Join Athena, the majestic matriarch, as she leads her elephant herd across an unforgiving African landscape.

In a small fishing village, a gloomy middle school student named Kai meets a mermaid named Lu.

Three strangers with one thing in common — the same father — come to a Turkish village to bury him, and learn about him and each other.

Three different love stories, set in three consecutive decades, in two neighbouring Balkan villages burdened with a long history of inter-ethnic hatred: this is a film about the dangers – and the enduring strength – of forbidden love.

Un diagnostic de cancer de sân și tratamentul bolii aduc în prim-plan devotamentul de-o viață al unui cuplu, nevoit să îndure un an plin de greutăți.

Jack Malik este un compozitor pasionat, dar la fel de nereușit. Într-o zi, în timpul unei misterioase întreruperi de curent global, Jack este lovit de un autobuz. Când își recapătă cunoștința, totul pare la fel la început. În timp ce cântă inofensiv alături de ceea ce este de fapt o melodie faimoasă în întreaga lume, Jack trebuie mai întâi să realizeze că prietenii săi nu au auzit niciodată de Beatles și, la scurt timp după aceea, își dă seama incredibil că fosta cea mai faimoasă trupă din lume și clasicii lor strălucitori au fost șterși din memoria întregii omeniri – doar că din a lui nu. Cu o mulțime uriașă de hit-uri necunoscute în buzunar, Jack își vrăjește rapid publicul nebănuit. Dar la ce folosește toată această faimă dacă ceea ce iubește este lăsat în urmă?

1989, finalul războiului soviet-afgan. URSS începe să-și retragă trupele din Afganistan. Pilotul Alexander, fiul generalului rus Vasiliev, este răpit de Mujahideen după ce avionul lui se prăbușește. Astfel mult-așteptata întoarcere acasă a diviziei de infanterie 108 este amânată pentru o ultimă misiune: salvarea fiului generalului. Bazat pe evenimente adevărate, filmul prezintă o poveste nespusă până acum despre o campanie de retragere curajoasă și tragică care dezvăluie oroarea, pericolul și complexitatea naturii umane din timpul războiului.

For ten years, engineer Bill Markham has searched tirelessly for his son Tommy who disappeared from the edge of the Brazilian rainforest. Miraculously, he finds the boy living among the reclusive Amazon tribe who adopted him. And that's when Bill's adventure truly begins. For his son is now a grown tribesman who moves skillfully through this beautiful-but-dangerous terrain, fearful only of those who would exploit it. And as Bill attempts to "rescue" him from the savagery of the untamed jungle, Tommy challenges Bill's idea of true civilization and his notions about who needs rescuing.

Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.

Ryo Saeba works the streets of Tokyo as the City Hunter. He's a "sweeper" and with his sidekick Kaori Makimura, he keeps the city clean. People hire the City Hunter to solve their dangerous problems, which he does with a Colt Python. When Ryo's not working on a case, he's working on getting the ladies, and Kaori must keep him in check with her trusty 10 kg hammer.

Determined not to turn into her parents, or be drawn into any relationship longer than a one night stand, Zoe constantly struggles with her failing business and love life. Then she falls in love for the first time with Paul. But there's one problem: Paul is married.

A sleazy Paris nightclub owner and ex-detective flies to Hong Kong to rescue the young son of a friend murdered by the Chinese mob.

Luată sub aripa unui mentor neașteptat, o adolescentă timidă, dar talentată, își urmează visul de a deveni vedetă pop și se înscrie la un concurs care-i schimbă viața.

Trying to escape her broken past, Sarah O’Neill is building a new life on the fringes of a backwood rural town with her young son Chris. A terrifying encounter with a mysterious neighbour shatters her fragile security, throwing Sarah into a spiralling nightmare of paranoia and mistrust, as she tries to uncover if the disturbing changes in her little boy are connected to an ominous sinkhole buried deep in the forest that borders their home.

Mariagrazia, Chiara and Letizia are inseparable friends forced to come to terms every day with the hated extra kilos, looks of disapproval from their schoolmates and giggles in the school hallways. Mariagrazia suffers for the confrontation with her mother (Valeria Solarino), a former sports champion. Chiara has a chat with a peer, but she is too afraid to send him her photo. Letizia has a talent for music but too much shame to show it. After the umpteenth teasing, an unexpected opportunity for redemption comes from the popular and beautiful Alice, captain of the synchronized swimming school team, forced by a blackmail to train them in secret. The three girls embark on an impossible challenge, driven into the water by their desire for revenge.

Three brothers pretend they're ghost hunters to inherit from their father.

A man becomes the superintendent of a large New York City apartment building where people mysteriously go missing.

Michele is a superficial man with nothing but contempt for other people and who lives only to show off his wealth on social media, until he finds himself mistaken for a North African immigrant in Eastern Europe and deported.

16 years later, Tanguy, now 44, returns to his parents' house with his daughter Zhu under his arm because Meï Lin left him. Disappointed to see their "little one" in this state, Paul and Edith do everything to give him a taste for life, without realizing that by doing so, they braid the rope to hang themselves. Because Tanguy is starting to feel good with his parents.