Osamu ir jo sūnus, grįždami po kasdienės vagystės namo, randa šaltyje sustirusią keturmetę. Nors Osamu žmona iš pradžių nesiryžta priimti dar vieną valgyti prašančią burną į jau ir taip skurdžią šeimą, prievartos ženklai ant mergaitės kūno padeda apsispręsti. Nors šen bei ten vagiliaudami jie sunkiai suduria galą su galu, šeima gyvena laimingiau už daugelį. Kol netikėta paslaptis tampa rimtu išmėginimu jų bendrystei…

An old man is found dead, and his housekeeper is charged with the murder. Her defense attorney is surprised to learn the only witness to the crime is a teenage girl with autism.

A restauranteur teams up with a police officer and his ex-con brother to avenge the death of a friend's daughter.

A woman with psychic powers has a vision of a murder that took place in a house owned by her husband.

Brad Whitewood Jr. lives in rural Pennsylvania and has few prospects. Against his mother's wishes, he seeks out his estranged father, the head of a gang of thieves in a nearby town. Though his new girlfriend supports his criminal ambitions, Brad Jr. soon learns that his father is a dangerous man. Inspired by the real events that led to the end of the Johnston Gang, who operated in the northeastern United States in the 1970s.

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Six months before his retirement from the criminal police, inspector Joss finds his colleague Gouvion dead, in a poorly faked suicide attempt. Joss loses his temper, and investigates on his own, which leads him through the bas-fond of Paris...

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

When twin girls are found dead in their family’s barn, reality star turned TV-reporter Meredith Phillips and her de-facto camera crew are dispatched to rural Wisconsin to investigate the gruesome deaths. In their relentless drive to break the story, the reporters become entangled in a deadly mystery and uncover the small town’s shocking secret. Edited together from the crew’s multiple cameras, the film documents their struggle to survive the most terrifying night of their lives and becomes the only evidence of a crime too horrific to imagine.

Young-hee, an actress reeling in the aftermath of an affair with a married film director, escapes to Hamburg. But when she returns to Korea and meets with friends for drinks, startling confessions emerge.

Geraldas paveldi seną morgą, tačiau ten randa tūkstančius nesudegintų lavonų. Netrukus įvyksta cheminė avarija ir chemikalai prikelia lavonus naujam gyvenimui. Dabar jam reikės sustabdyti išalkusių zombių armiją.

New York gangster Ben 'Bugsy' Siegel takes a brief business trip to Los Angeles. A sharp-dressing womanizer with a foul temper, Siegel doesn't hesitate to kill or maim anyone crossing him. In L.A. the life, the movies, and most of all strong-willed Virginia Hill detain him while his family wait back home. Then a trip to a run-down gambling joint at a spot in the desert known as Las Vegas gives him his big idea.

Pagal autobiografinį Marguerite Duras romaną „Skausmas“ sukurtas filmas nukelia į nacių okupuotą Prancūziją. Rašytojas Robert’as Antelme’as, svarbus Prancūzijos rezistencijos judėjimo dalyvis, areštuojamas ir išsiunčiamas į koncentracijos stovyklą. Jauna jo žmona, taip pat rašytoja ir pasipriešinimo organizacijos narė Marguerite, yra draskoma nerimo dėl neaiškaus jo likimo ir slaptų santykių su bendru draugu. Išgyvendama nepakeliamą laukimo skausmą Marguerite įsivelia į šiurpą keliantį romaną su vietiniu kolaborantu, tikėdamasi taip priartėti prie Robert’o. Filmo režisierius, kurio seneliai buvo deportuoti Antrojo pasaulinio karo metais, kuria nepaprastai jautrią Duras romano ekranizaciją.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

Eight years after seemingly destroying the killer doll, teen Andy Barclay is placed in a military school, and the spirit of Chucky returns to renew his quest and seek vengeance after being recreated from a mass of melted plastic.

Majestic mountains, a still lake and venomous betrayals engulf a married couple attempting to celebrate their first anniversary.

Ruošiantis bėgti iš Vietnamo, pulkininko Džeimso Bredoko žmona pametė dokumentus ir buvo neįleista į ambasadą. Išėjęs jos ieškoti Bredokas rado tik palaikus su mylimos žmonos papuošalu. Sielvartaudamas pulkininkas vienas išvyko į JAV. Po dvylikos metų valstijose jį aplanko Vietnamo kunigas ir praneša, kad jo žmona gyva, be to, Vietname auga ir jo dvylikametis sūnus. Bredokas negali tuo patikėti, bet kai jį pokalbiui pasikviečia CŽV pareigūnai, Bredokas supranta, kad kunigas nemelavo. Jis ima ruoštis atgal į pavojingąjį Vietnamą, pas savo žmoną ir sūnų.

It's 1999 and over the course of one 12-hour shift at an Arkansas hospital, a junkie nurse, her scheming cousin and a group of black market organ-trading criminals start a heist that could lead to their collective demise.

Cecilia and her son embark on a journey. On the third day, she is found wandering alone, not remembering what happened during this time. She is desperately looking for her son and finds herself wrapped in a brutal hunt, carried out by a religious fanatic, whom she faces off against. To her, he's a lunatic. To him, Cecilia is the enemy.

Ichiro Miki is a child living in the industrial district of Kawasaki, where his parents' constant struggle to make ends meet often leaves the schoolboy alone. Constantly teased by a bully nicknamed Gabara, his only friends are toy consultant Shinpei and fellow classmate Sachiko. Ichiro turns to escapist dreams of Monster Island where he befriends the equally bullied Minilla.