Ambitsioonikas noor džässtrummar Andrew Neyman (Miles Teller) õpib mainekas konservatooriumis, janunedes olla parimatest parim. Terence Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) on pedagoog, kes on tuntud nii oma akadeemilise võimekuse kui ka küsitavalt tooreste meetodite poolest. Fletcher avastab Andrew talendi ning kutsub püüdliku õpilase oma elitaarsesse džässansamblisse. Andrew püüdlus saavutada täiuslikkus eskaleerub märkamatult kinnisideeks, samal ajal kui halastamatu õpetaja poisi võimete piire otsib ning ta murdumise äärele viib.

Four prison inmates have been hatching a plan to literally dig out of jail when another prisoner, Claude Gaspard, is moved into their cell. They take a risk and share their plan with the newcomer. Over the course of three days, the prisoners and friends break through the concrete floor using a bed post and begin to make their way through the sewer system -- yet their escape is anything but assured.

Kaji is sent to the Japanese army labeled Red and is mistreated by the vets. Along his assignment, Kaji witnesses cruelties in the army and revolts against the abusive treatment against the recruit Obara. He also sees his friend Shinjô Ittôhei defecting to the Russian border, and he ends in the front to fight a lost battle against the Russian tanks division.

The untold story of Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson – brilliant African-American women working at NASA and serving as the brains behind one of the greatest operations in history – the launch of astronaut John Glenn into orbit. The visionary trio crossed all gender and race lines to inspire generations to dream big.

Draama, mis räägib perekonnast, ahnusest, võimust ja naftast. Loo keskmes on mees nimega Daniel Plainview, kellest saab võimas naftamagnaat. Mehe majandusliku edukuse taga ei peitu aga õnn. Aina kasvav rikkus ja võim seab ohtu armastuse, lootuse, usu, ambitsioonid ning isa ja poja suhted.

Legendaarse režissööri Martin Scorsese ja mitmekordse Oscari-nominendi Leonardo DiCaprio viies koostööprojekt, mis põhineb finantskurjategija Jordan Belforti memuaaridel. Mees asutas 1987. aastal Wallt Streeti ühe suurima maaklerfirma ning kümme aastat hiljem mõisteti ta süüdi rahapesus ja erinevates finantskuritegudes.

An ex-tennis pro carries out a plot to have his wealthy wife murdered after discovering she is having an affair, and assumes she will soon leave him for the other man anyway.

Jätkub peategelase Bilbo teekond koos võlur Gandalfi ja 13 päkapikuga. Rännuseltskond liigub edasi itta ning jõuavad lõpuks Üksildase mäe juurde, kus neid ootab ees kõikidest kõige suurem oht. Selleks on enneolematult hirmuäratav elukas, kes paneb proovile nende vapruse, sõpruse ja kogu ettevõtmise mõttekuse – draakon Smaug.

Tehasetöötaja Trevor Reznik ei ole juba aasta aega maganud. Tööl hoiavad temast paljud eemal ning mõned isegi kardavad teda. Ühel päeval juhtub tal õnnetus, milles kaotab üks töötaja oma käe. Nüüdsest tahavad töötajad, et Trevor lahkuks töölt. Trevor hakkab kahtlustama, et ta on hullunud ning alustab tõe otsimist.

During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.

Erika Kohut, a sexually repressed piano teacher living with her domineering mother, meets a young man who starts romantically pursuing her.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

Two lifelong friends bond whilst vacationing in a luxury Swiss Alps lodge as they ponder retirement. While Fred has no plans to resume his musical career despite the urging of his loving daughter Lena, Mick is intent on finishing the screenplay for what may be his last important film for his muse Brenda. And where will inspiration lead their younger friend Jimmy, an actor grasping to make sense of his next performance?

Katniss Everdeen reluctantly becomes the symbol of a mass rebellion against the autocratic Capitol.

Briti ja Venemaa Mereväe ridadest kaovad jäljetult kaks allveelaeva, mille pardal on kokku 16 tuumalõhkepead. Juhtumit saadetakse uurima mõlema poole parimad agendid - Venemaalt Anya Amasova ehk "XXX" (Barbara Bach) ning Briti poolt James Bond (Roger Moore). Loo lahendamisel on nende ainsaks niidiotsaks allveelaevade liikumist kajastav mikrofilm - kuid seegi osutub võltsituks.

The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father. Jack finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

Boog on ametis iga-aastase reisi planeerimisega, kuid üksteise järel keelduvad metsaelanikud kaasa tulemast. Kui ka tema parim sõber, Elliot, teda alt veab, asub karu üksinda rändama ja kohtab seejuures vene rändtsirkust. Seal kohtub ta Dougiga, tsirkuse kohmakas ja laisk karu, kellel on tsirkuseelust kõrini ja tahaks vaheldust. Boog nõustub ajutiselt kohad vahetama, kuid Doug ei kavatsegi tagasi tulla ja asub selle asemel Boogi vanas elukohas kõiki ta sõpru käsutama, et need iga tema soovi täidaks.

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.