In a spoof of 1972's The New Scooby-Doo Movies, Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang pick up a hitchiking Gary Coleman. Soon after, the Mystery Machine proceeds to break down (multiple times) leaving them stranded at a haunted castle owned by David Cross.

The story of Jacques Mesrine, France's public enemy No. 1 during the 1970s. After nearly two decades of legendary criminal feats -- from multiple bank robberies and to prison breaks -- Mesrine was gunned down by the French police in Paris.

Not even the joys of parenthood can stop married sleuths Nick and Nora Charles from investigating a murder on a Long Island estate.

A daughter seeks to restore the reputation of her disgraced father, a wronged college professor. With help of a professional student, she must overcome an ambitious sorority bitch and corrupt college dean.

Long, long ago, in a time of magic and dragons, there lived a girl named Rapunzel who had the most beautiful radiant hair the world had ever seen. But Rapunzel's life was far from wonderful. She lived as a servant to Gothel, a jealous, scheming witch who kept her hidden deep in a forbidding forest, guarded by the enormous dragon Hugo and surrounded by an enchanted glass wall. However, in a twist of fate, Rapunzel's discovery of a magic paintbrush leads her on a journey that will unravel a web of deception, bring peace to two feuding kingdoms, and ultimately lead her to love with the help of Penelope, the least intimidating of dragons!

The major sub-plot circles around the youngest Griffin, Stewie, who has a near-death experience at a pool when a lifeguard chair falls on him, but he survives. After having a vision of being in Hell, he decides to change his ways, but this doesn't last long. While watching television, he and Brian spot a man that looks like Stewie. Brian is convinced that he is Stewie's real father, until Stewie learns that the man is actually himself as an adult, taking a vacation from his own time period. Baby Stewie visits thirty years later to discover that his adult self, going by the name Stu, is a single blue-collar middle-aged virgin working at a Circuit City-type store. Meanwhile, Peter and Lois are trying to teach their two older kids, Meg and Chris, to date. In the future, Chris, who hasn't changed much, is working as a cop and is married to a foul-mouthed hustler named Vanessa. Meg is now called Ron, since she had a sex-change after college.

Seeking a divorce from her absentee husband, Mimi Glossop travels to an English seaside resort. There she falls in love with dancer Guy Holden, whom she later mistakes for the corespondent her lawyer hired.

The Chipmunks work in an amusement park attraction. After Alvin drives a crazy tour group, they miss their next performance and are locked in the park after closing time. Little do they know that the real Dr. Frankenstein has been hired in a new attraction called, "Frankenstein's Castle"; figuring that the castle isn't scary enough, the mad scientist recreates the real Monster.

Louis-Philippe Fourchaume, another typical lead-role for French comedy superstar Louis de Funès, is the dictatorial CEO of a French company which designs and produces sail yachts, and fires in yet another tantrum his designer André Castagnier, not realizing that man is his only chance to land a vital contract with the Italian magnate Marcello Cacciaperotti. So he has to find him at his extremely rural birthplace in 'la France profonde', which proves a torturous odyssey for the spoiled rich man; when he does get there his torment is far from over: the country bumpkin refuses to resume his slavish position now the shoe is on the other foot, so Fourchaume is dragged along in the boorish family life, and at times unable to control his temper, which may cost him more credit then he painstakingly builds up...

Această dramă originală HBO Films recreează strălucitoarea lume a lui Liberace, flamboiantul și faimosul artist ale cărui costume extravagante, candelabru sine-qua-non și spectacole elaborate l-au transformat în cel mai de succes artist al epocii sale. Povestea se axează pe tumultoasa relație a lui Liberace cu Scott în orașul Las Vegas din perioada 1977 - 1982 – perioadă ce a constituit apogeul carierei lui Liberace care, însă, a continuat să-și păstreze secretă homosexualitatea. Filmul surprinde esența farmecului lui Liberace și reamintește publicului cât de diferită era percepția publică în acea epocă, puțini artiști de renume având curaj să recunoască că sunt homosexuali în fața publicului ce-i transformase în staruri.

The action continues from [REC], with the medical officer and a SWAT team outfitted with video cameras are sent into the sealed off apartment to control the situation.

When marauding Romans capture - and catapult - their pal Getafix into lands unknown, the shrewd and cunning Asterix and his able sidekick Obelix spring into action! But their journey leads them to a strange and dangerous new world, where they must face a tribe of Indians, a stampeding herd of buffalo and a medicine man with designs on their magic potion!

A student's premonition of a deadly rollercoaster ride saves her life and a lucky few, but not from death itself – which seeks out those who escaped their fate.

Când "Felinele" primesc roluri într-un film muzical de la Bollywood, au impresia că au dat lovitura. Dar atunci când realizează că este doar un singur rol pentru una dintre ele, se confruntă cu o dilemă care le-ar putea face să se distanțeze una de alta. De ele depinde să schimbe scenariul și să vină cu o soluție care să implice pe toată lumea.

Farmer Vincent Smith and his sister Ida run a motel attached to a farm where they capture unsuspecting travelers, bury them alive, fatten them up and then harvest their bodies as ingredients for his famous brand of "smoked meats."

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.

Urbain Donnadieu's first love is money. It's also his second, third and fourth love. The only reason he married - a tax inspector named Fleurette - was to avoid a fine for tax evasion. For several years, he has been stealing money from his construction company and buying gold bars with his ill-gotten gains. His plan is to deposit all this wealth in a Swiss Bank, where neither his wife - whom he is about to divorce - nor the French State can get at it. Accompanied by his money-grabbing Granny Zézette, Urbain heads off for Switzerland, with his gold concealed in the walls of a model house on the back of a trailer. Unfortunately, his scheme is threatened by his wife and his embittered ex-chauffeur, who are determined to get his money at any cost...

The worst teachers of France landed in England for an ultra-secret mission. With Boulard, the King of the Dunces, they are parachuted in the best school of the country, and they will apply their famous methods on the future of the nation.

Wayne Szalinski is at it again. But instead of shrinking things, he tries to make a machine that can make things grow. As in the first one, his machine isn't quite accurate. But when he brings Nick & his toddler son Adam to see his invention, the machine unexpectedly starts working. And when Adam comes right up to the machine, he gets zapped along with his stuffed bunny.

Suntem în anul 50 Î. H. Cezar vrea să mai facă niște cuceriri, așa că se hotărăște să invadeze această insulă aflată la granițele lumii știute, acest ținut misterios numit Bretania. Victoria e rapidă și totală. Un sătuc breton e decis să-i reziste, dar acum i s-au cam epuizat resursele. Cordelia, regina bretonilor, își trimite cel mai fidel ofițer, pe Flegmatix, să ceară ajutor în Galia, acolo unde un sătuc galez le ține piept romanilor de ceva timp, cu mare succes... În sătucul în chestiune Asterix și Obelix sunt deja ocupați până peste cap căci șeful lor le-a încredințat pe nepotul Șmecherix, proaspăt sosit de la Luteția ca să aibă grijă de el și, mai ales, ca să facă bărbat din el. Iar sarcina lor e departe de a fi ajuns la vreun sfârșit. Când Flegmatix sosește să le ceară ajutorul, i se oferă un butoi cu poțiunea magică, dar și doi companioni care vor avea grijă ca prețioasa licoare să ajungă cu bine la destinație. Așa pornesc Asterix și Obelix într-o nouă aventură.