Re-examines the dramatic events of Boxing Day 2004, and investigates the new science of Tsunami forecasting.

The story of a family whose mother disappeared 30 years ago, without leaving a trace. Her husband and two sons have reconstructed a life as they could, haunted by this ghost and tortured by questioning. When an unknown young Romanian arrives to bring them what seems to be the pieces that are missing from their story, they now have to face their demons.

A rich merchant, Antonio is depressed for no good reason, until his good friend Bassanio comes to tell him how he's in love with Portia. Portia's father has died and left a very strange will: only the man that picks the correct casket out of three (silver, gold, and lead) can marry her. Bassanio, unfortunately, is strapped for cash with which to go wooing, and Antonio wants to help, so Antonio borrows the money from Shylock, the money-lender. But Shylock has been nursing a grudge against Antonio's insults, and makes unusual terms to the loan. And when Antonio's business fails, those terms threaten his life, and it's up to Bassanio and Portia to save him.

Landing a dream job can have deadly consequences . A young woman who dreams of working in the fashion industry jumps at the chance to work for a celebrity model turned fashion designer, but after a series of extreme outbursts and bizarre events, she begins to question whether her job is worth it after all.

Slade Collins must travel back in time to save the woman he loves and put a stop to an evil Nazi plan to conquer the world.

Shot against a painted backdrop of river with town on other bank & mountains behind. Throwing medicine ball while group of men watch, at least one black. He stands up & gets hit on head with ball. Jeffries shadow boxing & dancing with weights in hands. Sparring barehanded, or wrestling with another man.


A film in which the one 60-story skyscraper that soars in the spaces between roofs spins with incredible speed. I centered the circumference with its 400 or 500 meter radius on the skyscraper and divided it into 48 sections, then took photographs from those spots and shot the photographs frame by frame.

A filmed manifesto about our trans bodies, their beauty, their glory and their ability to evolve with us along the way.


Charles Louis Schulmeister (1770-1853) was a smuggler and a revolutionary, but also a chief of police and Napoleon Bonaparte's favorite spy. A look back on his adventurous life with the purpose of unraveling the many mysteries of his unique path.

Several little boys run along a pier, then jump into the ocean.

Suzie and Samuel have known each other since childhood. With their friend Judith, they form a friendly trio. Now in their mid-twenties, at the age when everything is possible but nothing is easy, they find themselves at a crossroads.

四名監察調查組的女特警(吳君如、柏安妮、陳奕詩、關秀媚)被調派返正規警隊,上司(胡楓)遂欲施計陷害四女,令其失職。但每次均被四女逢凶化吉,因禍得福,立其大功。胡楓深深不憤,遂安排四女監視一宗年前珠寶失竊案的失明疑犯-阿PAL(單立文)。另外,胡更安排三名飛虎隊成員(樓南光、盧冠庭、陳輝虹)監視四女之行動及設法令其失職。   吳君如在監視過程中竟私戀PAL,案中昏迷了三個月之主謀DONNA竟突然醒過來,更上門找PAL追回失竊那批珠寶,PAL在驚恐之餘,遂借刀殺人,利用吳殺DONNA,但結果給DONNA負傷逃去。 吳堅信PAL是清白,寧願辭職也不肯到機場搜捕PAL。結果胡楓等人在PAL上機前截PAL,但追尋不獲,眾人如墮霧中,大為不解。吳於是送PAL往機場,就在PAL登機前一刻,PAL被吳發現珠寶原來藏在PAL送給她之袋錶中,PAL知事敗遂欲殺吳,幸得及後趕往機場的柏開槍救吳,PAL結果死於柏之槍下。

Juli's mother is a strict religious person and she's forcing Juli to practice and follow her religious beliefs. The question is if here is an opportunity to break out from the world of this strict religion.

Based on real events: A young gay man ends his relationship with his religious mother after years of her emotional abuse. With his mental health in freefall, he copes by becoming an adult baby.