In 1938, an art collector appeals to eminent archaeologist Dr. Indiana Jones to embark on a search for the Holy Grail. Indy learns that a medieval historian has vanished while searching for it, and the missing man is his own father, Dr. Henry Jones Sr.. He sets out to rescue his father by following clues in the old man's notebook, which his father had mailed to him before he went missing. Indy arrives in Venice, where he enlists the help of a beautiful academic, Dr. Elsa Schneider, along with Marcus Brody and Sallah. Together they must stop the Nazis from recovering the power of eternal life and taking over the world!

Kika, a math teacher, accidentaly becomes a child again after eating a magic cupcake. This leads her in a journey of self-discovery, while also helping Juju, a 10-year old girl chasing her dreams.

Bus driver Stan Butler agrees to marry Suzy, much to the anguish of Mum, her son-in-law, Arthur, and daughter Olive. How, they wonder, will they ever manage without Stan's money coming in? Then Arthur is sacked, and Stan agrees to delay the wedding. Meanwhile, he hits on an idea: Arthur should learn to drive a bus. Somehow he does just that, and even gets a job. Stan then blackmails the Depot Manager into giving him the job of driver on the new money-making Special Tours Bus. A great idea ...if only the inspector hadn't taken Stan on his trial run to the Windsor Safari Park

V zadnjem filmu o pustolovščinah najstnika Martyja in odštekanega znanstvenika Doca strela uniči njun časovni stroj. Nato se Doc na lepem znajde v letu 1885. Martyju, ki je obtičal v letu 1955, pošlje sporočilo iz skrivnega mesta, kjer je njun časovni stroj DeLorean skrit že vsaj sedemdeset let. Priloži tudi napotke za popravilo časovnega stroja, ki so v letu 1885 še neuporabni. Doc si je vedno želel živeti na Divjem zahodu, zato v svojem sporočilu jasno navede, naj se Marty vrne nazaj v leto 1985 in tam časovni stroj uniči. Vendar Marty spremeni načrt in se tudi sam znajde na Divjem zahodu.

When an overconfident teen alien gets behind the controls of a spaceship, he must attempt to abduct a slumbering farmer under the watchful eye of a critical instructor. But abducting humans requires precision and a gentle touch, and within a few missteps it's painfully clear why more humans don't go missing every year.

Tadeusz Krzakoski, the director of a failing state-owned company, is married with problems. His mistress, the daughter of a Communist party bigwig, says she's pregnant and Tadeusz knows he'll have to marry her to save his reputation and his job. But divorce is never simple and Bareja's screwball comedies are never boring.

Sane Man was filmed before Bill recorded ‘Dangerous’, his first comedy album, and is a turning point in Hicks’ career. It was the first complete Hicks show ever filmed and Bill pulled out all the stops for the cameras. Completely focused, a newly-sober Hicks paces the stage like a wild animal riffing effortless.

When a huge alien probe enters the galaxy and begins to vaporize earths oceans, Kirk and his crew must travel back in time in order to bring back whales and save the planet.

Policista Riggs in Murtaugh sta na sledi južnoafriškim tihotapcem, ki se skrivajo pod diplomatsko imuniteto. Polega tega sta odgovorna za varnost gobezdavega Lea Getza, ki ga morata zaščititi po ukazu svojega šefa. Leo je opral na kupe mafijskega denarja in mu zato strežejo po življenju. Čeprav naj bi ga zaščitila, ga Riggs in Murtaugh spravita v še večjo nevarnost. Stopnjo vroče krvi zviša še lepa Rika Van Den Haas, s katero se Riggs zaplete v vroče razmerje.

When they were young, Min-joo and Seo-yeon cared for each other and were closer than brothers and sisters. However, she accidentally learns about Seo-yeon's tutor, Woo-hyeon, and because of this man, their 10-year friendship starts to become shaky. Meanwhile, Jeong-soo is hurt in seeing Min-joo like that, and so he distanced himself from Min-joo. Because of Min-joo and Seo-yeon's misunderstanding, Jeong-soo who couldn't care much might just leave so Min-joo tries to break up with the help of Seo-yeon. While in the process of breaking up, Min-joo and Seo-yeon went back to their close relationship. The love of women who have been separated because of man, and the two men's friendship is comically drawn.

Along with his new friends, a teenager who was arrested by the US Secret Service and banned from using a computer for writing a computer virus discovers a plot by a nefarious hacker, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.

Nekdo ubije naftnega mogotca Roberta Kinga, dobrega prijatelja agentke M. Tajni agent 007 James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) dobi nevarno nalogo, da mora paziti na Kingovo hčerko Elektro (Sophie Marceau), ki je po očetu podedovala njegovo bogastvo in ji zdaj strežejo po življenju. Izkaže se, da je Elektrinega očeta ubil razvpiti terorist in kruti anarhist Renard (Robert Carlyle). Ta želi nadzirati dobavo nafte po svetu in je še posebej nevaren, saj nima česa izgubiti. Počasi umira zaradi krogle, ki se mu je zagozdila v glavi, in zaradi katere ne čuti bolečine. Elektro z njim veže tudi zgodba iz preteklosti. Ko je bila mlajša, jo je Renard ugrabil, vendar mu je pobegnila, še preden je njen oče plačal visoko odkupnino.

Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz sta spet v akciji. Znajdeta se v svetu spletk in vznemirljivih dirkaških podvigov po vsem svetu.Dirkalni zvezdnik Strela McQueen in njegov prijatelj Dajz nas popeljeta v nove kraje čez lužo, ko se avtomobil udeleži svetovnega prvenstva, kjer se bo izkazalo, kdo je najhitrejši. Pot do naslova prvaka pa je polna ovir, obvozov in neverjetnih presenečenj; medtem ko se Dajz znajde v lastni pustolovščini sredi mednarodnih vohunov. Odločiti se mora, ali bi pomagal prijatelju McQueenu pri vrhunski dirki, ali pa sodeloval v vohunski akciji, ki jo vodi britanski tajni agent, in pri kateri naj bi razkrinkali mednarodno zaroto. Dajza vodi pot po dirkališčih Japonske in Evrope, na očeh vsega sveta. Hitra dirkaška avantura prinaša živopisno zasedbo novih avtomobilskih junakov, neusmiljene nasprotnike in kopico dirkaških tekmecev z vsega sveta.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Three episodes held together by a common element: a car rented by three different characters.

A story of three couples and their intertwining love stories set in 1940s Taiwan and Shanghai, centered around the 1949 sinking of Taiping.

A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.