A “Reel” Good Time Get star struck at Disney’s Hollywood Studios when you join your best pals for a one-of-a-kind animated short featuring everyone’s favorite mouse and his leading lady. Everything at this Hollywood theater is inspired by Mickey and Minnie – from fun, colorful architecture and framed movie posters, to hidden surprises just waiting to be discovered. The show, Vacation Fun, celebrates Mickey and Minnie’s favorite vacation memories, with never-before-seen animation mixed with clips from favorites like Panda-monium, Couples Sweaters, Potatoland, Croissant de Triomphe, Entombed, Dumb Luck, Al Rojo Vivo, Yodelburg and Outback at Ya!.

Charlie and Rhonda are a sweet and comfortable married couple on vacation with their lovely daughter Daphne. They find a rundown boarding house and its haggard owner, Joseph, an ex-con whose mother has just died and left him the house. He doesn't know why this cheerful couple would want to vacation in the worst part of Los Angeles, but he doesn't know they're vacationing from outer space, and their idea of fun is murdering lowlife out on the streets

When Jamie's maternal grandmother dies, he and his brother Tommy are separated - Tommy is taken off to a welfare home and Jamie goes to live with his other grandmother and uncle. His life is far from happy, filled with silence, rejection and bouts of violence.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

A young woman lives sadly in a small garrison town with a soldier. Little by little, won over by boredom, sadness, total inaction, she develops a relationship with plants and starts talking to plants.

Restaurant supervisor Jill (Karena Lam) has a handsome boyfriend Chi On (Wu Bing), but she is just his backup girlfriend. She knows she is the other girl, but her hope for being his one and only has never ceased until he changes his formal girlfriend once again. All her anger goes to her co-worker Jack (Ekin Cheng), who appears to be a womanizer but indeed shares a similar unfortunate romantic situation of being the backup boyfriend of an airhostess. Knowing that both are victims in romantic relationships, Jack and Jill no longer spar with each other and a liking between them start to develop

This is a short film that tries to imitate a rather surreal and bizarre dream. Originally commissioned as an assignment with quite a few limitations such as; it can only have a maximum of 3 cuts, it has to be surreal, and it has to be one minute long, the creators liked the short film and decided to release this project to the public.

Egy rejtélyes eltűnést követően egy ejtőernyősökből álló csoport paranormális jelenségeket tapasztal, amelyek miatt az életükért küzdenek.

Outlaws plan a robbery to take place during a championship prizefight in Carson City, Nevada.

A Cortez-testvérek immár egy éve tudják, hogy szüleik igazi kémek, sőt hősök, akik megmentették a világot. Most már Juni és Carmen is teljes jogú kémek a családban. A kémkölykök legújabb megbízatása az amerikai elnök lányának a védelme. Csakhogy a két rivális kémkölyök, Gary és Gerti elrontja munkájukat és learatják a babérokat. Ahogyan édesapjuk is, aki Cortez apuka elől szerezte meg a hőn áhított hivatali előléptetést. A dolgok még rosszabbra fordulnak, amikor a beiktatási ceremónián gengszterek elaltatják a felnőtteket és ellopják a leghatásosabb kémfegyvert, amely minden másikat hatástalanít. Gary és Gerti kapják a megbízást a műszer felkutatására. Csakhogy Carmen betör a kémközpont adatbázisába és Cortezéket bízza meg a feladattal. Irány a furcsa sziget, ahol az őrült genetikus, Romero professzor garázdálkodik a természetben.

A marseilles-i rendőrség feladata, hogy egy nagyon veszélyes bűnözőre vigyázzanak, amíg tovább nem szállítják a városból. A férfi, akit Belga néven ismernek az alvilágban, ki van kötözve, arcát szoros maszk borítja, de Gibert felügyelőnek és a kétbalkezes Émiliennek még így is nehézséget okoz a feladatot teljesíteni. Amikor pedig a bűnöző megszökik, hogy végrehajtsa nagyszabású tervét, Danielnek kell bevetnie magát, hogy lekapcsolják a Belgát.

Rebellious and irreverent, Captain Jack is a man on a mission. Come hell or high water, he's determined to follow in the footsteps of Whitby's unsung hero, Captain Scoresby, who set sail from the town bound for the Arctic in the 18th Century. Assembling a crew of oddballs and misfits, the cantankerous captain weighs anchor and voyages into the unknown. His ship has been certified unseaworthy, and he's pursued by the Royal Navy, NATO and journalists, but nothing is going to stop Captain Jack fulfilling his wildest dream.

A school counselor and two misfit students decide to plan a bank robbery.

A story about a mother and daughter fighting to survive throughout a zombie apocalypse. Along the way they encounter other survivors and come together to make their way through this crazy world, now turned upside down.