Film Purpurová farba vznikol na základe rovnomenného románu Alice Walkerovej, ktorý získal Pulitzerovu cenu. Bohato štruktúrovaný dej, ktorý sa tiahne niekoľko desaťročí, rozpráva príbeh Celie, nevzdelanej vidieckej ženy z amerického Juhu. Po nútenom manželstve s násilníckym mužom, ktorého musí nazývať pánom, sa Celie uzavrie do seba a svoje trápenia zveruje len Bohu. Len priateľstvo s dvoma úžasnými ženami jej dodáva silu, z ktorej čerpá sebadôveru a schopnosť odpúšťať.

Metafyzická úvaha o tom, čo to znamená byť človekom, o láske, detstve, ale aj o pamäti mesta a o rozdelenom Berlíne v období tesne pred pádom Berlínskeho múru. Dvaja anjeli pozorujú z výšky obyvateľov veľkomesta a načúvajú ich trápeniam ale aj radostiam. Ale čo keď jeden z nich zatúži po tom, vnímať svet ako človek?

A behind-the-scenes look at the making of this Oscar winning thriller, prepared for its tenth anniversary. Includes interviews with star Anthony Hopkins, as well as other members of the cast and crew, giving their views on the experience of creating this masterpiece of terror and suspense.

An intimate portrait of Hollywood royalty featuring Debbie Reynolds, Todd Fisher, and Carrie Fisher.

Following a brutal series of murders taking place on Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, Gotham City's young vigilante known as the Batman sets out to pursue the mysterious serial killer alongside police officer James Gordon and district attorney Harvey Dent.

They think as Czechs, they speak as Czechs, but they look as Vietnamese. How is the second generation of Vietnamese people in Europe?

This documentary focuses on the actors and their journey over two summers to create the remake to the original IT, by Stephen King. The documentary originally released as bonus material, bundled with IT: Chapter Two.

An animated telling of Kobe Bryant's titular poem, signaling his retirement from the sport that made his name.

Jerry Mulligan is an exuberant American expatriate in Paris trying to make a reputation as a painter. His friend Adam is a struggling concert pianist who's a long time associate of a famous French singer, Henri Baurel. A lonely society woman, Milo Roberts, takes Jerry under her wing and supports him, but is interested in more than his art.

An espionage tale from inside the CIA's long conflict against Al Qaeda, as revealed by the remarkable women and men whose secret war against Osama bin Laden started nearly a decade before most of us even knew his name.

Penetrating the insular world of New York's Hasidic community, focusing on three individuals driven to break away despite threats of retaliation.

Snímek nabízí pohled do zákulisí rozsáhlé pyramidové hry Bernieho Madoffa. Zkoumá, jakým způsobem do ní byla zatažena veřejnost, i sled ničivých událostí, které napáchala – jak na obětech, tak i na Madoffově rodině. Robert De Niro a Michelle Pfeiffer excelují v hlavních rolích Bernieho a Ruth Madoffových.

While working on an in memoriam piece for a dead colleague, a famous news reporter loses track of the TV story and becomes part of a father-daughter relationship with the teenager left behind.

A stunt pilot comes across a prototype jetpack that gives him the ability to fly. However, evil forces of the world also want this jetpack at any cost.

Severný Atlantik, píše sa rok 1961. Prvá sovietska jadrová ponorka s označením K-19 sa vydá na svoju prvú ostrú plavbu. Lenže pred vypustením na otvorené more si kvôli sérii nešťastných nehôd vyslúžila prezývku „Stroj na smrť". Už onedlho po vyplávaní táto prezývka získa ďalšie opodstatnenie, pretože vedená dvoma rivalskými veliteľmi - Alexejom Vostrikovom a Michajlom Poleninom, sa ponorka opäť dostane do vážnych problémov. V lepšom prípade len rozšíri dlhú sériu veľkých nešťastí dvadsiateho storočia, v tom horšom prípade sa však môže stať príčinou nukleárnej explózie, ktorá privedie obe superveľmoci studenej vojny k zničujúcemu nukleárnemu konfliktu! Osud sveta teraz leží v rukách vystrašených námorníkov, a bude závisieť od schopností oboch veliteľov, či prekonajú osobné nezhody tvárou v tvár hroziacej katastrofe...

Soviet Georgia, 1983. Preparations for Nika and Ana's wedding are in full swing and it's a big day for both of their elite families. For the newlyweds and their friends, however, the celebrations are in fact part of a cover-up, as they plot an audacious escape from the Soviet Union.

Get ready for a wildly diverse, star-studded trilogy about life in the big city. One of the most-talked about films in years, New York Stories features the creative collaboration of three of America's most popular directors, Martin Scorsese, Francis Coppola, and Woody Allen.

Toni and Marc want to divorce, because the great passion seems to be extinguished after 15 years of marriage. It should be a consensual separation, but the new beginning is not so easy: Both have just the chance of a job abroad.

The following documentary is composed exclusively of original behind-the-scenes footage shot during the production of "E.T." in 1981. It follows the order of the scenes as they appear in the film.

What is a human brain? Is it just a part of central nervous system, super computer or master who controls human's life? Modern neuroscience researches will help us answer this questions.