A horrific triple child murder leads to an indictment and trial of three nonconformist boys based on questionable evidence.

Alexander McQueen's rags-to-riches story is a modern-day fairy tale, laced with the gothic. Mirroring the savage beauty, boldness and vivacity of his design, this documentary is an intimate revelation of McQueen's own world, both tortured and inspired, which celebrates a radical and mesmerizing genius of profound influence.

On March 26, 1991, five boys set off to the mountain to go frog hunting and never come back to their family. While a documentary producer, detective and professor try to solve the mystery of the incident, one of the boys' parents is a suspect.

Before he lost his sight. Before he pledged his service to Kublai Khan. Hundred Eyes saw what made him into the deadly assassin who trains Marco Polo.

After being cruelly set up and deceived by Sugimi, a detective in cohorts with the mob with whom she was whole-heartedly in love, Matsushima’s desire for revenge knows no bounds.

The life and career of the hailed Hollywood movie star and underappreciated genius inventor, Hedy Lamarr.

An inside look at a West Hollywood cult formed by a charismatic teacher in the 1980s that eventually imploded.

A shy and insecure delivery driver arrives on the scene of a robbery-gone-wrong and picks up two bags of cash and hides them in his truck. He is interrogated by two tough police detectives and manages to evade suspicion but he is warned that whoever owns the money will be looking for it. Only the help of a prostitute and a former biker recently released from jail might get him out of trouble.

Manny, Joel and Jonah tear their way through childhood and push against the volatile love of their parents. As Manny and Joel grow into versions of their father and Ma dreams of escape, Jonah, the youngest, embraces an imagined world all his own.

Miguel is a federal agent, highly trained and skilled in weapons. After experiencing trauma in his personal life, he sets out on a journey of revenge, assuming the identity of a masked vigilante. The Awakener decides to do justice with his own hands by exterminating corrupt politicians.

After many years of confrontation, the treasures of Spain and France are empty. In 1721, the regent of France draws up an ambitious plan to inaugurate an era of peace and prosperity that will heal the economies of both nations: his intention is to build a solid network of marriage alliances that will involve four children of very different ages who know nothing of betrayals and power games…

A disgraced children’s puppeteer returns to his childhood home and is forced to confront his wicked stepfather and the secrets that have tortured him his entire life.

In a post-zombie world, where the infected live normal lives, their retroviral drug is running out.

Eräänä aamuna Mónican (Belén Rueda) teini-ikäinen tytär Clara katoaa oudoissa olosuhteissa. Joitakin tunteja myöhemmin hän löytyy kuolleena. Mónica ei suostu hyväksymään tapahtunutta. Hän osallistuu epätoivoissaan synkkään rituaaliin, jossa mystinen mies ehdottaa sopimusta Claran pelastamiseksi. Seuraavana päivänä Clara herää henkiin ja Mónican matka helvettiin alkaa.

Lila has just broken up with her cheating boyfriend and is disappointed, frustrated and hurt. Looking for love and intimacy, she engages in a series of short-term relationships, while her friends offer up bad advice and her ex tries to win her back.

Kuusi collegeopiskelijaa on ajamassa autolla USA:n poikki, kun heidän autostaan puhkeaa rengas keskellä autiomaata. Heidän ryhtyessä korjaamaan vauriota, he huomaavat, että rengas on ammuttu puhki. Nuoret ovat nyt jumissa käyttökelvottoman auton kanssa ja tuntematon tarkka-ampuja alkaa leikitellä helpon saaliin kanssa. Piilopaikkoja on vähän, eikä nuorilla tunnu olevan mitään mahdollisuutta päästä karkuuun ampujan tarkoilta laukauksilta.

Kyle and Max are two extreme sports athletes, two riders in continuous challenge and search for money. When they find out of the enigmatic proposal for a mysterious contest by an unknown organization, Black Babylon, they can’t turn down the $ 150,000 prize. But the “contest” will turn out to be much darker and deadlier than expected.

Kaksi naamioitunutta miestä osoittaa Justin Powellia aseella ja raahaa hänet eristyksissä olevaan mökkiin. Tämä ei ole tavanomainen sieppaus, sillä Justinin perhe on mökissä odottamassa häntä. Justinin isä, äiti, veli ja entinen tyttöystävä (joka on äskettäin synnyttänyt heidän lapsensa) eli koko hänen perheensä on sitoutunut saamaan hänet vapaaksi aivopesusta, jonka uhriksi hän on joutunut raakalaismaisen kultin käsissä.

In the wake of a horrific car accident that kills her husband, Michael, expectant mother Madeline Matheson discovers that her daughter, Grace, has died in the womb. Ignoring her doctor's warnings that the fetus must be removed from her body, a grief-stricken Matheson demands to carry the child to term -- even if it endangers her own life to do so. Curiously, little Grace emerges undead -- and with a craving for human blood.

Kolme koululaista päättää lintsata tylsän koulupäivän ja mennä tutkimaan lähistöllä olevaa hylättyä huvipuistoa. Päivän luonne muuttuu kun he löytävät kahlitun naisen elossa auton takakontista. Naamioitunut mies näkee pojat, jotka paniikissa pakenevat huvipuiston hylättyihin rakennuksiin. Ennen kuin he onnistuvat pakenemaan näkevät he jotain, jota ei saisi nähdä, jotain vuosikymmeniä sitten unohdettua ja mitä he eivät koskaan enää unohda.