The Prismatic World Tour Live is a sensory explosion of eye-popping theatrics, daring acrobatics and of course, all the hits. This concert film is a visually stunning production that captures Katy’s fun-loving personality and artistic vision. Spanning the entire length of the arena floor, the innovative Prismatic Tour stage allows Katy to share intimate moments with her fans in a unique shared connection with the music. Directed for the stage in seven thematic acts, this unmissable spectacle features hit after hit after hit, and The Prismatic World Tour Live truly captures the excitement, color and energy of the live Katy Perry extravaganza.

This is the very first silent slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. What's more fun: fishing with worms, or dynamite? Three friends decided to have a blast! Unfortunately their dog Barbos just loves playing fetch. And this time that stick was used for blast fishing. Barbos saw people throwing a smoking stick in a water, and fetched it right back to his owners. The "unusual cross" part begins when owners try to outrun the dog with dynamite.

The boy Mowgli makes his way to the man-village with Bagheera, the wise panther. Along the way he meets jazzy King Louie, the hypnotic snake Kaa and the lovable, happy-go-lucky bear Baloo, who teaches Mowgli "The Bare Necessities" of life and the true meaning of friendship.

Lili, o tânără de 19 ani cuprinsă de o depresie suicidară după dispariția iubitului ei frate geamăn, se află în căutarea acestuia și primește o scrisoare.

Îngrozitoarea Cruella de Vil e hotărâtă să revoluționeze industria vestimentară realizând haine din blana unor bieți pui de dalmațieni. După ce dispar cei 15 cățeluși ai dalmațienilor Pongo și Perdita, aceștia pornesc în importanta misiune de a-și salva micuții înainte ca malefica Cruella să le facă vreun rău.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Puss in Boots is on a mission to recover the Princess' stolen ruby from the notorious French thief, Whisperer. Reluctantly accompanied by three little kittens, Three Diablos, Puss must tame them before they endanger the mission.

This time around Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world.

Wallace e un fost soldat care salvează o sinucigașă, Esther, de la moarte. Cei doi merg să bea ceva împreună, dar Wallace e drogat și tânăra este răpită. Plecat în căutarea tinerei alături de Delia, colega ei de cameră, Wallace e atacat de Manute (Michael Clarke Duncan). În căutările sale, e ajutat de un fost camarad de război căruia i se spune Căpitanul. Într-un final, Esther e găsită la ferma familiei Roark și eliberată cu condiția ca Wallace să nu dezvăluie unele secrete.

Saint Tropez-ul nu a mai fost acelasi dupa ce a trecut el pe acolo. Acum a venit randul celei mai clocotitoare metropole din lume sa-i cunoasca potentialul catastrofic. Louis de Funees, maestrul umorului gestual si involuntar, il joaca din nou pe inepuizabilul inspector al politiei franceze, Cruchot, trimis de data aceasta tocmai la New York pentru a-si reprezenta sectia la Conventia Internationala a Politiei. Ca o ironie a sortii planurile sale de conferentiar dornic de asimilare de cunostinte politienesti de ultima ora sunt date din nou peste cap de fiica sa. Aceasta se afla si ea la New York in cautare de aventura. Cruchot se va vedea astfel nevoit sa pacaleasca programul aglomerat al conventiei si sa porneasca in cautarea fiicei prin labirinticul New York. Pana sa o dibuiasca, Cruchot nu va fi defel scutit de cele mai hilare situatii.

Littlefoot befriends with a mysterious, fun-loving dolphin-like creature named Mo, who is trapped in "new water" caused by heavy rain. The gang then goes on an adventure to the "big water" to bring Mo home.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Swedish intelligence officer Carl Hamilton's 7-year-old goddaughter Nathalie is kidnapped. When the kidnapping's underlying motive becomes known, the Swedish authorities assume a passive role, forcing Hamilton to action. With the help of international contacts, Hamilton manages to get them on track. Hamilton, along with some military colleagues, plans a daring rescue mission.

Sammy and Ray, leatherback turtles and friends forever, are enjoying an atoll's water and sand, shepherding new hatchlings Ricky and Ella out to sea. Suddenly, a poacher swoops in and ships them off to be part of a spectacular aquarium show for tourists in Dubai. The kingpin of the place, Big D the seahorse, enlists them in his plans for a great escape. But with their new friends Jimbo the bug-eyed blob fish and Lulu the snippy lobster, Annabel the sweet Octopus, and a whole family of penguins, Sammy and Ray hatch breakout plans of their own. That is when little Ricky and Ella arrive, determined to break in to rescue them. After a series of thrilling adventures and narrow escapes, our heroes head south to meet up with Shelly, Sammy's first and only love.

Everyone has 'moved on', except for Sherman and Jim Levenstein's still understanding father. Little Matt Stiffler wants to join his older brother Steve's business and, after everything Matt has heard from Jim's band-geek wife, he plans to go back to band camp and make a video of his own.

The joke's on absent-minded scientist Wayne Szalinski when his troublesome invention shrinks him, his brother and their wives so effectively that their children think they've completely disappeared. Of course, this gives the kids free rein to do anything they want, unaware that their parents are watching every move.

Now that Frollo is gone, Quasimodo rings the bell with the help of his new friend and Esmeralda's and Phoebus' little son, Zephyr. But when Quasi stops by a traveling circus owned by evil magician Sarousch, he falls for Madellaine, Sarouch's assistant.

După un accident oribil din care este salvat cu ajutorul transplanturilor de organe de la diferite animale, Marvin Mange capătă puteri uluitoare.

Various introductions corners, card games, quizes, 'Making Of', and concert 'Backstage Footage'.