Historická freska zachytáva niekoľko epizód zo života maliara ikon Andreja Rubľova. Prostredníctvom portrétu tohto génia podáva pôsobivý obraz ruskej spoločnosti v 15. storočí, v období poznačenom tatárskymi vpádmi, náboženským dogmatizmom a epidémiami. Mierny a citlivý Andrej Rubľov je svedkom búrlivých udalostí drancovania a napokon aj víťazstva nad tatárskou Zlatou Hordou. Sám však nedokáže vo svete poznačenom surovosťou a utrpením tvoriť a tak sa rozhodne pre sľub mlčania. Film je pôsobivou reflexiou o zmysle a význame umeleckej tvorby, o konfrontácii umelca a reality.

Folk comedy that tells the adventures of Ukrainian cossacks Vasyl and Andriy as they set out on a long journey to deliver a letter from their leader to the Russian empress in St. Petersburg.

Every person you meet is fighting a battle you don't know anything about. Lena comes to the countryside to collect and take things out of the house she has sold. neighbor igor interferes with her plans. he sits in a tree around the clock and screams driving lena crazy.

Naruto is thrilled when he is sent on a mission to protect his favorite actress, Yukie Fujikaze, on the set of her new movie, The Adventures of Princess Gale. But when the crew ventures out to film in the icy, foreboding Land of Snow, Yukie mysteriously flees! Naruto and his squad set off to find her... unaware that three Snow Ninja lie in wait, with a sinister purpose that will force Yukie to face her hidden past!

Refusing to allow fate to decide whom she must marry, Princess Songhwa decides to find her own husband. She seeks the help of a man to interpret her marital harmony with four men she wishes to marry.

With new friends in a new kingdom, Barbie learns what it means to be herself when she trades places with a royal lookalike in this musical adventure.

After ten years of doing nothing, Orel and Gringe are in their mid 30s and they struggle to finish their first rap album. Their texts are mostly sex jokes and booze stories and reflect the everyday life they have in a small town from France. The problem is that they never really finished a song and when their producers want to meet, they have to face a new challenge : finish their first song in the next 24h. Their old issues, the fear of failure, their alcoholic friends and annoying girlfriends won't help them to do so, or will they ?

Four mini-movie escapades starring the Minions, with various special guest appearances, all to celebrate the holidays!

Russian army recruits complete training and take their posting in late 1980s Afghanistan, where the insurgents are slowly gaining the upper hand.

Sixteen-year-old servant Greg is in love with Sophia, the daughter of a wealthy merchant. The feeling is mutual but Sophia’s parents want her to marry another - a man of high social standing and low moral values. Greg is forcibly separated from his beloved and made to join General Alexander Suvorov’s army. During the legendary Swiss expedition, Greg earns the respect and loyalty of Suvorov and his men by thwarting a treacherous enemy plot, proving that anyone can be a hero if they are driven by love.

Born for adventure, Lea Clark heads deep into the Brazilian rainforest, where her most exciting story awaits.

Čo majú spoločné Snehulienka, Šípková Ruženka či Popoluška? Všetky sú zaľúbené do Princa Krasoňa. Ešte keď bol malý chlapček, zlomyseľne ho zakliala zlá kráľovná. Odvtedy sa do neho každé dievča v kráľovstve beznádejne zaľúbi. Aby prelomil kliatbu a našiel pravú lásku, vydá sa na dobrodružnú cestu. Spoločnosť mu robí neznámy cudzinec Lenny o ktorom ani netuší, že to v skutočnosti dievča Lenore, prezlečené za chlapca a jediné dievča v krajine na ktorú kliatba neplatí.

An unlikely friendship evolves over one wild night in LA between a struggling journalist and actor Hervé Villechaize, the world's most famous gun-toting dwarf, resulting in life-changing consequences for both.

Escobar, brutálny zločinec, bezohľadný vrah, narkobarón, vládca kokaínového impéria, a zároveň jeden z najbohatších a najnebezpečnejších ľudí planéty tej doby. Pablo, otec, záchranca chudobných, manžel a tiež pozorný milenec. Jednoho musíte nenávidieť, druhého môžete milovať. Novinárka Virgínia Vallejo poznala najskôr Pabla, muža, ktorý stavia domy pre chudobných a dokáže byť zapálený pre vec, i zároveň galantný. Keď objavila Escobara, neľútostného kriminálnika, bolo neskoro. Pablove kriminálne kokaínové kráľovstvo stále rastie, má milióny dolárov, vlastní malú armádu, drogy predáva na tony. Chce stále viac, no jedno mu stále chýba - rešpekt. Rozhodne sa, že si ho vydobyje zabíjaním. Vytúžený rešpekt mu prináša krv a najvyššiu sumu na medzinárodnom zatykači. Jeho meno zrazu znamená strach, krajiny sa zmietajú vo vojne a teroru, do hrobov putujú malí gauneri i vysokí politici. Krvavý pohár pretečie a Escobar sa stáva dôležitým cieľom amerických tajných služieb.

Rusalka, ktorá predstavuje samotné zlo, sa zamiluje do Marininého snúbenca a chce ho od nej odlákať do svojho Mŕtveho kráľovstva pod vodou. Rusalka je mladá žena, ktorá bola pred mnohými storočiami v danom jazere utopená. Marina má iba jeden týždeň na to, aby prekonala svoj strach z hlbokej vody a postavila sa Rusalke v boji o svojho snúbenca.

Cowboys Beauregard Decker and Virgil Blessing attend a rodeo in Phoenix, where Decker falls in love with beautiful cafe singer Cherie. He wants to take Cherie back to his native Montana and marry her, but she dreams of traveling to Hollywood and becoming famous. When she resists his advances, Decker forces Cherie onto the bus back to Montana with him, but, when the bus makes an unscheduled stop due to bad weather, the tables are turned.

Je to jeden z tých neuveriteľných príbehov, ktorý musel byť sfilmovaný. Mladý tučniak Cody Maverick dal zbohom ľadovým planinám domova a vydal sa na exotický ostrov Pin-Gui, aby sa pred davmi fanúšikov a objektívmi kamier zúčastnil surferského šampionátu. Bola z toho veľká sláva, Cody našiel sám seba a tiež kamarátov. Všetci sa teraz vracajú v novom dobrodružstve plnom vysokých divokých vĺn a surferskej zábavy. Cody, kura Joe a plavčíčka Lani sa dajú dokopy s partiou piatich radikálnych surfistov, ktorí sú silní, namachrovaní, namistrovaní a ktorí vyhľadávajú vo vlnách len ten najtvrdší adrenalín. Táto Veľká päťka vezme Codyho a kamošov na cestu na to najlegendárnejšie surfovacie miesto na Zemi, do surferského raja, kde sú vlny naozaj divoké.

A young woman, her new boyfriend and her single mother embark on a sailing adventure to Bermuda. However, when criminals suddenly attack their boat, the pleasure trip turns into a desperate fight for survival and a quest for vengeance.

A well-known art historian, treasure hunter and owner of an unusual car stumbles upon a Templar treasure, which is the key to a great power that can upset the balance of good and evil in the world. Supported by friendly scouts, Mr. Car starts a big race against time and a hostile organization, the stake of which is the heritage of knightly orders.

The film is about a generation of brave and beautiful people who did not see the destruction of the revolution and the chaos of the civil war, who dreamed of building a new life in which there would be no place for death, but only incredible love that opens the way for them to great achievements and discoveries. About exploits and glory, betrayal and loyalty of those who were heroes in heaven and on earth. About the time of immense trials that fell on their short but bright lives. About a woman who was the dream and true love of the Soviet Union.