The newly-regenerated Doctor arrives in Victorian London, and Clara Oswald struggles to embrace the man he has become. All the while, they reunite with the Paternoster Gang to investigate a series of combustions that have been occurring all around the city.
Úspěšný obchodník s uměním Ron Hall a jeho žena Debbie vedou zdánlivě dokonalý život. Když jsou však jejich víra a rodina podrobeny zkoušce, nečekané pouto s bezdomovcem je zavede na pozoruhodnou cestu, na níž se zrodí přátelství na celý život.
A delirious young woman feels trapped in a remote mansion at the mercy of a madman.
Všichni v italské vesnici Torresecca vědí, že je rodina Tucciových chudá. Její členové se však navzdory zoufalému nedostatku peněz snaží být šťastní. To všechno se změní v den, kdy vyhrají v loterii sto milionů eur. Přestěhují se do luxusního hotelového apartmá v Miláně a začnou utrácet jako šílení. A tak je na jejich novém majordomovi, aby jim vysvětlil, že být v dnešní době bohatý neznamená to, co představují – žádná drahá Ferrari, nýbrž kola, žádná opulentní jídla, ale veganská strava, a tak dále. A když se jeden ze členů rodiny zamiluje do servírky, která nenávidí bohaté lidi, Tucciovi začnou předstírat, že jsou zase chudí. Díky všem zmatkům, které obklopují jejich nově nabyté bohatství, si rodina začne uvědomovat, že ať už chudí nebo bohatí, nejšťastnější jsou ve chvíli, kdy mohou být spolu a sami sebou.
Barbara wants nothing more than to be a grandmother. When her son, Ethan, meets Kendall, a divorced mother of two, Barbara quickly becomes an ever-present force in their lives. Unannounced visits escalate to murder, and Barbara will do anything to protect her relationship with her grandchildren. With her life in danger, Kendall must outsmart her mother-in-law to save her children and expose Barbara for who she really is… before it’s too late.
After winning the Nobel Prize, Giovanni Passamonte decides to drive to Stockholm with his sons and assistant rather than fly.
A beautiful girl Rosina lives In Rome. Her husband is strong as a bull and jealous as Shakespeare's Othello. Once the husband of Rosina kills a wealthy aristocrat, who sang the serenade to his wife, and now he is hiding from justice.
Jacopo has a serious problem. He may be a brilliant marriage guidance counsellor, but he can never manage to have a steady relationship for more than two weeks. And for good reason: since he was very young, Jacopo has been cursed and brought bad luck to every woman who has fallen in love with him. Really bad luck. Because of this, he has vowed to stay away from women, for their own good. But the moment he lays eyes on Sara at a friend’s birthday party, he is smitten. Despite his resistance, the two fall head over heels leading to back-to-back, laugh-out-loud moments of disaster! Sara will quickly learn the consequences of her choice as the limits of her love are put to the test.
Hrdina italské komedie stavební podnikatel Mattio se ocitne v maléru kvůli načerno zaměstnanému Egypťanovi Kamalovi. Poté, co se muž v práci zraní, je nucen místo něho absolvovat kurz na výrobu čokolády. Dvojí život mu však přinese nečekané ovoce.
A woman discusses her family problems with a stranger she meets on a bus, but is horrified when her confidante suggests each of them kill the person making the other's life difficult.
Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.
Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.
Serial killer Keith Jesperson murders at least eight women over a five-year span and taunts authorities with disturbing letters and scribbled confessions signed with a happy face.
Michele is a superficial man with nothing but contempt for other people and who lives only to show off his wealth on social media, until he finds himself mistaken for a North African immigrant in Eastern Europe and deported.
A married man with two children, faithful and in love with his wife, discovers that his wife would like to spice up the menage a little. He plays along and starts texting her as if he were his lover.
Carlo descends on his former lover's unsuspecting family and the scheming Rocco tries to break up his old rival Marcello's wedding.
In 71 BC in Rome, utter disorder reigns in the form of political corruption and bribery involving the senator Cynic (Leslie Nielsen). The situation is claimed to be similar to the “Tangentopoli” situation in Italy in the 1990s: one of the politicians involved was Bettino Craxi.
While on holiday in the Caribbean, a bankrupt family pins their hopes on a rich man, two strangers fall in lust, and a technophile gets shipwrecked.
A 'greatest hits' clip show of 35 years of Cinepanettoni, paying homage to the genre and its protagonists as a whole.