Tough ex-convict Inder and traditional mousy Saraswati fall in love and get married, but a tragedy changes their lives forever. The film is a modern rendition of the legends of Shiva-Sati and the novel Love Story by Eric Segal.

In 1970s Iran, Marjane 'Marji' Statrapi watches events through her young eyes and her idealistic family of a long dream being fulfilled of the hated Shah's defeat in the Iranian Revolution of 1979. However as Marji grows up, she witnesses first hand how the new Iran, now ruled by Islamic fundamentalists, has become a repressive tyranny on its own.

As the son of a Viking leader on the cusp of manhood, shy Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III faces a rite of passage: he must kill a dragon to prove his warrior mettle. But after downing a feared dragon, he realizes that he no longer wants to destroy it, and instead befriends the beast – which he names Toothless – much to the chagrin of his warrior father.

Nemo Nobody leads an ordinary existence with his wife and 3 children; one day, he wakes up as a mortal centenarian in the year 2092.

Faced with real-world opportunities and challenges, a couple endures the highs and lows of trying to make a long-distance relationship survive.

In real life, Kwon Yoo is unemployed, but in the virtual game world he is the best leader. Kwon Yoo is then framed for a murder. With the help of hacker Yeo-Wool, he tries to uncover the truth behind the murder case.

დროში მოგზაურთა ჯგუფი 2051 წლიდან ჩვენს დროში ჩამოდის, რათა კაცობრიობას აცნობოს, რომ 30 წლის შემდეგ ისინი მომაკვდინებელი უცხოპლანეტელების წინააღმდეგ გლობარულ ომში წააგებენ, რომლებსაც დედამიწის განადგურება სურთ. ახლა გადარჩენის ერთადერთი იმედი, ჯარისკაცების და სამოქალაქო პორების აწმყოდან მომავალში გადაყვანა და ბრძოლაში ჩართვაა. შედეგად, მომავლის რაზმს, მამა და საშუალო სკოლის პედაგოგი დენ ფორესტერი უერთდება, რომელიც მზადაა სამყარო გადაარჩინოს და ამით თავის პატარ ქალიშვილს მშვიობიანი მომავალი შესთავაზოს. ამრიგად, დენი ჩენი პენალტის ბედის გადაწერის სასოწარკვეთილ ძიებაში ბრწყინვალე მეცნიერთან და მის გაუცხოებულ მამასთან გაერთიანდება.

მისტიკური თრილერი, რომელშიც მოქმედება ცივილიზაციისგან შორს მდებარე ფერმის ტერიტორიაზე ვითარდება, სადაც ახალგაზრდა წყვილი მცირეწლოვან შვილებთან ერთად წყნარად და განმარტოებით ცხოვრობდნენ ; სანამ ერთ დღეს არამქვეყნიური უჩინარი ძალის სამიზნეები არ გახდნენ. ახალ, რომ გადარჩნენ გმირები იძულებულნი არიან სრულ სიჩუმეში იცხოვრონ და ჟესტების ენა გამოიყენონ, რათა დაემალნონ უცნობ არსებას, რომელიც ხმაზე რეაგირებს და ნადირობს.

სუპერბოროტმოქმედი სუპერჯგუფის ფანი, რომელიც ცნობილია როგორც Vicious 6, გრუ აყალიბებს გეგმას, გახდეს საკმარისად ბოროტი, რათა შეუერთდეს მათ, მისი მიმდევრების, მინიონების სარეზერვო საშუალებით.

A boy who can see ghosts moves to a small town, where he befriends a female ghost. The two work together to investigate a masked ghost who is murdering students one by one.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Kako, a 16-year-old high school girl, goes to a mixer pretending to be 22. While there, she meets Kouta who at first has a very intimidating aura. But once he saves her from an awkward situation, she wants to know more about him as does he. That is until he finds out she isn't 22. The next day Kako runs into him again, but this time he's working as a police officer. Kako still wants to get closer to Kouta, but he isn't interested or is he?

ICAC Investigator William Luk and JFIU Chief Inspector Lau Po-keung both hit a dead end in their investigation of a bribery case and a money laundering case. In the meantime, William Luk was suspended when model Eva Ng went to Inspector Kenny Ching of ICAC’s Internal Investigation Group L, to file a report against him for accepting a $12M bribe. Lau discovered Luk was set up and whoever framed Luk was connected to his case. He began to suspect the bank manager Thomson Yau was assisting a gangster, Wong Hoi-wo in money laundering activities. When Director Hong Liang of China’s Anti-Corruption & Bribery Bureau (ACBB) provided Lau with important intelligence, it became clear the money laundering activities were connected to a corrupted Vice-Ministerial Level cadre. To clear his name, William Luk put everything on the line…

When salary man Jun gets home, he finds his wife bleeding from her mouth and lying on the floor. He is shocked by the scene, but it turns out the blood is just ketchup and she is pretending to be dead. Without telling him why, she pretends to be dead everyday. Jun is dumbfounded by his wife's behavior, but he begins to feel uneasy with her.

არტურ ქიური აღმოაჩენს, რომ ის ატლანტის წყალქვეშა სამეფოს მემკვიდრეა, რომელიც თავის ხალხს წინ უნდა გაუძღვეს და გახდეს ის გმირი, რომელიც სამყაროს ასე ძალიან სჭირდება...

Lara Jean and Peter have just taken their romance from pretend to officially real when another recipient of one of her love letters enters the picture.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

Animal control officer Walter Sparrow becomes obsessed with a novel that he believes was written about him, as more and more similarities between himself and his literary alter ego seem to arise.

A corrupt prosecutor plans for revenge against Hyun-jung's crime organization by using her loyal partner, Sang-hoon.

Mari Hirakawa is a woman who inherits her father's karate dojo. However, she finds out that Chan Keung, her father's former student, is also its heir and they fight to determine its sole owner.