Halloween 1997, two estranged teen skaters embark on a surreal journey through their memories, dreams and fears.

Alice is a withdrawn 12-year-old who lives with her mother and her younger sister, Karen, who gets most of the attention from her mother, leaving Alice out of the spotlight. When Karen is found brutally murdered in a church, suspicions start to turn toward Alice. But could a 12-year-old girl really be capable of such savagery?

Erik Blake zvoláva tri generácie svojej pensylvánskej rodiny na oslavu Dňa vďakyvzdania do bytu dcéry na Manhattane. Keď príde noc a z tmy sa začnú vynárať desivé veci, vyplávajú na povrch aj najhlbšie obavy celého stretnutia...

Two people in love, two apartments - one in Barcelona and another in Los Angeles - and the images of their past, present and future. Can love survive 10,000 km?

Alone, and targeted on an isolated farm, 12 year old Henry finds himself at the center of a maelstrom of terror, and a dark family legacy, when his secretive grandfather dies suddenly in the night.

Hotel Artemis je prísne tajné high-tech zdravotnícke zariadenie, určené výhradne pre bohatú klientelu podsvetia. Manažérka Jean Thomas (Jodie Foster) vládne "hotelu" tvrdou rukou. Jej klienti sú vrahovia, gangsteri a zločinci najťažšieho kalibru. Exkluzívne služby pre pacientov zahrňujú napríklad novú pečeň vytvorenú 3D tlačiarňou. Samozrejme za nie menej exkluzívnu cenu. Po urgentnej hospitalizácii legendárneho zločineckého bossa Oriana Franklina sa z najprv bezpečného miesta pre zločincov stáva to nejnebezpečnejšie.

An Ivy League professor returns home, where his pot-growing twin brother has concocted a plan to take down a local drug lord.

In a near-future city where soaring opulence overshadows economic hardship, Gwen and her daughter, Jules, do all they can to hold on to their joy, despite the instability surfacing in their world.

A young college professor and his pregnant wife unwittingly release a malevolent entity with murderous intentions.

Man’s best friend becomes his worst nightmare when a horde of bloodthirsty wild dogs descends upon a family’s farmhouse in a fang-bearing fight for survival.

A particle physicist grieving over the loss of her husband in a car crash uses a revolutionary machine to bring him back, with dire consequences for her family.

Príbeh šialeného masakru, ktorý sa stal v sedemdesiatych rokoch, a desivých hlasov, ktoré k nemu viedli ... Začínať si s vyvolávaním duchov, keď bývate na indiánskom pohrebisku, nie je ten najlepší nápad. Zvlášť keď bývate v Amityville. Rodine DeFeových sa náhle dejú hrozivé nešťastia a začnú mať podivné vidiny ...

What is supposed to be a marriage boot camp on a remote island turns into the ultimate test for survival when a 6-headed shark starts attacking the beach. Trapped with minimal weapons they try to fight off the shark, but quickly discover that no one is safe in the water or on land.