The path of the acclaimed icon of Italian ballet, Carla Fracci, a woman who managed to overcome professional and human challenges, building a brilliant career and a family.

Everything is on autopilot. A bicycle propels forward with no rider and adolescent boys make internet videos. At home, Mark's family drifts in isolation, escaping the lazy afternoon, when reality circles back.

In danger of losing his business, Anthony Roca, an ordinary man, develops a scam that will become the heist of the century. Overtaken by the crime, he will have to deal with betrayal, murder and settling.

Three years after simultaneously parting with a philanderer husband and experiencing a dramatic fall during a horse jumping contest, Alexandra Balzan, a Parisian architect, regains an appetite for life and love after a chance encounter with an aging misanthrope of a master horseman and his horse

Young and extremely talented dancer Yulya Olshanskaya from a small mining town draws a “happy ticket”: she is noticed by a former ballet dancer Pototsky and he promises her a future of great ballerina, worthy of the main stage of the country. However, in order to become a diamond, anyone, even the most outstanding brilliant, needs to be cut, and the way to the legendary stage of The Bolshoi Theatre for Yulya lies through the walls of the ballet school, where the more capricious teacher Galina Mikhailovna Beletskaya takes custody of the rebellious provincial. Turning into a prima will require incredible self-denial, and Yulya herself will have to make sure that the big ballet is not only the whiteness of the packs, the gold of the boxes and the slip of silk ribbons. But no obstacles will stop the one who has the big dream.

Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the man who raised him, he quietly sets out to find his biological father, and succeeds in locating Joseph, an endearing old codger he takes a liking to. Just when things look settled, another unexpected “bomb” hits Erwan in the form of Anna, an elusive nymph.

Lämmin ja inhimillinen komedia nuoresta naisesta, joka yrittää nousta kuuluisan isänsä varjosta ja saavuttaa tämän hyväksynnän

A violinist looks to inspire his students at a challenging music school.

Four-year-old Alice Leroy disappeared on a beach, assumed to have drowned. Eleven years later, Alice reappears.

Lanny Morris ja Vince Collins ovat 50-luvun Amerikan suosituin koomikkopari ja uransa huipulla, kun heidän hotellihuoneestaan löytyy kuollut kaunotar. Kummallakin on vedenpitävä alibi, eikä kumpikaan joudu syytteeseen, mutta miesten maine on mennyttä. Samalla tuhoutuu myös menestyksekäs yhteinen ura ja kumpikin lähtee omille teilleen. 15 vuotta myöhemmin nuori toimittaja Karen O'Connor päättää tehdä vanhasta tarinasta jymyjutun ja alkaa tonkia asiaa. Mutta mitä syvemmältä Karen kaivaa, sitä vaikeampi hänen on hyväksyä totuutta.

Aurore has separated, just lost her job, and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.

Tyttöystävä löytää Mathiaksen taskusta hääsuunnittelijan käyntikortin. Ei aikaakaan, kun Mathias on kihloissa – ja hänen rakastajattarensa palkattu hääsuunnittelijaksi!

Kun kahden lapsen äiti Myriam päättää palata töihin miehensä vastahakoisuudesta piittaamatta, pariskunta alkaa etsiä lastenhoitajaa. Hyvin tarkan valintaprosessin jälkeen he päätyvät lopulta täydelliseen kandidaattiin, Louiseen, itsevarmaan 40-vuotiaaseen naiseen, josta vanhemmat ja lapset pitävät välittömästi. Louisen tehdessä itsestään korvaamattoman perheelle hänen häiritsevät piirteensä alkavat nousta esiin, ja hänen käytöksensä alkaa käydä yhä pelottavammaksi.

At 33, Arman has decided to change his life. He starts by running. It’s a good start. Amélie carries on with her life. She runs, as well. The first encounter is a shock. The second is a stab in the heart.

When Gino meets racing driver Bénédicte, it's love at first sight. But Gino has a secret. The kind of secret that can endanger their lives.

A middle-class house in the middle of nowhere. A council estate in Sète. A mother and daughter. Two childhood friends. A vanishing. Blackmail. A clash between two worlds.

When an accident causes a woman to lose her memory, her husband Jack does everything in his power to keep her from remembering that they are total opposites and that their marriage is doomed. Now Jack is hoping for a second chance, and a little Christmas magic, to help rekindle their relationship and fall in love all over again.

20-year-old Margaux makes the acquaintance of 45-year-old Margaux: they have a lot in common – so much so that it turns out they are one and the same person, at two different ages and stages of their life…

The wife of a successful chef feels unfulfilled in her rôle as dining-room hostess and consults career counselor, who is herself dissatisfied by her useful but mundane place in the scheme of things. Without meaning to, the two women find their lives growing tangled together, with ever more complex tragicomic consequences.

Sybille, an accomplished actress, is given the chance to direct a film based on her own screenplay. Everything seems to go well at first. Her producers, two sisters, are two wacky but lovable characters, and Sybille dives into the adventure with them, putting aside her family life. But, from the unlikely choice of actresses, the successive rewrites of the script and the financial issues, the wonderful dream turns into a nightmare. Ever the optimist, Sybille will realise too late that her whimsical and totally crazy producers are going to drag her in their madness ... One thing is certain, nothing will happen as planned.