Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.

Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

Encouraged by her managers, rising pop star Mima takes on a recurring role on a popular TV show, when suddenly her handlers and collaborators begin turning up murdered.

With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate man seeks revenge on his captors.

Pirmo reizi uz lielajiem ekrāniem filma par ikonisko Gotemas ļaundari - Džokeru. Arturs Fleks ir vīrs, kurš cenšas atrast savu vietu pilsētas sašķeltajā sabiedrībā. Dienā strādājot par klaunu gadījuma darbos, bet vakaros cenšoties kļūt par atzītu stand-up komiķi, viņš nonāk pie atziņas, ka izjokots tiek viņš pats. Ierauts vienladzības un nežēlības cilkliskajā esamībā, Arturs pieņem vienu sliktu lēmumu, kas uzsāk ķēdes reakciju viņa transformācijā par Džokeru.

To save her father from certain death in the army, a young woman secretly enlists in his place and becomes one of China's greatest heroines in the process.

In 1960s Wyoming, two men develop a strong emotional and sexual relationship that endures as a lifelong connection complicating their lives as they get married and start families of their own.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Susan Morrow receives a book manuscript from her ex-husband – a man she left 20 years earlier – asking for her opinion of his writing. As she reads, she is drawn into the fictional life of Tony Hastings, a mathematics professor whose family vacation turns violent.

James, giving himself 12 months before he has "a license to kill himself," sets off to the Amazon rainforest with hopes of finding a shaman who can save his life.

Patiess stāsts par britu ziņu pienesēju, kurš presē nopludināja informāciju par nelegālu ASV slepenās organizācijas NSA spiegu programmu, kas tika izveidota, lai piespiestu ANO Drošības padomi dot atļauju 2003. gada iebrukumam Irākā.

When Cole returns to Yang's haunted temple to seek revenge on a former Airjitzu Master, he accidentally uses a powerful Dark Magic blade that unleashes the spectral forms of Ninjago's greatest villains and traps himself in the temple. The Ninja must return the ghosts to the Departed Realm before it's too late.

A woman falls victim to a dominant mafia boss, who imprisons her and gives her one year to fall in love with him.

Viņas ir labākās draudzenes ar ļoti labām atzīmēm, bet nelaime tā, ka vidusskolas laikā nav bijis laika izklaidēties. Tāpēc meitenes nolemj izlaiduma vakarā atgūt visu, kas četros gados nokavēts.

Thirty years after serving together in the Vietnam War, Larry, Sal and Richard, reunite for a different type of mission: to bury Doc's son, a young Marine killed in Iraq. Forgoing the burial, the trio take the casket on a bittersweet trip up the coast to New Hampshire - along the way, reminiscing and coming to terms with the shared memories of a war that continues to shape their lives.

In Ramen Heads, Osamu Tomita, Japan's reigning king of ramen, takes us deep into his world, revealing every single step of his obsessive approach to creating the perfect soup and noodles, and his relentless search for the highest-quality ingredients.

Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.

Pagājušā gadsimta 50. gadu Amerika, Konīailendas izklaides parks - uz šī košā un ņirbošā fona risinās spraiga attiecību drāma, kurā cieši savijas četru varoņu dzīves. Džinija ir emocionāli nestabila izbijusi aktrise, kas tagad strādā par viesmīli jūras velšu ēstuvē, viņas prastais vīrs Hamptijs ir karuseļu operators, izskatīgais glābējs Mikijs sapņo kļūt par dramaturgu, bet Kerolaina, Hamptija meita, ilgu laiku bija atsvešinājusies no tēva, bet nu spiesta slēpties viņa dzīvoklī no gangsteriem.

Pirms teju divdesmit gadiem jauns kareivis brīvprātīgi pieteicās eksperimentālā īpašo uzdevumu kaujinieku apmācības programmā. Viņam tika apsolīts, ka tā viņš atriebs sava tēva nāvi un godam kalpos dzimtenei, liekot lietā izcilo intelektu, izveicību un pielāgošanās spējas. Tie bija meli. Un jūs zināt, kas notika tālāk. Džeisonam Bornam ir laiks atgriezties...

After faking his death, a tech billionaire recruits a team of international operatives for a bold and bloody mission to take down a brutal dictator.