Driven mad by his failure to sell a profitable film to the porn industry, a director decides to create authentic snuff films with the assistance of two teenage runaways and a perverted cameraman. When the films bring in a profit through an amateur internet production company, they begin to see the film industry for what it is: a world of backstabbing and double-crosses. The twisted filmmakers then extract their own form of graphic revenge on the people who made them successful.

Biographical account of America's President for the latter part of WWII. Shows Truman's rise from small-town nobody to leader of the USA, his decision to use the Atomic Bomb against Japan, and subsequent election as the US' post-war President.

Nick Stars with the help of Santa Claus and others save Valentine's day from a villainous Cupid.

Teenage detective Xander DeWitt is the new kid at Bixler Valley High, and he's there to unravel the biggest mystery of his life- the truth about his missing father. But in order to crack this case, Xander must learn to work with a partner- fearless investigative reporter Kenzie Messina.

Rufus is a dog but turns into a human with a pendant. He meets a girl named Kat who asks him to go out. Kat is a cat who can also turn into a human as well.

Идентичне близнакиње, Ени и Хели, раздвојене при рођењу и одрасле свака с' једним биолошким родитељем, први пут сазнају једна за другу у летњем кампу и праве план како би поново спојиле своје родитеље.

Blake Redding is trapped in this dark room wanting to protect his love so the only thing he will do is escape like no failed student has done before.

Life's a beach for surfers Brady and McKenzie – until a rogue wave magically transports them inside the classic '60s beach party flick, "Wet Side Story," where a full-blown rivalry between bikers and surfers threatens to erupt. There, amidst a sea of surfing, singing and dancing, Brady and Mack accidentally change the storyline, and the film’s dreamy hero and heroine fall for them instead of for each other!

After accidentally stumbling into his uncle's mysterious "tanning bed", Adam learns the answer to all of his problems - multiple Adams. With his new collection of clones, Adam is hopping on one wild summer ride with an epic splash.

A family goes on a cruise but not all is what it seems. The next day they wake up with no memories of last night, which gets them in a LOT of trouble!

Adopted together after a tough childhood in an orphanage, Nica and Rigel realize that unexpected but irresistible feelings pull them together.

Film adaption of the novel by Jean Craighead George. A family movie made by Paramount Studios, the story revolves around thirteen-year old Sam Gribley (Teddy Eccles), a devotee of Thoreau, as many were back in the in 1960's. Sam decides to leave the city (set in Toronto) to spend a sabbatical in the Canadian woods and see if he can make it as a self-sufficient spirit after his parents promise a summer trip that doesn't pan out.

Manny has moved to a new school, and it's not easy to fit in. After wishing he had more friends, Manny finds a mysterious collar and puts it on Rufus, the family dog. Suddenly, Rufus turns into a boy! Manny's not sure what to do, so he enrolls Rufus in school. When the other students notice Rufus's silly dog antics -- chasing squirrels, eating without utensils, asking for belly rubs, and catching a soccer ball with his mouth -- he immediately becomes the most popular kid around. Manny is jealous of his new best friend but eventually learns that a dog's loyalty to his owner always comes first.

Вашингтон игра најопаснијег отпадника ЦИА-е, који се враћа након деценије проведене у бекству и бива приведен у безбедну кућу у Јужној Африци. Убрзо након привођења, безбедна кућа постаје мета напада плаћеника што присиљава „новопеченог“ оперативца Вестона на сарадњу са бегунцем. Суочени са озбиљношћу ситуације, ови несуђени сарадници покушавају да открију ко жели да их убије.

The film revolves around a local street-racer who partners with a rich and arrogant business associate, only to find himself framed by his colleague and sent to prison. After he gets out, he joins a New York-to-Los Angeles race to get revenge. But when the ex-partner learns of the scheme, he puts a massive bounty on the racer's head, forcing him to run a cross-country gauntlet of illegal racers in all manner of supercharged vehicles.

За време новогодишњих празника, заштитнички настројен отац Нед, заједно са својом породицом долази у посету ћерки студенткињи. Међутим, та посета се претвара у праву ноћну мору, с обзиром да Нед упознаје Лерда - доброћудног, богатог, и најблаже речено ,,необичног’’ дечка своје ћерке. Попут сваког брижног оца, Нед мисли да Лерд није довољно добар за његову ћерку, те ће покушати да схвати шта је то што она види у њему. Недов напад панике кулминира у тренутку када сазнаје да Лерд има крајње озбиљне планове и планира да је запроси.

Златна нит, која јој је показана на годишњој забави њеног кума, Дроселмајера, одвешће је у непознати и мистериозни паралелни свет. У том свету Клара упознаје војника по имену Филип, банду мишева и регента који владају у три краљевства: Земљи пахуљица, Земљи цвећа и Земљи слаткиша. Клара и Филип мораће да ослободе четврто краљевство, које терорише Мајка Медењак, да врате Кларин кључ и да успоставе хармонију.

Веверица Сурлy се враћа у новом наставку врхунске анимације ТВРД ОРАХ из 2014. године, и ове године ће авантура бити још луђа и тврђа! Веверица Сурлy и његови пријатељи Бадy, Енди и Прешс открију како градоначелник Оактона жели да сагради дивовски, забавни парк на њиховом станишту. Како би спречили градоначелника да уништи парк, који је уједно и њихов дом, мораће се удружити с остатком животиња из парка.

Shelley is living a carefree life until a rival gets her tossed out of the Playboy Mansion. With nowhere to go, fate delivers her to the sorority girls from Zeta Alpha Zeta. Unless they can sign a new pledge class, the seven socially clueless women will lose their house to the scheming girls of Phi Iota Mu. In order to accomplish their goal, they need Shelley to teach them the ways of makeup and men; at the same time, Shelley needs some of what the Zetas have - a sense of individuality. The combination leads all the girls to learn how to stop pretending and start being themselves.

All Monica wants is to be wanted. But can she get past her fantasies in order see the truth about her life and desires?