شويا إيشيدا تبدأ بالتنمر على الفتاة الجديدة في الفصل ، شوكو نيشيميا ، لأنها صماء. ولكن مع استمرار المضايقة ، بدأ باقي الفصل في الانقلاب على شوية لافتقاره إلى التعاطف. عندما يغادران المدرسة الابتدائية ، لا يتحدث شوكو وشوية مع بعضهما البعض مرة أخرى ... حتى يقرر شويا الأكبر سنا والأكثر حكمة ، المعذب من سلوكه السابق ، أنه يجب أن يرى شوكو مرة أخرى. يريد التكفير عن خطاياه ولكن هل فات الأوان ...؟

زين ، صبي يبلغ من العمر 12 عامًا يسعى للبقاء على قيد الحياة في شوارع بيروت ، يقاضي والديه لأنهما جلباه إلى عالم غير عادل ، حيث أن كونك لاجئًا بدون وثائق يعني أنه يمكن بسهولة حرمانك من حقوقك.

يُخرج "نواه باومباك" صانع الأفلام المرشح لجائزة الأوسكار هذه النظرة الثاقبة والمتعاطفة عن زواج ينهار وأسرة تحافظ على ترابطها

Set in a surface mine, two boys sink into a seemingly innocent power game with Mother Nature as the sole observer.

An aging Chinese mom suffering from empty nest syndrome gets another chance at motherhood when one of her dumplings springs to life as a lively, giggly dumpling boy.

A novice crook gets involved in a ransom plot, but winds up kidnapping the wrong girl.

Two children, Ignacio and Enrique, know love, the movies and fear in a religious school at the beginning of the 1960s. Father Manolo, director of the school and its professor of literature, is witness to and part of these discoveries. The three are followed through the next few decades, their reunion marking life and death.

تدور احداث الفيلم في قالب خيالي، (ميجا) فتاة شابة تخاطر بكل شيء في حياتها لتمنع شركة متعددة الجنسيات وعاتية القوى من اختطاف صديقتها المُقربة؛ حيوانها الضخم المدعو (أوكجا).

تدور أحداث الفيلم حول شاب مغامر يدعى (ميلو) ينضم لفريق من المستكشفين الجريئين يحاولون العثور على قارة أطلانتس المفقودة.

The night can be dark and full of horrors for small children, especially for Saúl, who has to cross a long darkcorridor to get to the toilet at night. But his father is trying his best to persuade him to cross. Because it is not dangerous and he will stand on one side of the corridor watching the whole time, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

An aging woman and her nurse develop a friendship that inspires her to unearth unacknowledged longing and thus help her make peace with her past.

Ten years have gone by since Elena's six-year old son has disappeared. The last thing she heard of him was a phone call he gave her, saying that he was lost on a beach in France and couldn't find his father. Nowadays, Elena lives on this same beach and manages a restaurant. She is finally beginning to emerge from this tragic episode when she meets a French teenager who strongly reminds her of her lost son. The two of them will embark on a relationship which will sow chaos and distrust around them.

In a small supermarket in a blue collar town, a black man smiles at a 10 year old white boy across the checkout aisle. This innocuous moment sends two gangs into a ruthless war that ends with a shocking backlash.

تعيد المراهقتان الثريتان "ليلي" و"أماندا" إحياء صداقتهما وتكتشفان شغفًا مشتركًا... فهما تكرهان زوج والدة "ليلي" الدنيء، وتخطّطان لجريمة قتل.

دراما حقيقية في عشرينيات القرن الماضي ، تركز على المستكشف البريطاني الكولونيل بيرسي فوسيت ، الذي اكتشف دليلاً على حضارة متقدمة لم تكن معروفة من قبل في الأمازون واختفى أثناء البحث عنها.

Famed architect Jeremy Angust is approached on his trip to the Paris Airport by a chatty girl named Texel Textor who needs a ride. He obliges and after they part ways at the airport entrance, he misses his flight. As he settles in the lounge, he encounters the mysterious young Texel again, who insists on telling her strange story — and the conversation grows stranger and more twisted until it turns sinister and deadly.

Uptight lawyer Peter Sanderson wants to dive back into dating after his divorce and has a hard time meeting the right women. He tries online dating and lucks out when he starts chatting with a fellow lawyer. The two agree to meet in the flesh, but the woman he meets — an escaped African-American convict named Charlene — is not what he expected. Peter is freaked out, but Charlene tries to convinces him to take her case and prove her innocence. Along the way, she wreaks havoc on his middle-class life as he gets a lesson in learning to lighten up.

A man which wife is filing to divorce him wins 25 million EUR in the lotto, hiding her to prevent sharing the half of the prize.