The first movie in a trilogy, focusing on the battle against the Takahashi brothers. High school student Takumi Fujiwara works as a gas station attendant during the day and a delivery boy for his father's tofu shop during late nights. Little does he know that his precise driving skills and his father's modified Toyota Sprinter AE86 Trueno make him the best amateur road racer on Mt. Akina's highway. Because of this, racing groups from all over the Gunma prefecture issue challenges to Takumi to see if he really has what it takes to be a road legend.

Kako, a 16-year-old high school girl, goes to a mixer pretending to be 22. While there, she meets Kouta who at first has a very intimidating aura. But once he saves her from an awkward situation, she wants to know more about him as does he. That is until he finds out she isn't 22. The next day Kako runs into him again, but this time he's working as a police officer. Kako still wants to get closer to Kouta, but he isn't interested or is he?

Union, o avocata de succes, se indragosteste de Elba, un barbat cu mari dificultati financiare, tata singur a trei copii. Lucrurile iau o turnura urata cand fosta sotie a lui Elba ameninta sa ii ia copiii.

Wealthy socialite Charlotte Cartwright and her dear friend Alice Pratt, a working class woman of high ideals, have enjoyed a lasting friendship throughout several decades. Recently, their lives have become mired in turmoil as their adult children’s extramarital affairs, unethical business practices, and a dark secret threaten to derail family fortunes and unravel the lives of all involved. Charlotte and Alice decide to take a breather from it all by making a cross-country road trip in which they rediscover themselves and possibly find a way to save their families from ruin.

Cunoscutul fotograf Richard Billingham debutează în lung metraj cu acest portret de familie inspirat de propriile amintiri despre copilăria lui din West Midlands, de la finalul anilor 1970 și începutul anilor 1980, și despre părinții lui în anii 1990. Billingham revede figurile din fotografiile sale timpurii – pe tatăl lui alcoolic, Ray, pe Liz, mama lui fumătoare, și pe Jason, fratele lui mai mic - și prezintă o serie de scene de familie unde viața, trăită la marginea societății, și tabuurile sociale pot scăpa rapid de sub control.

At the age of 17, Griselda Blanco, made her way to the U.S. with a fake passport with her first husband Carlos. Living in Queens with her three sons, Griselda became enticed by the money the drug world offered, and quickly became embroiled with local drug runners. Griselda masterminded the use of beautiful women, the elderly and children as the mules and created false-bottom suitcases to smuggle cocaine from Colombia.

Judith has known her husband Brice since they were children, but now their marriage is growing stale. Having just completed her graduate work in psychotherapy, she's eager to begin a career as a marriage counselor. She takes an internship at a matchmaking firm for millionaires and meets Harley, a charismatic billionaire investor who makes no effort to hide his attraction to Judith. Although quite resistant at first, eventually Judith succumbs to his charms, placing her marriage in jeopardy and forever altering the course of her life.

Madea dispenses her unique form of holiday spirit on rural town when she's coaxed into helping a friend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the country for Christmas.

A giant stone statue comes to life to protect the residents of a small town against the depradations of an evil warlord.

Famed architect Jeremy Angust is approached on his trip to the Paris Airport by a chatty girl named Texel Textor who needs a ride. He obliges and after they part ways at the airport entrance, he misses his flight. As he settles in the lounge, he encounters the mysterious young Texel again, who insists on telling her strange story — and the conversation grows stranger and more twisted until it turns sinister and deadly.

Thomas, un fost agent federal trebuie să renunțe la programul de protecție a martorilor și să iasă din ascunzătoare, atunci când casă să din Londra este invadată din cauza unei adrese eronate. În urmă pierderilor substanțiale din rândurile invadatorilor, aceștia decid să pornească o vânătoare acerbă, trimițând în acest sens asasinul cel mai periculos din Europa, pentru a-l anihila. Acum devenit pradă, cu viața fiicei sale în pericol, un tată determinat trebuie s-o pună la adăpost pe această, înainte că prădătorul să-i dea de urmă…

Comedian and actor Chris D’Elia, known for his dynamic physical comedy, explains why the NFL would be way more entertaining if it were real lions, bears and Vikings battling each other, that babies are the worst prize ever, and that you should never ask a Cuban directions unless you’re ready for the best time of your life.

A sexual wellness company gains fame and followers, then members come forward with shocking allegations.

Embittered by Superman's heroic successes and soaring popularity, Lex Luthor forms a dangerous alliance with the powerful computer/villain Brainiac. Using advanced weaponry and a special strain of Kryptonite harvested from the far reaches of outer space, Luthor specifically redesigns Brainiac to defeat the Man of Steel.

Paris, 1964. The Swiss sculptor and painter Alberto Giacometti, one of the most accomplished and respected artists of his generation, asks his friend, the American writer James Lord, to sit for a portrait, assuring him that it will take no longer than two or three hours, an afternoon at the most.

Shaun Russell takes her son and daughter on a weekend getaway to her late father's secluded, high-tech vacation home in the countryside. The family soon gets an unwelcome surprise when four men break into the house to find hidden money. After managing to escape, Shaun must now figure out a way to turn the tables on the desperate thieves and save her captive children.

After a frantic suicide attempt, Veronika awakens inside a mysterious mental asylum. Under the supervision of an unorthodox psychiatrist who specializes in controversial treatment, Veronika learns that she has only weeks to live.

Când infidelitatea unei femei și a iubitului ei este descoperită, ei sunt forțați să participe la un joc ciudat al celui care i-a prins ca să-și salveze membrii familiei. Excursia lor de weekend se transformă într-un coșmar al jocurilor minții, iar ei vor face orice ca să supraviețuiască. Adevăr, minciuni, iubire și ură – toate se întâlnesc în acest thriller exploziv.

Când fratele ei, Charlie, dispare pe neașteptate în universul magic Playmobil, Marla e nevoită să pornească în călătoria vieții ei pentru a-l aduce înapoi. Dar, pentru că e complet nepregătită pentru această aventură într-o lume complet nouă, Marla va trebui să accepte să facă echipă cu noii ei prieteni, cunoscuți pe drum: Del, vorbărețul șofer de camion, Rex Dasher, fermecătorul agent secret, un robot complet disfuncțional, dar cu o inimă mare, o zână extravagantă, și mulți alții.În această aventură care ne va ține cu sufletul la gură, Marla și Charlie vor descoperi că, oricum s-ar juca viața cu tine, cel mai important e să crezi în tine, ca să reușești ce ți-ai propus!

William Friedkin attends an exorcism with Father Gabriele Amorth, as he treats an Italian woman named Cristina for the ninth time. Prior to filming, Cristina had purportedly been experiencing behavioural changes and “fits” that could not be explained by psychiatry, and which became worse during Christian holidays.