Batman püüab puhastada Gotham City organiseeritud kuritegevusest. Selle ülesande lahendamisel aitavad teda leitnant Jim Gordon ja prokurör Harvey Dent. Kolmik on oma töös väga edukas, kuni saab vastaseks uue superkurjategija, keda tuntakse nimel all Jokker. Viimane paiskab kogu Gothami anarhia küüsi, sundides Batmani sammhaaval lähemale piirile, mis lahutab kangelaslikkust omakohtust.

Ta ärkab ülesse. Ta leiab enda tuppa lukustatuna. Tihti on ta narkojoobes ning ta ajaviitmiseks vaatab ta telekat või mõtleb, kes on kõige selle taga. 15 aasta pärast leiab ta ennast vabadusse pääsenuna sama ootamatult, kui ka vangistus oli seda. Nüüd otsustab ta leida ülesse selle, kes temaga seda tegi ning ta meelel on vaid kättemaks.

Tony Lip, a bouncer in 1962, is hired to drive pianist Don Shirley on a tour through the Deep South in the days when African Americans, forced to find alternate accommodations and services due to segregation laws below the Mason-Dixon Line, relied on a guide called The Negro Motorist Green Book.

In 1930s Korea, a swindler and a young woman pose as a Japanese count and a handmaiden to seduce a Japanese heiress and steal her fortune.

Enam kui kolmkümmend aastat mereväe tipp-lendurina teeninud Pete "Maverick" Mitchell asub koolitama Top Guni lennukooli parimaid erimissiooniks, millesarnast ükski piloot näinudki pole. Seistes silmitsi ebaselge tuleviku ning oma mineviku varjudega, peab Maverick saama jagu enda sügavaimatest hirmudest juhtides missiooni, mis võib nõuda ülimat ohverdust kõigilt, kes sellele valituks osutuvad.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

Esimese maailmasõja haripunktis antakse kahele noorele Briti sõdurile, Schofieldile ja Blake’ile esmapilgul võimatuna näiv ülesanne. Nad peavad kiiresti üle vaenlase territooriumi minema, et kohale viia teade, mis hoiaks ära surmava rünnaku sadadele sõduritele, kelle hulgas on ka Blake’i enda vend.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

Tristan, the son of Meliodas and Elizabeth, inherits the power of the Goddess Clan and can heal people’s wounds and injuries, but he often ends up hurting others due to his inability to control his Demon Clan power. To protect his family, Tristan heads to Edinburgh Castle and meets a host of new friends along the way.

Paul Atreides on nutikas ja andekas noormees, keda ootab talle endale hoomamatu vägev saatus. Oma pere ja rahva tuleviku tagamiseks tuleb tal universumi kõige ohtlikumale planeedile rännata. Kui kurjad jõud asuvad võitlema planeedil asuva hinnalisima ressursi – inimkonna suurima potentsiaali valla päästva eseme - varu pärast, jäävad ellu vaid need, kes suudavad oma hirmudest jagu saada.

In his second year of fighting crime, Batman uncovers corruption in Gotham City that connects to his own family while facing a serial killer known as the Riddler.

Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, learn the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive, and the tragedies they endure.

Kena, moodne ja jõukas Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) on peaaegu täiuslik. Ainukese pisiasjana võib üldmuljet veidi rikkuda see, et tegu on sarimõrvariga. Kuid tema öisest tegevusest ei aima keegi midagi. Mees on rahu ise ja sobib ideaalselt New Yorki igapäevaeluga kokku. Kuid ajapikku on tal üha raskem oma öise ja päevase elu vahele joont tõmmata. Film põhineb kõmuliselt Bret Easton Ellise romaanil.

A young couple travels to a remote island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu, with some shocking surprises.

Tragedy, betrayal and a mysterious discovery fuel a woman's vengeance for the loss of her tribe and family.

Get caught up in the tale of a new stock broker who dreams of becoming rich. Those dreams make him susceptible to a stock market scam that threatens to get him in trouble.

The heir to a noble and influential family finds the love of his life, but she will only accept him if he becomes a kung-fu master. He becomes a legendary folk hero who tries to save the emperor.

A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices—and two strangers appear at their door.

Ex-con Kermek and his beloved Eva want to leave their crime-infested lives on the Kazakh steppes behind. He has a dream: building a movie theater in the mountains. Will Kermek's love of Alain Delon be strong enough to keep them out of the violent clutches of the mafia?