Heidi, is an eight-year-old Swiss orphan who is given by her aunt to her mountain-dwelling grandfather. She is then stolen back by her aunt from her grandfather to live in the wealthy Sesemann household in Frankfurt, Germany as a companion to Klara, a sheltered, disabled girl in a wheelchair. Heidi is unhappy but makes the best of the situation, always longing for her grandfather.

Olivia ja Matthew Grey ovat hyväosaisen perheen 18-vuotiaat kaksoset, joihin kohdistuu suuret odotukset. Heidän välillään on erityinen yhteys - jopa heidän unelmasa ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa.

Pierre, in his thirties, is a breeder of dairy cattle. His life revolves around his farm, his veterinarian sister and his parents whose livestock he took over. As the first cases of a zoonotic outbreak are reported in France, Pierre discovers that one of his animals is infected. He cannot cope with the perspective of losing the whole herd. They are everything he has and he will do whatever it takes to save them.

Unikeko (Sleeper, 1973) on Woody Allenin varhaistuotannolle ominainen railakas ja usein höpsö mutta nautittava komedia.Allen esittää neuroottista terveysruokakauppiasta Milesia, joka menee sairaalaan pikku operaation vuoksi ja herääkin vasta vuonna 2173 utopistiselta vaikuttavaan ja nautintoihin keskittyvään totalitaariseen yhteiskuntaan. Miles värvätään väkipakolla vastarintaliikkeeseen, ja hän itse puolestaan kidnappaa mukaan pakomatkalle höpsön runoilijattaren (Diane Keaton).Unikeko kiitää huulesta ja sketsistä toiseen samanlaisella nopeudella kuin Allenin tämän filmin kerronnassa esikuvakseen ottama mykkäelokuvien slapstick-komiikka. Allen irvailee yhtälailla nykyajan ilmiöille kuin tieteiselokuvan kliseille. Samalla Unikeko on mallinäyte Allenin varhaisista vauhtikomedioista, joissa hän ei vielä ollut niin "tosissaan".

Sent from Seoul to serve in a remote coastal village, a policewoman gets involved in the life of a mysterious teenage girl who is abused by both her father and her grandmother.

Ex-sotilas Dheepan, nuori nainen Yalini ja pikkutyttö Illayaal tekeytyvät perheeksi paetakseen Sri Lankan sisällissotaa. He päätyvät pakolaisina Pariisin, jossa Dheepan löytää työpaikan karun lähiön talonmiehenä. Yalini saa jonkinlaista työtä, ja Illayaal yrittää käydä koulua. Tilanne muistuttaa hetken normaalia perhe-elämää, kunnes pihan huumejengien välinen kahina riistäytyy ammuskeluksi. Dheepanin on vielä kerran palattava soturin hommiin. Jacques Audiard on aina viihtynyt kameransa kanssa kadun varjoisella puolella. Laki on olemassa, mutta se ei kuulu Audiardin henkilöhahmojen maailmaan. Elämä on selviytymistä. Kohtalo on omissa käsissä.

Valeria has just moved to Madrid after her parent's separation. What at first seems a bad start for her new life becomes the beginning of an amazing life experience. New friendships, a city full of possibilities, first love...

Antoine is about to start his first year of medical school… for the third time. Benjamin, just out of high school, will make his first try. He soon realizes it's not exactly a walk in the park. In a fiercely competitive environment, with nights dedicated to hard studying rather than hard partying, the two freshmen will have to adapt and find a middle ground between despair for the present and hope for the future.

After his crew breaks up, a gifted but insecure hip-hop dancer teaches at a top ballet school in Paris, where he falls for an aspiring ballerina.

Greg founded a company called Alibi.com that creates any type of alibi. With his associate, Augustin, and Medhi his new employee, they devise unstoppable stratagems and stagings to cover their clients. But meeting Flo, a pretty blonde who hates men who lie, will complicate Greg's life, which begins by hiding the true nature of his activity. During the presentation to parents, Greg understands that Gérard, the father of Flo, is also one of their clients.

Jeff yrittää parannnella suhdettaan kapinoivaan 13-vuotiaan tyttäreensä Beckyyn ja kutsuu tämän viettämään isä-tytär viikonloppua Jeffin järvenrantamökille. Heidän laatuaikansa kuitenkin rikkoutuu pahemman kerran, kun joukko paenneita vankeja, uusnatsi Dominickin johdolla, ilmestyvät etsimään erästä avainta, jonka he olivat piilottivat mökin lähistölle.

When Anna Parisi, an unemployed fine arts painter, is unable to make ends meet, she is hired to become a personal Christmas shopper for Marc, an uptight corporate exec. As they begin working together, Marc learns that Christmas giving has less to do with the amount of money spent and more to do with the importance of the gift, while Anna discovers she might find success as an artist in a way she never expected. The best gift of all of course is the love they discover with one another.

Lauren, a lovely 29-year-old it-girl, tries to break into the world of fashion by skimming Parisian parties. Olivia, a 28-year-old psychologist, has two obsessions: to save the confectionery of her parents, and to find her ideal husband. At the age of 26, Salma, a fiery young history teacher, still lives with her mother in the suburbs. Their roads have no reason to cross - until the day when, on the death of their biological father that they never knew, they inherit together a splendid Parisian apartment. For these three sisters who have nothing in common, cohabitation will prove to be explosive, to say the least.

Everything goes for the best in Fanny's life without stories ... until she discovers that her beloved son, Arthur, nine, is the scapegoat of three boys at his school. Fanny will not leave her son alone in front of these little executioners: she will give these dirty kids the change of their room. Thunderstorms and playground traps, now it will be "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth!"

Huippumodernissa ihmissuhdelaboratoriossa työskentelevän naisen elämä kääntyy päälaelleen, kun hän rakastuu synteettisiä kumppaneita kehittävään tutkijaan.

Antoine, a bachelor party-goer, gets new roommates: Jeanne and her two children.

Cathy on ottamassa elämämässään uuden alun yrittäjänä ja avaamassa parin päivän kuluttua oman kukkakaupan. Avajaiset jäävät haaveeksi, kun hänet siepataan keskellä kirkasta päivää ja vangitaan pieneen huoneeseen. Salaperäinen sieppaaja Lewis näyttää ulkoisesti tavalliselta kaverilta, mutta todellisuudessa Cathy on hänen pakkomielteensä. Lewis vaatii Cathylta kuitenkin vain yhtä asiaa: tämän nimeä. Kun tarinan palaset alkavat paljastua yksi kerrallaan, on selvää, että Cathy tietää enemmän kuin kertoo, eikä hän ehkä olekaan tarinan todellinen uhri.

It's Julie's birthday but she seems to be the only one who remembers... Until Marco, the man she secretly loves, calls her and tells her he's going to drop off her son because the babysitter had a setback. Julie is devastated, everyone considers her to be a maid. Alone with this particularly obnoxious little boy, Julie decides to tell him the story of Cinderella... well, almost.

After freeing Baghdad from its terrible ruler, Aladin delays his marriage to the princess until a new dictator arrives to take over the city.

A pair of losers working at department store plan to rob the place after it closes. When a bunch of kids show up begging for a story, the men launch into an improvised version of Aladdin.