
拥有不死之身的死侍韦德·威尔森(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)继续在惩恶扬善、毒舌嘴贱的路上绝命狂奔,与此同时他和女友瓦内莎(莫蕾娜·巴卡林 Morena Baccarin 饰)的爱情逐渐升华,两人全新期待新生命的到来。谁知命运难测,因瓦内莎意外身亡,韦德万念俱灰,绝望地渴求生命的终结。在他最失落的时候,钢力士和少年弹头等将他领走,成为 X 战警中的一员。在某次行动中,死侍因袒护暴走的 14 岁变种人拉塞尔(朱利安·迪尼森 Julian Dennison 饰)而随同对方被关入冰盒监狱。没过多久,来自未来的电索(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)闯入监狱,意图杀死在未来引起无数灾难的拉塞尔。为了阻止电索,逃离监狱的死侍找到一群战友与之对抗,而拉塞尔则朝着黑暗渐渐远去……

现在是夏天,鸣人和帮派正在执行任务。 他们最新的任务是护送瀑布隐村的首领。 但是当卡卡西被召回木叶参加紧急上忍会议时,他把鸣人和帮派留在了后面。 与此同时,在一个失踪的忍者的带领下,对瀑布隐村发起了进攻,将其曾经最强的上忍处死。 这一切都是为了得到“英雄之水”,让你的脉轮倍增十倍,换来你的生命。 鸣人和这帮人被迫与敌人战斗,以消除瀑布隐村的威胁



与孙悟空和贝吉塔等龙珠战士的一役结束,伤痕累累的布洛迪乘球星飞船追踪来至地球,却因伤势过重昏迷过去,被冰封于山谷之中。   许多年过去,老一辈龙珠战士开始退居幕后,悟天、特兰克斯和比迪丽寻找散落各地的龙珠。三人路过一个山村,这里连年遭受天灾,村民认为惹恼了山中的恶魔,于是希望献上童女高高以平息恶魔的诅咒。悟天等人为救高高,答应帮村民除掉恶魔,却撞见了从沉睡中苏醒的布洛迪。一场大战在所难免…

为了帮好朋友小萌(冈本玲 饰)出气,独自在公寓居住的高中女生西森葵(刚力彩芽 饰)找到学校头号帅哥久我山柊圣(山崎贤人 饰)理论,结果不慎将对方弄伤。小葵好不容易将柊圣带到家中,却发现这个坏心眼的男生就住在自己隔壁。葵帮柊圣做饭时不慎引发火灾,无处居住的柊圣自顾自住进西森家中,两个高中生就这样展开别别扭扭的同居生活。柊圣似乎尤其喜欢捉弄小葵,而小葵对之也从最初的厌恶悄悄转为喜欢。在此期间,一直照顾小葵的大学生三条亘(桐山涟 饰)和柊圣的前女友水野樱月(石桥杏奈 饰)相继出现,在两个当事人交替激起波澜……

Amelia Lewis is super excited when she buys an available storefront, planning to open a year-round Christmas shop. But her celebration comes to a screeching halt when she discovers that Vic Manning has also bid on the property. After continually bickering and trying to one-up each other, the two combatants learn to work together and even get the merchants on Main Street to put aside their differences for the greater good.

Journalist Roma Singh is the daughter of a jailer. While taking a tour of the jail, she is molested by some of the inmates, and an inmate, Vishal Agnihotri comes to her assistance. She finds out that Vishal is in for four homicides, and decides to investigate further. She finds out, with the help of the owner of her publications, Jindal that Vishal was compelled to take the law in his own hands when the courts failed to punish the assailants of his sister and sweetheart. Soon, Vishal is released from prison, and begins to work for Jindal. It is then that he realizes that he has just walked from a walled prison, to an open prison, as the truth behind his release slowly but surely starts to dawn on him.

The story of an abused young man who decides to take matters into his own hands, but...

Sharpay被星探邀请去纽约参加由她的偶像Amber Lee主演的百老汇歌剧的试镜,然而她的父亲却不放心女儿的前程,于是Sharpay与父亲达成协议:一个月内在纽约发展成功,否则就要回来一直为父亲的乡村俱乐部工作!Sharpay为了证明自己,请诸多朋友帮自己打点了去纽约的行程。就在她信心满满的带着宠物狗Boi来到纽约的时候,却因为自己预定的豪华顶层公寓不允许带狗而被赶上了纽约的街头。这时Sharpay母亲朋友的儿子Peyton出现了,他为她安排了自己的工作室作为暂时的容身之处,Sharpay对于工作室的简陋感到非常不满。 试镜的时候Sharpay才得知剧组要的演员只是她的狗Boi。对此万分失望的Sharpay开始自暴自弃,Peyton鼓励了她,于是Sharpay开始努力将Boi培养成百老汇明星。然而她却面临着更多的挑战,另一只实力雄厚的狗公爵夫人也在与Boi竞争这个角色。她为了让Boi得到这个角色,开始低声下气的为主演Amber Lee工作。然而她却发现自己的偶像Amber Lee只是个以自我为中心、只会利用别人抬高自己的自恋狂。Sharpay开始了对付Amber Lee的报复计划…… Amber Lee的真面目最终被Sharpay揭穿。Amber Lee歇斯底里地离开了剧组,而Sharpay和父亲协议中的一个月也即将到期。她收拾东西,准备绝望的回家。Peyton赶到了正为没有音乐剧主演而发愁的百老汇剧组,向他们推荐了Sharpay,剧组被Sharpay的表演和音乐剧天赋而折服,决定录用她。 最终Sharpay成为了音乐剧明星,而她也在纽约和Peyton找到了爱情。

A group of friends, who love to make bets with one another, play a prank that goes horribly wrong when one of them is murdered.

A young boy escapes his troubled home, finding solace I in boxing at an army hostel, where he channels his pain into strength to protect his family.

Once known for his intellectual prowess, a retired professor (Anupam Kher) begins experiencing memory gaps and periods of forgetfulness. But while he tries to laugh it off, it soon becomes clear that the symptoms are a sign of a more serious illness, prompting his grown daughter (Urmila Matondkar) to move in as his caretaker. Meanwhile, as his mind regresses, he recalls a traumatic childhood memory involving the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

  讲述埃利奥特和他们所有的森林朋友一个全新的冒险,因为森林里其它的动物们都在为各种各样的事情而繁忙,所以Boog他决定自己旅行,一个酷似马戏团的灰熊,接管他的位置。 《丛林大反攻3》剧照(8张)   布格的朋友准备把他从俄国旅行马戏团带回家。一连串有趣的事情。

On Christmas Eve in the Spanish quarter of L.A. police try to arrest a couple running a shady floor show. Hiding in a church, the young woman finds an abandoned baby and uses it as cover to escape capture.

西努(瓦伦·达万 Varun Dhawan 饰)样貌英俊帅气,在校园中人气很高,然而,西努的成绩却糟糕透顶,但凡遇到考试,他必然是红灯高挂。为了完成学业,西努远赴班加罗尔大学继续深造,在那里,西努邂逅了名为苏妮娜(伊利亚娜·狄克鲁兹 Ileana D’Cruz 饰)的美丽女孩。 单纯的西努很快就坠入了情网,对苏妮娜展开了热烈的追求,然而,正当他认为自己终会抱得美人归之时,却意外得到了苏妮娜遭人绑架的噩耗。绑架苏妮娜的,是名为艾莎(娜姬丝·法赫里 Nargis Fakhri 饰)的女孩,艾莎是黑帮老大的女儿,身家背景十分高深莫测,而艾莎显然十分中意西努,三人被卷入了复杂的感情漩涡之中。

A mentally challenged man fights his former father-in-law for custody of his daughter.

Ranjit is the right-hand man of a gangster named "Uncle". He has been working for him since he was a runaway child, and excels in all of kinds of criminal activities, currently managing a night-club called "Playboy". He meets with beautiful Anju and both fall in love with each other. Then he finds out that Anju is not who she claims to be but someone hired by Pratap to be close to him, entrap him, and get him killed. But that does not happen, Ranjit survives, rescued by Anju, and he helps her free her brother, Rakesh, from Pratap's clutches. Then some priceless jewelery is placed on display, and a number of gangsters decide to try and steal them, knowing fully well that there is a 24 hour police guard, as well as an alarm system. It is after this robbery that the past will be re-visited and it is then a number of people, on whom Ranjit has depended upon, will come to know of his real background, including the murder he committed before he started his career as a criminal.