Silvio refuses to fight for the fascists and joins the resistance with Elena. After the war, his vitriolic newspaper articles cause him to be sentenced to imprisonment.

The family of an older man who runs a small sake brewery become concerned with his finances and his health after they discover him visiting an old mistress from his youth.

Georg "Schorsch" Kempter is a gardener in a small Bavarian town, working day-in, day-out in his nursery, which is facing bankruptcy. He doesn't like to talk much. He never has. His marriage has long lost all its magic and on top of that, he has trouble to connect with his daughter. Only when he is flying in his own rickety biplane, Schorsch feels truly free. When the owner of the local golf course tries to cheat Schorsch for his money, claiming the shade of green of the grass Schorsch has planted on the golf course is not right, insolvency seems unavoidable. So just when his airplane is about to be impounded, Schorsch grabs the control stick and flies away in an attempt to save his plane and himself. He embarks onto a journey into the unknown, to places he has never seen before, full of odd and special encounters - and with every take-off and every landing, this tough man's heart slowly warms up to what you might call an idea of happiness.

Juan Manuel Fangio was the Formula One king, winning five world championships in the early 1950s — before protective gear or safety features were used.

David Sieveking left home years ago to make films. Now he has returned – and for a reason: To help his mother, Gretel, who has Alzheimer’s, and relieve her long-time carer and his father Malte for a few weeks. The filmmaker takes on the role of carer and documents this encounter with his camera. Gretel no longer knows the people around her, but her puns and charm have not faded. The time spent with his mother becomes a journey into David’s unexpected family history. Once active in Zurich’s left-wing scene, David’s parents enjoyed a lifelong “open relationship”, characterised by a loving distance and mutual respect. VERGISS MEIN NICHT is a film about dementia, but it’s first and foremost a declaration of a love of life and family.

After destroying his older brother's motorbike in retaliation for his constant bullying, 11-year-old Krishna is sent to a traveling circus to earn money to pay for the bike's repairs, but soon winds up in the streets of Bombay's poorest slums. There, he befriends the drug dealer Chillum and young prostitute Sola Saal, while trying to make enough money at a neighborhood tea stall to repay his debt to his family.

Humanity’s ascent is often measured by the speed of progress. But what if progress is actually spiraling us downwards, towards collapse? Ronald Wright, whose best-seller, “A Short History Of Progress” inspired “Surviving Progress”, shows how past civilizations were destroyed by “progress traps”—alluring technologies and belief systems that serve immediate needs, but ransom the future. As pressure on the world’s resources accelerates and financial elites bankrupt nations, can our globally-entwined civilization escape a final, catastrophic progress trap? With potent images and illuminating insights from thinkers who have probed our genes, our brains, and our social behaviour, this requiem to progress-as-usual also poses a challenge: to prove that making apes smarter isn’t an evolutionary dead-end.

Examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting our present menu of animal-based and processed foods.

Exciting documentary about Katinka Hosszu aka the Iron Lady, 3x Olympic champion, 26x World Champion and world record holder swimmer!

Pregnant again, Ali Wong returns to Netflix in her second original stand-up comedy special and gets real on why having kids is not all it's cracked up to be.

Filmmaker Kip Andersen uncovers the secret to preventing and even reversing chronic diseases, and he investigates why the nation's leading health organizations doesn't want people to know about it.

Koe ikonisen rockbändin tarina dokumentissa, joka sukeltaa pintaa syvemmälle. Todd Haynesin avant-garden hengessä ohjaama kaleidoskooppinen ajankuva yhdistää ennennäkemättömiä haastatteluja sekä arkistojen aarteita.

Ronnie Coleman tunnetaan The Kinginä hyvästä syystä. Hän on 8-kertainen Mr. Olympia -mestari jakaen maailmanennätystittelin voittojen määrällä. Nykyään ollessaan eläkkeellä, hän on käynyt läpi 6 leikkausta, joiden jäljiltä hän ei kykene kävelemään ilman kävelykeppejä, mutta hänen intohimonsa treenata kuin ammattilainen ei ole hävinnyt minnekään. Tutustu hänen uraansa kehonrakennuksen legendana ja seuraa hänen toipumistaan, ensimmäistä kertaa ikinä, pääse tutustumaan todelliseen mieheen The Kingin nimen takana.

Eliska's husband has left her for a younger woman. She is childless, in her early forties, yet still attractive. Till then she had taken care of her successful husband, but now she has to start anew without his financial support. Eliska starts teaching at a local village school. Since she can't find a lodging, she moves to a former morgue. The small house is already occupied by a quirky and grumpy graveyard keeper named Bozicek. Their house sharing leads to a series of comical conflicts, but they eventually fall in love and Eliska proves to her ex-husband that she is able to stand on her own.

Tositapahtumiin pohjaavassa elokuvassa syytön nuorukainen Daniel tuomitaan Thaimaassa sadan vuoden vankeuteen osallisuudesta huumekauppaan. Toimittaja Victor ryhtyy tutkimaan epäilyttävää tapausta. Kun poliisin korruptio alkaa valjeta, Victorin on pelattava vaarallista peliä totuuden paljastamiseksi ja Danielin vapauttamiseksi.

During summer vacation in a beachside town, 16-year-old Deniz seeks the affection of his childhood crush and navigates a love triangle.

Armin, in his fourties, is a freelancer with lots of time and little money. He’s not really happy, but can’t picture living a different life. One morning the world looks the same as always, but mankind has disappeared.

During a scorching summer in a Belgian-Dutch border village, eight teenagers play games of discovery to break the listless monotony. They challenge each other and themselves and pretty soon, their sexual curiosity starts to blur the lines between right and wrong. As innocence is crushed in depraved games and sexual exploitation, the teenagers soon turn into ruthless predators.

THE FOOD CURE presents an intimate portrait of six cancer patients who make the radical decision to turn their backs on conventional medicine and put their faith in a controversial alternative cancer treatment based on food.