Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

A compilation of over 30 years of private home movie footage shot by Lithuanian-American avant-garde director Jonas Mekas, assembled by Mekas "purely by chance", without concern for chronological order.

Orfeuksen testamentti oli runoilijan, kuvataiteilijan ja elokuvantekijän Jean Cocteaun (1889-1963) hurmaava hyvästijättö taiteelle, elokuvalle ja ystäville. Elokuvassa kuolemaa lähestyvä runoilija kohtaa unia, muistoja, totta ja tarua elämänsä varrelta. Vanhan miehen nuori mieli on yhä täynnä kokeilunhalua ja leikkisyyttä, mutta mielikuvituksesta nousee myös uudenlaista kirkkautta ja pelkistystä.Cocteau pääsi tekemään viimeistä elokuvaansa täysin vapaasti, Ranskan uuden aallon kannattelemana ja Francois Truffaut'n rahoittamana. Hän nousee kuin feenikslintu tuhkasta ja vaeltaa ajan, paikan ja todellisuuden rajoista piittaamatta läpi elämänsä ja taideteostensa.50 vuotta sitten valmistuneessa elokuvassa esiintyvät päähenkilö Cocteaun lisäksi muun muassa Jean Marais, Pablo Picasso, nuori Jean-Pierre Léaud, Charles Aznavour, Yul Brynner, Édouard Dermithe, Henri Crémieux ja Maria Casarès.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

A young man falls for a young woman on his trip home; unbeknownst to him, her family has vowed to kill every member of his family.

Hiljaisuus päättää Usko-trilogian, johon kuuluvat aiemmin esitetyt Kuin kuvastimessa (1961) ja Talven valoa (1963). Bergmanilaisittain pääosassa on naiskaksikko: toisistaan vieraantuneet sisarukset. He yöpyvät vieraskielisessä pikkukaupungissa, jossa kuolemansairas Ester pyristelee irti pikkusiskostaan Annasta. Niin ikään tuttua ruotsalaismestarin tyyliä on seksuaalisuuden ja kuoleman ikiaikainen liitto, jossa kielellä on oma musertava osansa.

When a theater troupe's master visits his old flame, he unintentionally sets off a chain of unexpected events with devastating consequences. A remake of Ozu's own silent film The Story of Floating Weeds (1934).

This biblical drama from the Catholic Marxist director focuses on the teachings of Jesus, including the parables that reflect their revolutionary nature. As Jesus travels along the coast of the Sea of Galilee, he gradually gathers more followers, leading him into direct conflict with the authorities.

The two remaining puppets learn about eating healthy, but things go awry when they receive a mysterious phone call.

A dream-like narrative in which a woman (Deren), is washed up on a beach and goes on a strange journey, a quest for personal identity, encountering other people and other versions of herself.

Two young Chicago hoodlums, Tom Powers and Matt Doyle, rise up from their poverty-stricken slum life to become petty thieves, bootleggers and cold-blooded killers. But with street notoriety and newfound wealth, the duo feels the heat from the cops and rival gangsters both. Despite his ruthless criminal reputation, Tom tries to remain connected to his family, however, gang warfare and the need for revenge eventually pull him away.

Ranskalaisen elokuvan suurin seksisymboli Brigitte Bardot ja uuden aallon radikaalein älykköohjaaja Jean-Luc Godard tekivät vuonna 1963 yhdessä häikäisevän kauniin elokuvan, joka kertoo halveksunnaksi muuttuvasta rakkaudesta, avioliiton hajoamisesta ja elokuvien tekemisestä.Elokuva perustuu Alberto Moravian romaaniin Keskipäivän aave (Il disprezzo, 1954). Suomessa elokuvaa on esitetty aiemmin myös nimellä Sen täytyi tapahtua.

On the night of August 24, 1944, the fate of Paris rests with General von Choltitz, who plans to destroy the city on Hitler's orders. As the general prepares to detonate explosives throughout the capital, Swedish consul Raoul Nordling uses diplomacy in a desperate bid to convince him to defy the orders and save Paris.

Grindhouse combines Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror, a horror comedy about a group of survivors who battle zombie-like creatures, and Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof, an action thriller about a murderous stuntman who kills young women with modified vehicles. It is presented as a double feature with fictitious exploitation trailers before each segment.

Spoiled playboy Henry van Cleve dies and arrives at the entrance to Hell, a final destination he is sure he deserves after living a life of profligacy. The devil, however, isn't so sure Henry meets Hell's standards. Convinced he is where he belongs, Henry recounts his life's deeds, both good and bad, including an act of indiscretion during his 25-year marriage to his wife, Martha, with the hope that "His Excellency" will arrive at the proper judgment.

Frustrated with her mundane life, a Tokyo office worker becomes obsessed with a fictional movie that she mistakes for a documentary. Fixating on a scene where stolen cash is buried in North Dakota, she travels to America to find it.

Kaksi uhkapeluria lähtee pelimatkalle kiertämään Etelän osavaltioita muuttaakseen onnensa suunnan ja velkansa rahoiksi.

Mangin, a police inspector in Paris, leans hard on informants to get evidence on three Tunisian brothers who traffic in drugs. He arrests one, Simon, and his girl-friend Noria. Simon's brothers go to their lawyer. He springs Noria, who promptly steals 2 million francs that belong to the Tunisians. They suspect her of the theft; her life as well as the lawyer's is in danger. Meanwhile, Noria is playing with both the lawyer and Mangin's affections. Mangin is mercurial anyway: intimidating and bloodying suspects, falling for a police commission trainee before flipping for Noria, wearing his emotions on his sleeve. Can he save the lawyer and Noria, and can he convince her to love?

Köyhä taiteilija Ashley ja varakas kotirouva Veronica olivat ystäviä yliopistossa, mutta heidän polkunsa eivät ole sittemmin kohdanneet. Kun Ashley on tarjoilijana eräässä tilaisuudessa, hän törmää Veronicaan. Veronica on menestynyt elämässään eikä malta ola huomauttamatta Ashleylle siitä, että tämä on jäänyt polkemaan paikoilleen. Ashley antaa takaisin samalla mitalla - ja kissatappelu voi alkaa!