The first Swedish language stage version of Chess, starring Helen Sjoholm as Florence Vaszi. Josefin Nilsson as Svetlana Sergievskaja, Tommy Korberg as Anatolij Sergievskij, Anders Ekborg as Freddie Trumper and Per Myrberg as Alexander Molokov. The cast sing new lyrics in Swedish ( written by Rudolfson, Jan Marks and Bjorn Ulvaeus) to tell a new version of the everchanging Chess story. A few new songs have been included (Chess continues to be a work in progress.) This version premiered in February 2002 at the Cirkus Theatre in Stockholm.

Recorded at Carnegie Hall, New York City in 1982, released in 1983. Most of the material comes from his A Place for My Stuff, the album released earlier that same year. The final performance of "Seven Dirty Words," his last recorded performance of the routine, features Carlin's updated list.

Филм представља страствену љубавну причу између двоје људи који се због различитог порекла и темперамента, на први поглед чине неспојиви, али су ипак судбински предодређени једно за друго. Све се дешава у време хладног рата педесетих година прошлог века у Пољској, Берлину, Југославији и Паризу, и описује немогућу љубав у немогућа времена.

A neo-nazi sentenced to community service at a church clashes with the blindly devotional priest.

Када наоружана, маскирана банда заузима Менхетн банку, блокира врата и узима таоце, детектив задужен за преговоре долази преокупиран оптужбама о корупцији за које му се суди.

German musician Alexander Hacke explores Istanbul's rich music culture and attempts to create a portrait of Turkey through music genres. On this journey, he encounters a mosaic that covers countless genres from rock to arabesque, electronic to hip-hop.

Џулија је новинарка у данашњем Паризу која истражује егзодус Јевреја у том граду. Не слутећи ништа, усељава се са мужем у нови стан, за који се испоставља да је заправо припадао једној јеврејској породици која је депортована. Након тог сазнања, она копа дубље, истражује откуд тај стан у рукама породице њеног мужа и сазнаје мрачну причу тог стана и мрачну судбину јеврејске породице која је у њему живела…

A husband is on trial for the attempted murder of his wife, in what is seemingly an open/shut case for the ambitious district attorney trying to put him away. However, there are surprises for both around every corner, and, as a suspenseful game of cat-and-mouse is played out, each must manipulate and outwit the other.

On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their presence there dates back a thousand years or more to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. From then on, Whangara chiefs, always the first-born, always male, have been considered Paikea's direct descendants. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny.

After World War II, Antonia and her daughter, Danielle, go back to their Dutch hometown, where Antonia's late mother has bestowed a small farm upon her. There, Antonia settles down and joins a tightly-knit but unusual community. Those around her include quirky friend Crooked Finger, would-be suitor Bas and, eventually for Antonia, a granddaughter and great-granddaughter who help create a strong family of empowered women.

Elisabeth leaves her abusive and drunken husband Rolf, and goes to live with her brother, Göran. The year is 1975 and Göran lives in a commune called Together. Living in this leftist commune Elisabeth learns that the world can be viewed from different perspectives.

Fifty years into the future, the sun is dying, and Earth is threatened by arctic temperatures. A team of astronauts is sent to revive the Sun — but the mission fails. Seven years later, a new team is sent to finish the mission as mankind’s last hope.

Two couples disintegrate when they begin destructive adulterous affairs with each other.

In the bleak days of the Cold War, espionage veteran George Smiley is forced from semi-retirement to uncover a Soviet mole within his former colleagues at the heart of MI6.

Paul Exben is a success story – partner in one of Paris's most exclusive law firms, big salary, big house, glamorous wife and two sons straight out of a Gap catalog. But when he finds out that Sarah, his wife, is cheating on him with Greg Kremer, a local photographer, a rush of blood provokes Paul into a fatal error.

U-CARMEN is a feature film based on Georges Bizet's 19th-century opera that was filmed on location in a modern South African township setting. The energy, compassion, and heat of township life in all its elements create a constantly visually interesting and dynamic background for the unfolding of the story, which owes part of its huge popularity to the thrilling combination of a violent gangster tale with a passionate, almost supernatural love story. As it unfolds, it explores issues of fame and wealth, the position of a strong and independently minded woman in a very masculine society and, perhaps most importantly, the incomprehensible attraction between abuser and victim. Bizet's opera, based on Prosper Merimée's novel, premiered in Paris on March 3, 1875. Set in a poor area of Seville, the story of the magnetic woman who seduces, loves, and ultimately destroys her lover and herself...

Од када зна за себе средњошколац Нејтан Харпер имао је нелагодан осећај да живи нечији туђ живот. Када на једном интернет сајту за несталу децу налети на слику себе као малог дечака, сви његови најмрачнији страхови се обистињују: Схвата да његови родитељи нису његови и да је његов живот лаж, и то пажљиво осмишљена како би сакрила нешто још тајанственије и опасније него што је икада замишљао.

After finding out that her husband cheated on her, Lise and her two daughters Ditte and Sigrid decides to go on vacation to Malta. The two sisters are very different and tries to cheer the mother up in very different ways. All inclusive is a movie about love and figuring out how to be a family.

After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.

A life-affirming story about how the power of love, music and dance can change people. This is a standalone sequel to "As it is in Heaven" by director Kay Pollak.