Stāsts par leģendāro britu rokgrupu Queen un viņu līderi Frediju Merkūriju. Dibināta un savos pirmsākumos pastāvējusi tāpat kā daudzas citas muzikālās apvienības, grupa Queen drīz kļūst par īstām rokenrola ikonām, bet viņu dziesmās ieklausās miljoniem fanu visā pasaulē. Filmas darbība aptver 15 gadu periodu – no grupas dibināšanas līdz triumfālajam koncertam festivālā Life Aid.

Ārzemēs dzīvojošs amerikānis cenšas pārdot savu marihuānas impēriju, un te valda viss, kas vien var būt saistīts ar narkobiznesu: šantāža, kukuļdošana, izspiešana un dažnedažādas viltīgas shēmas.

While her son, Kichi, is away at war, a woman and her daughter-in-law survive by killing samurai who stray into their swamp, then selling whatever valuables they find. Both are devastated when they learn that Kichi has died, but his wife soon begins an affair with a neighbor who survived the war, Hachi. The mother disapproves and, when she can't steal Hachi for herself, tries to scare her daughter-in-law with a mysterious mask from a dead samurai.

After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

Profesionālais killeris Džons Viks ir nogalinājis slepenas starptautiskas slepkavu ģildes biedru un tagad ir spiests bēguļot. Par viņa galvu ir izsolīta 14 miljonu dolāru liela atlīdzība, un viņam pēdas dzen pasaules nežēlīgākie un prasmīgākie slepkavas.

A young boy takes interest in piano while his family begins to disintegrate around him after his father loses his job.

Bruņojies ar vienu vārdu – Tenet –, filmas galvenais varonis dodas cīņā, lai novērstu Trešo pasaules karu. Viņa misija ved cauri krēslainajiem starptautiskās spiegošanas koridoriem, un atklājas, ka tā pārkāpj esošā laika rāmjus. Tā nav ceļošana laikā. Tā ir inversija.

Marnie is a thief, a liar, and a cheat. When her new boss, Mark Rutland, catches on to her routine kleptomania, she finds herself being blackmailed.

Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place.

Šis ir stāsts par to, kā bākas uzrauga Toma Karija un Atlantīdas karalienes Atlannas dēls Arturs Karijs kļuva par supervaroni vārdā Akvamens. Būdams pa pusei cilvēks, pa pusei atlantīdietis, Arturs jau pusaudža vecumā bija neticami ātrs un spēcīgs, spēja elpot zem ūdens un sarunāties ar zivīm. Kad viņa pusbrālis Atlantīdas karalis Orms piesaka karu virsūdens pasaulei, Arturam neatliek nekas cits, kā cīnīties pret ļauno radinieku.

A wife, overwhelmed with hatred for her husband, inflicts an unspeakable wound on their son, as the family heads towards horrific destruction.

When a mysterious caller puts a bomb under his car seat, Matt Turner begins a high-speed chase across the city to complete a specific series of tasks- all with his kids trapped in the back seat.

A young woman from the future forces a local gunman to help her stop an impending alien invasion which will wipe out the human race.

The early years of young Michael Myers and the events leading up to his fateful Halloween night murder rampage in the quiet town of Haddonfield, Illinois.

The savage murders of three young children sparks a controversial trial of three teenagers accused of killing the kids as part of a satanic ritual.

Taking place thirty years before the events of Ringu, Ringu 0 provides the shocking background story of how the girl on the video became a deadly, vengeful spirit.

An independent trucker with a pregnant wife fights cargo crooks and the big shot they work for.

Min Ji-Won suffers from amnesia caused by an accident almost a year ago. After the accident, Min Ji-Won is a shy person. Prior to the accident, Min Ji-Won was the leader of a gang of four girl bullies. Through pictures, Min Ji-Won learns about the three other members and she wants to learn what happened to them. While Min Ji-Won attempts to unravel the mystery, her former friends are killed one by one.

Lucie, Ben and William search an old woman's home for a hidden treasure and they encounter a series of supernatural events that change them forever.

A young woman is returned home to her biological parents after living with her abductor for 17 years.