Tri godine nakon bitke Geonosisa ratovi klonova se konačno privode kraju. Obi-Wan Kenobi sada ima zaduženje za uništenje ostalih separatista Count Dooku i Grievousa. Palpatine je postao korumpiran, proglašavajući se carem, a zajedno s Anakinom Skywalkerom započinje stvaranje svog novog galaktičkog kraljevstva. Budući da se Anakin naposljetku pretvara u zlog Dartha Vadera, Padme se odlučuje skriti sve do kraja rata kada će na vidjelo izaći novi sukob.

Kada posada Enterprise-a bude pozvana da se vrati kući, otkrije da je nezaustavljiva sila straha unutar vlastitih redova razorila flotu i sve što ona predstavlja, ostavivši naš svijet u kriznom stanju. Odlučan da podmiri osobne račune, kapetan Kirk povede lov u ratnu zonu kako bi zarobio oružje masovnog uništenja u liku jednog jedinog čovjeka. Kad naši junaci ulete u epsku partiju šaha na život i smrt, ljubav dolazi na kušnju, prijateljstva se razaraju, a žrtvovanja će biti neophodna za dobrobit jedine obitelji koja je Kirku još preostala: njegove posade.

Alice, djevojka nezadovoljna dosadnom svakodnevnicom, postat će žrtva vlastite radoznalosti kad prati užurbanog zeca u podzemni prolaz i nađe se u čarobnoj zemlji avanture i apsurda gdje ništa nije onakvo kakvim se čini.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

U središtu priče je Thor, moćni ali arogantni ratnik s drugog svijeta čije nepromišljene akcije pokreću drevni rat. Za kaznu je prognan na Zemlju i prisiljen živjeti s ljudima. Ovdje uči što čini pravog heroja kad najopasniji negativac njegova svijeta šalje mračne sile Asgarda da napadnu Zemlju.

A rare mutation has occurred within the vampire community - The Reaper. A vampire so consumed with an insatiable bloodlust that they prey on vampires as well as humans, transforming victims who are unlucky enough to survive into Reapers themselves. Blade is asked by the Vampire Nation for his help in preventing a nightmare plague that would wipe out both humans and vampires.

Chucky is reconstructed by a toy factory to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the doll, and tracks young Andy Barclay to a foster home where the chase begins again.

Japanski ministar obrane posjećuje Francusku kako bi potpisao "ugovor stoljeća" i uvjerio se u sposobnosti francuske policije u borbi s teroristima. Policijskom načelniku je operacija Ninja, misija u kojoj mora štititi ministra, vrhunac njegove dotadašnje karijere. Kad banda yakuza otima japanskog ministra, jasno je da im se suprotstaviti mogu samo Daniel i Emilien. Daniel, koji još uvijek vozi taksi, vidi priliku za dokazivanje svojih vozačkih sposobnosti, a Emilien priliku za konačno osvajanje Petre.

After suffering humiliation by the crew Invincible, street dancer Ash looks to gather the best dancers from around the world for a rematch.

It tells of the events before the film, in which monster hunter Gabriel Van Helsing travels to London to investigate a series of horrific, and decidedly supernatural murders, being committed by the mad scientist Dr. Jekyll, in the form of his evil alter-ego, Mr. Hyde.

Nakon što im oduzmu medalje zbog skandala, dvojica klizača vrate se u akciju putem rupe u zakonu koja im omogućuje da se natječu u kategoriji parova.

After solving their last mystery at Spooky Island, the Mystery Inc. gang is back in Coolsville, where they are being honored with their very own exhibit at the Coolsonian Criminology Museum. However, when a masked villain steals costumes of classic monsters on display and brings them to life, the gang must come out of retirement to solve the case.

When Earth astronaut Capt. Chuck Baker arrives on Planet 51 -- a world reminiscent of American suburbia circa 1950 -- he tries to avoid capture, recover his spaceship and make it home safely, all with the help of an empathetic little green being.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

With only 12 percent of its pupils obtaining their baccalaureate, Jules Ferry High School is the worst school in France. The Inspector of Schools has already exhausted all the conventional means to raise standards at the school and he has no choice but to take the advice of his deputy. It is a case of having to fight fire with fire: the worst pupils must be taught by the worst teachers...

The joke's on absent-minded scientist Wayne Szalinski when his troublesome invention shrinks him, his brother and their wives so effectively that their children think they've completely disappeared. Of course, this gives the kids free rein to do anything they want, unaware that their parents are watching every move.

A DEA agent whose family was slain as part of a conspiracy, and an assassin out to avenge her sister's death, join forces to solve a series of murders in New York City.

A womanizing lawyer follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is a bumbling police chief who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet during a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.

Confident senior Jo begins the new school year by breaking her own cardinal rule: don't get involved in girl drama. but when she sees timid Abby preyed upon by Queen Bee Mandi and her minions, she takes sides in a viciously funny girl-world-war that turns North Shore High School upside down.