Mykola 是一个古怪的和平主义者,他希望对人类有用。 当战争在顿巴斯打响时,武装分子杀死了他怀孕的妻子并将他的家烧成平地,米科拉的天真世界正在崩溃。 康复后,他做出了重大决定,并被招募到了一家狙击连。 遇到杀害妻子的凶手后,他情绪崩溃,为敌人布置“狙击恐怖”。 他被自己受了致命伤的导师从一场毫无意义的死亡中救了出来。 朋友的去世留下了“伤疤”,Mykola 准备牺牲自己的生命。

Thomas is a meek man on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Despite his situation he decides to fake a work trip to go to Vallarta to confront Jero, a taxi driver who is sleeping with his wife.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

  1942年,沦陷的斯洛伐克某小镇上,德国人正在主持修建庞大的木制纪念碑,但当地木匠托尼(Jozef Króner 饰)对此并不关心,妻子的唠叨已经让他足够烦恼。托尼的妹妹嫁给军官后生活大有改观,托尼也借妹夫的权利,获赠一纸批文,得到了大街边一家犹太商店的所有权。店主是一位78岁的犹太寡妇劳特曼(Ida Kaminska 饰),耳聋眼花,托尼与她夹缠不清之际始发现这家商店徒有空壳,早已没有多少货物,然而照顾劳特曼可以得到犹太组织的酬劳,托尼于是瞒着妻子在店中帮工,对外却宣称自己是店长。不久,德国人开始把犹太人收押后运往集中营,托尼想要藏起劳特曼,但心中经历着巨大的煎熬。商店外,犹太人在纪念碑下集中出发,商店内,托尼面对不明所以的老妇借酒浇愁……   本片获1966年奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。


8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Five old men and a kid are travelling in a train's cabin without purpose. They travel because it's free and they don't have another place to stay. From their conversations we learn the tragedies of their lives. Also the hidden interlockings of their faith will out slowly.

  讲述一名印度军官假扮学生到学校卧底,目的是保护一名高级军官的女儿。   以华丽梦幻歌舞称奇的印度宝莱坞电影,此次以仿效《不可能的任务》之好莱坞大格局动作及爆破场面,由宝莱坞汤姆克鲁斯沙鲁克罕主演,再创印度电影奇峰。一场电视政见发表会成为充满政治阴谋的刺杀案件,在男主角奉派潜入校园,保护未曾谋面的弟弟与将军的女儿时,急转为洋溢青春趣味的斗智校园喜剧,点缀以性命相交的亲情、友情与爱情,再来个视觉效果与震撼力不亚于好莱坞的大决战场面,娱乐效果百分百。

A nightmarish evening unfolds for David, a former New York Times journalist, when he and his strange new neighbor Robert, accidentally hit a girl on her bike. Buzzed and disoriented, David lets Robert convince him to flee the scene and leave the girl for dead, in order to protect his career. Robert shows no remorse, and in the name of friendship he does unspeakable things to protect the secret. Now that the police are full-on hunting for the hit-and-run killer, things begin to spiral out of control when David’s local newspaper sends him to cover the story where he meets the deceased girl’s sister Vanessa. Despite the circumstances, and her deep desire to find her sister’s killer, the two immediately have a romantic connection, which surprises and haunts David, while pushing Robert to take brutal steps to keep his new friend to himself.


Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...


夜深人静,密林中央,两名男子不打招呼闯入胖胖的家中。他们是流动马戏团的团长和员工,正在寻找逃跑的小老虎。刚好胖胖一家不在,他们走进屋里,看到熊猫一家硕大无比的牙刷和椅子,两人吓得要命。就在此时,熊猫爸爸(熊倉一雄 配音)、米米(杉山佳寿子 配音)、胖胖(丸山裕子 配音)返回。两人被眼前的一幕吓坏了,落荒而逃。吃饱饭的胖胖回房间,发现有人动过他的毛巾、小号,还有人睡在他的床上。原来,那就是马戏团逃跑的小老虎(太田淑子 配音)。新成员的到来,让熊猫一家非常开心。 未过多久,大雨降临,洪水淹没了许多地方。而马戏团的动物也面临生命危险……

Meet the four talented, autistic members of the ASD Band: piano prodigy Ron, with an impeccable memory for reciting the correct day of the week for any date in history; lead singer Rawan, who uses makeup to express herself and can hit an impressively high pitch; Spenser, an energetic drummer with an affinity for punk rock music; and guitarist Jackson, who loves all things 1950s. Their love of music brings them together to form one kick-ass garage band. After releasing a number of covers, the band is now embarking upon the challenging journey of writing their first album of original music. With the guidance of Maury, their musical director, the band's garage sessions segue to the recording studio, where for the first time each member shares their own compositions. Will they be able to pull it off and celebrate the launch with their first-ever public show?

"Maine-Ocean" is the name of a train that rides from Paris to Saint-Nazaire (near the ocean). In that train, Dejanira, a Brazilian, has a brush with the two ticket inspectors. Mimi, another traveler and also a lawyer, helps her. The four of them will meet together later and live a few shifted adventures with a strange-speaking sailor (Mimi's client).

  塞巴斯蒂安国家公园 在美国马里兰州一个名叫克拉里奇的海滨小镇,人们生活悠哉游哉,尽情享受着造物主的恩赐。但是某天,两名潜水人员意外身亡,他们死状恐怖,引发了小镇的恐慌以及政府和科研人员对当地水质的调查和关注。有人对当地养鸡场肆无忌惮向大海排放鸡粪的行为提出指责,也有人信誓旦旦宣称经济与环保齐头并进。但是似乎在某一个时间点,神秘的感染事件大规模爆发,许多人的身上长满疱疹创癣,医院人满为患。未过多久,大规模死亡爆发,另有许多受感染者表现出诡异恐怖的举止。与这起事件有关的影像资料遭到政府封锁,而新闻报道者唐娜•汤普森(凯瑟尔·唐纳荷 Kether Donohue 饰)则担当了这起事件的陈述者……   本片荣获2012年多伦多国际电影节观众选择奖第二名。

Four people plan to rob a bank on new year's eve, when no one will notice because of the celebrations.

This story revolves around a famous poet who meets a woman who is in trouble. In order to treat her, he takes her to Shimla in a big hospital, but soon that woman gets possessed by devil and goes out of control. Now the question remains that what is the relation that poet shares with her which compelled him to go to any extent to save her, why she was possessed by devil and who is the devil.

Catch the spark after dark at Disneyland Park. And say farewell to one of the Magic Kingdom's most celebrated traditions - The Main Street Electrical Parade. Where else, but in The Main Street Electrical Parade, could you see an illuminated 40-foot-long fire-breathing dragon? And hear the energy of its legendary melody one last time? It's unforgettable after-dark magic that will glow in your heart long after the last float has disappeared.