Suzumiya Haruhi no Gekisou (涼宮ハルヒの激奏, The Extravaganza of Haruhi Suzumiya) was a live concert event held at Omiya Sonic City on March 18, 2007 that featured songs from the anime as well as interviews and skits performed by the voice actors.The MCs for the event were Minoru Shiraishi and Megumi Matsumoto.

The Symphony of Haruhi Suzumiya or The String Performance of Haruhi Suzumiya (涼宮ハルヒの弦奏 Suzumiya Haruhi no Gensou), was an event featuring several songs and background music used in the The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya anime. All of the songs are performed by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, and conducted by Phillip Chu, on April 29, 2009.

Ki-taekin koko nelihenkinen köyhä perhe elää kädestä suuhun halvassa kellarihuoneistossa. Tulevaisuus näyttää synkältä, kunnes onnellisen sattuman ja ystävän suosituksen ansiosta perheen vanhin poika Ki-woo onnistuu saamaan työpaikan varakkaasta Parkin perheestä teini-ikäisen tyttären Da-hyen yksityisenä englanninopettajana. Muodollisen pätevyyden takia Ki-woon sisko Ki-jungin täytyy vain väärentää veljelleen yliopiston päästötodistus. Työpaikka luo toiveita säännöllisistä tuloista. Perheensä suuret odotukset ja väärennetty koulutodistus mukanaan Ki-woo menee varakkaan Parkin perheen kotiin haastatteluun. Eivätkä huijaukset jää siihen, kun kaikille Ki-taekin perheenjäsenille löydetään roolit Parkien yltäkylläisen elämän ympäriltä. Lopulta kahden perheen kohtaaminen käynnistää hallitsemattoman tapahtumaketjun, jolla on arvaamattomia seurauksia.

Four women are waiting for the blue circle and a possible change of their lives.

On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Neuvostoliittolaisohjaaja Andrei Tarkovskin ylistetyssä Stanislav Lemin romaaniin pohjautuvassa tieteiselokuvassa psykologi Kris Kelvin lähetetään Solaris-planeettaa kiertävälle avaruusasemalle tutkimaan sen miehistön salaperäisiä kohtaloita. Hänelle paljastuu pian, että planeetan meri on elävää ainetta, joka toimii kuin jättiläisen aivot. Meri on alkanut vaikuttaa kosmonautteihin luomalla heidän muistoistaan, haaveistaan ja pakkomielteistään eläviä olentoja. Onnistuuko hän itse selviytymään Solariksen vaaroilta?

A fading southern belle moves in with her sister in New Orleans where her ferocious brother-in-law takes stabs at her sanity.

This Surrealist film, with a title referencing the Communist Manifesto, strings together short incidents based on the life of director Luis Buñuel. Presented as chance encounters, these loosely related, intersecting situations, all without a consistent protagonist, reach from the 19th century to the 1970s. Touching briefly on subjects such as execution, pedophilia, incest, and sex, the film features an array of characters, including a sick father and incompetent police officers.

Ricky ja hänen perheensä ovat olleet jo pitkään pulassa velkojensa kanssa. Kun lupaava tilaisuus tehdä lisätienestiä lähettinä ilmaantuu, Ricky tarttuu oljenkorteen. Mutta itsenäiseksi mainostettuun työhön franchise-yrittäjänä kuuluu lukuisia sudenkuoppia. Myös Rickyn vaimon työ hoitajana on raskasta, ja paineiden alla perheen välit alkavat rakoilla.

Shinji and Masaru spend most of their school days harassing fellow classmates and playing pranks. They drop out and Shinji becomes a small-time boxer, while Masaru joins up with a local yakuza gang. However, the world is a tough place.

The Fifth Holy Grail War continues, and the ensuing chaos results in higher stakes for all participants. Shirou Emiya continues to participate in the war, aspiring to be a hero of justice who saves everyone. He sets out in search of the truth behind a mysterious dark shadow and its murder spree, determined to defeat it. Meanwhile, Shinji Matou sets his own plans into motion, threatening Shirou through his sister Sakura Matou. Shirou and Rin Tohsaka battle Shinji, hoping to relieve Sakura from the abuses of her brother. But the ugly truth of the Matou siblings begins to surface, and many dark secrets are exposed.

Aurora Teagarden and her boyfriend Martin are thrilled when they get an unexpected visit from his niece and her new baby. Their excitement is short lived when his niece disappears and the baby is left behind. Once again, Aurora finds herself drawn into a deadly investigation as she risks it all to help Martin reunite with his family.

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

While Aurora "Roe" Teagarden searches for her piece of the American dream, she decides to test the waters of the family business - real estate sales. Only thing is there's a dead body in the first house she shows. When a second body shows up in another home, Roe realizes there's more to real estate than she thought.

When a bumbling New Yorker is dumped by his activist girlfriend, he travels to a tiny Latin American nation and becomes involved in its latest rebellion.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

The war between Euro Britannia and the European Union continues. New orders are given to the W-0 Unit. To land in the middle of the enemy territory as a diversion. The pilots of the W-0 Unit consist only of the commanding officer, Leila, the only surviving Japanese from their last battle, Akito, and the three that escaped from the Eleven ghettos and lived in the underworld, Ryou, Yukiya, and Ayano. With everyone holding their respective expectations, the operation moves forward. On the other side in Euro Britannia, Shin, who made his benefactor commit suicide with the mysterious power of “Geass”, is appointed the leader of the Knights of St. Michael. As Shin steadily advances for the sake of his own ambition, he and his subordinates in the Ashura squad are given orders to deploy. The one that lives in order to fight, and the one that fights in order to live.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.

Michel, a retired math teacher, has lived alone since his wife’s death and occupies his time writing an essay about the beliefs that shape daily life. One day he comes across Dora, a young homeless woman, who shows up injured on his doorstep, and puts her up until she recovers. Her presence brings something new to Michel’s life, but gradually the apartment becomes the site of mysterious happenings.