Bohemian Rhapsody je biografski film, ki slavi Queen, njihovo glasbo in izjemnega frontmana Freddieja Mercuryja, ki je z kljubovanjem in razbijanjem stereotipov postal eden najbolj ljubljenih zabavljačev na planetu. Skozi stičišče kultnih pesmi in prelomnega zvoka film spremlja tudi meteorski hiter razvoj in vzpon skupine, vključno z eksplozijo istega meteorja v času, ko je Freddiejevo življenje uhajalo izpod nadzora, pa tudi zmagoslavno vrnitev na koncert v Live Aidu, ko je Mercury. ob pogledu na lastno usodno bolezen je skupino popeljal v enega najpomembnejših in najbolj očarljivih nastopov v zgodovini rock glasbe.

When a zombie virus pushes Korea into a state of emergency, those trapped on an express train to Busan must fight for their own survival.

Scenarist in režiser Guy Ritchie nam v začetku leta 2020 prinaša prefinjeno in sofisticirano akcijsko komedijo Gospodje, ki sledi ameriškemu izseljencu Mickeyu Pearsonu (Matthew McConaughey), ki je v Londonu ustvaril visoko donosen imperij marihuane. Ko se po okolici razširi beseda, da Mickey želi za vedno izplačati celoten posel, mnogi hitro sprožijo spletke, sheme, podkupovanja in izisljevanja v upanju, da bi del posla ukradli izpod njegovih rok. Ta skoraj legendarna ekipa vsebuje imena, kot so Charlie Hunnam, Colin Farrell, Hugh Grant, Henry Golding, Michelle Dockery, Jeremy Strong in Eddie Marsan.

Režiser znan po odbitih zapletih, še bolj odbitih likih in nadrealnih situacijah se je ponovno znašel na setu z enim od najpopularnejših akcijskih zvezd Jasonom Stathamom Zgodba sledi skrivnostnemu hudobnemu varnostniku H, ki dela za podjetje za prevoz denarja v Los Angelesu in je odgovoren za prevoz milijonov dolarjev po mestu Med ropom vozil, za katere so bili zadolženi, so njegovi kolegi presenečeni nad natančnostjo in spretnostmi, ki jih pokaže H in se sprašujejo, kdo v resnici je in od kod prihaja Kot vedno v Ritchiejevih dovršenih akcijah, ima tudi ta film zvite detajle in epske dialoge, o katerih se bo skozi leta govorilo.

Američanka Amanda in Angležinja Iris si delita enake težave, saj sta tik pred božičnimi prazniki ostali sami. Da bi ušli turobnim mislim in spremenili okolje, se prijavita na program izmenjave hiš med prazniki. Iris prične takoj uživati v razkošnem Amandinem stanovanju v središču ameriškega velemesta, družbo pa ji dela tudi zabavni Miles. Medtem se mora Amanda še močno prilagoditi življenju na pustem angleškem podeželju, toda očarljivi Graham ji predstavi pozitivne lastnosti novega okolja.

The sinister ghost of the Queen of Spades is out for blood, her victims the students of an old boarding school shrouded in gloomy rumors. Exploring the school’s abandoned wing, the teenagers discover a mirror covered in mysterious drawings. Facing it, they playfully recite an incantation which renders their innermost desires a reality - at the expense of nothing less than their souls.

Živeti v Barbie deželi pomeni biti popolno bitje na popolnem mestu. Razen, če imaš popolno krizo eksistence. Ali pa si Ken. Ona je vse. On je samo Ken. Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Čas deklištva) je film posnela po scenariju, ki ga je napisala z Noahom Baumbachom (Frances Ha, Marriage Story).

Once a legendary detective and a new mom, Mi-young, now works a desk job. But when overenthusiastic newbie Ji-hye is assigned to Mi-young's civil complaints team, the two female cops get caught up in a serious criminal case that triggers an action-filled comedic investigation.

Kaj, ce bi vas nakljucno sporocilo privedlo do ljubezni vašega življenja? V tej romanticni komediji Mira Ray, ki preboleva smrt svojega zarocenca, pošlje vrsto prisrcnih sporocil na njegovo staro telefonsko številko – vendar ne ve, da je bila ta številka dodeljena novemu službenemu telefonu novinarja Roba Burnsa. Roba takoj prevzameta iskrenost in ganljive izpovedi sporocil. Ko mu narocijo, naj napiše prispevek o zvezdnici Celine Dion (ki igra samo sebe v svoji prvi filmski vlogi), jo prosi za pomoc, da ugotovita, kako bi lahko osebno spoznal Miro ... in osvojil njeno srce.

Becca is always a bridesmaid, but at her cousin's wedding she bonds with Kyle, the videographer covering every stage of the planning. Perhaps she won't be the last woman standing for long.

Clark Davis struggles to maintain his land and support his family during a long drought. With a bank loan to repay, his wife, Ellen, takes a job in town as a seamstress, but soon becomes ill with scarlet fever. Devastated to lose his beloved wife, Clark and his young daughter Missie turn to his parents Irene and Lloyd for support. Clark must find a way to save his farm and survive Ellen's death without losing the person he loves most: his daughter.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

Rose, a desperate mother takes her adopted daughter, Sharon, to the town of Silent Hill in an attempt to cure her of her ailment. After a violent car crash, Sharon disappears and Rose begins a desperate search to get her back. She descends into the center of the twisted reality of a town's terrible secret. Pursued by grotesquely deformed creatures and townspeople stuck in permanent purgatory, Rose begins to uncover the truth behind the apocalyptic disaster that burned the town 30 years earlier.

Bestselling author Angela Young needs to get away from the media circus surrounding her book, but her boyfriend/manager Brad is too busy making deals to listen. Determined to take a break, Angela pulls a disappearing act and drives off to see the fall foliage.

When Sarah needs to impress a corporate bigwig in order to help her sister's catering business, she finds herself agreeing to be his son’s pretend date to a family wedding

A young lady who has grown up with her father being a radio DJ, becomes one herself. Falls in love and hosts a 'Romantically Speaking' show.

Spencer is a cat person. Laura is a dog person. Spencer is headed to a beach town to work on his thesis. Laura is coming to the same beach town to escape the shambles of her life. Their personalities couldn’t be more different, but when a reservation screw up lands them – and their pets – in the same vacation rental house, they all have to figure out how to get along with each other.

Jenn buys an old reel-to-reel recorder at a garage sale only to find that it includes the sound of a man pleading for his life. When the former owner of the recorder, a retired therapist, is found murdered in a patient’s apartment, Jenn’s investigation leads to other patients whose love lives are more entangled than she was first led to believe.

When a tech blogger lands an interview with a tech guru and stops an attack on him, he finds a mysterious ring that takes him back 57 seconds into the past.

Fred Bartel is the charismatic boss of a trendy Parisian communication agency, Happy Few. After a heated tax audit, he was forced by the administration to relocate overnight his company in La Courneuve. Fred and his team meet Samy, a young suburb who will quickly propose to teach them the rules and practices to adopt in this new environment.