The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on an Arctic base, under attack from terrifying creatures, who are you going to call? Santa Claus!

Dans ce spectacle, mis en scène par sa soeur Judith Elmaleh, il parle de son enfance, de son fils et de son père ; 750 000 places seront vendus.

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.

Dokumentāla filma par sporta leģendas Lensa Ārmstronga neticamo kāpienu un beidzamo kritienu.

Tobi and Achim, the pride of the local crew club, have been the best of friends for years and are convinced that nothing will ever stand in the way of their friendship. They look forward to the upcoming summer camp and the crew competition. Then the gay team from Berlin arrives and Tobi is totally confused. The evening before the races begin, the storm that breaks out is more than meteor-logical.

Four fighters from different backgrounds come together to train under an ex MMA rising star and then ultimately have to fight each other and the traitor in their midst.

Kad Džons Benets bija mazs puika, viņš izteica vēlēšanos, lai Teds - mīļotais plīša lācītis - atdzīvotos. 30 gadus vēlāk Teds joprojām ir viņa neatņemamais kompanjons, lai vai kā tas nepatiktu Lorijai - Džona draudzenei. Lai arī Lorija ir neapmierināta par pāra mūžīgo vēlmi pēc alus un marihuānas, viņa nav tā, kas būtu dusmīga uz Džonu visvairāk. Džonam var nākties piedzīvot iejaukšanos no Teda, lai beidzot pieaugtu.

Movie star Vincent Chase, together with his boys, Eric, Turtle and Johnny, are back…and back in business with super agent-turned-studio head Ari Gold. Some of their ambitions have changed, but the bond between them remains strong as they navigate the capricious and often cutthroat world of Hollywood.

A sperm donor becomes impotent - and so he searches for the woman, who got his sperm, to become a father after all...

In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors.

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

Divas māsas nolemj sarīkot pēdējo mājas ballīti, pirms viņu vecāki pārdevuši ģimenes māju.

Surly, a curmudgeon, independent squirrel is banished from his park and forced to survive in the city. Lucky for him, he stumbles on the one thing that may be able to save his life, and the rest of park community, as they gear up for winter - Maury's Nut Store.

Uzcītīgai, bet nemākulīgai policistei tiek uzticēts eskortēt ietekmīga narkotirgoņa atraitni, kura ir vienīgā lieciniece kriminālprāvā. Uzdevums nav no vieglajiem, jo seksīgo un temperamentīgo latīņamerikāņu daiļavu vēlas novākt gan noziedzīgās pasaules elementi, gan korumpēti policisti. Abas dāmas tiek ierautas nebeidzamā piedzīvojumu virpulī, kad sākas pakaļdzīšanās cauri visai Teksasai.

French filmmaker Eric Lartigau directs the anarchic buddy comedy Bullit and Riper, originally released as Mais qui a tue Pamela Rose? French comedic television stars Kad Merad and Olivier Barroux are both the protagonists and the screenwriters. As a parody of Hollywood cop films, the story is set somewhere in the American Midwest as fabricated by the French. After losing his regular partner, FBI agent Richard Bullit (Merad) gets assigned to the book-learned cop Riper (Barroux) to investigate the death of a stripper. American movie stereotypes abound, such as shock jock Phil Canon (Gérard Darmon) and sheriff Steve Marley (Jean-Paul Rouve).

Cindy finds out the house she lives in is haunted by a little boy and goes on a quest to find out who killed him and why. Also, Alien "Tr-iPods" are invading the world and she has to uncover the secret in order to stop them.

A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.

Kad draudzene pamet Leriju dodot priekšroku pilsētas smukulītim, viņš ir apņēmības pilns viņu atgūt un izpelnīties simpātijas brīvprātīgi strādājot bērnu pēcskolas programmā. Nepatikšanas sākas, kad Lerijs nejauši izpļāpājas bērniem, ka zobu feja patiesībā r tikai izdomājums…

Like every summer, our friends, the Pics, Jacky and Laurette, Gatineau, recently divorced from Sopie, and Patrick Chirac, ever true to form, get together at the Blue Waves camping grounds. This year, Patrick has decided to try car sharing. Believing that he'll travel through France alone with Vanessa, he finds himself accompanied by three young Dijon inhabitants: smooth-talking Robert, good-looking Benji and loudmouth José. Of course, after car sharing Patrick is forced to try out bed sharing...