Interviews with the cast, creators, journalists and celebrity fans, plus behind-the-scenes footage from season six.

Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.

Filmul este bazat după o poveste adevărată, inspirată din viața lui Carroll Shelby, un designer revoluționar al industriei americane de mașini și a neînfricatului șofer britanic Ken Miles. Ei s-au luptat cu birocrația corporatistă, cu legile fizicii, cât și cu propri demoni pentru a putea construi o mașină de curse revoluționară pentru compania Ford Motor Company. Astfel, au reușit să detroneze titlul deținut de Enzo Ferrari în cadrul cursei de 24 de ore din Franța din 1966, pe pista Le Mans.

With their most formidable foe vanquished, Inuyasha and his comrades begin returning to their everyday lives. But their peace is fleeting as another adversary emerges: Kaguya, the self-proclaimed princess from the Moon of Legend, hatches a plot to plunge the world into an eternal night of the full moon. Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango and Shippou must reunite to confront the new menace.

A young girl had her voice magically taken away so that she would never hurt people with it, but her outlook changes when she encounters music and friendship. Will Naruse be able to convey the anthem of her heart?

Doi fraţi din Texas, Toby şi Tanner, se reunesc după ani la rând în care drumurile li s-au despărţit, pentru a jefui filiale ale băncii care ameninţă cu executarea silită afacerea familiei lor. Pentru ei, jafurile nu sunt decât un ultim resort disperat de a-şi pune la adăpost viitorul care le-a fost răpit. O vreme se pare că răzbunarea merge ca pe roate, dar totul se schimbă din momentul în care pe firul investigaţiei intră un ranger texan, Marcus, care, la rândul său, caută să facă ultima mare “captură” din carieră înainte de a se pensiona, ajutat de partenerul său pe jumătate indian Comanche, Alberto.

Acest documentar pătrunde în lumea complexă a companiei Herbalife, multinaționala producătoare de suplimente nutritive, acuzată de organizarea unei scheme piramidale.

Având printre ei un nou membru, cei patru Călăreți își folosesc puterea de magicieni într-un jaf care implică un magnat dubios și un dispozitiv tehnologic revoluționar.

Documentary sequel that offers a close-up look into the personal lives of the legendary porn stars who've survived the test of time and influenced popular culture. Blends rare interviews with erotic clips and additional appearances by Whoopi Goldberg, Steven Soderbergh and a host of adult stars, directors and trendsetters.

A re-interpretation of Ramayana, the Thai animation film tells the story of a giant robot, Kiew, who's left wandering in a barren wasteland after a great war. Kiew meets Peuk, a puny tin robot who's lost his memory and is now stuck with his new big friend. Together they set out across the desert populated by metal scavengers, to look for Ram, the creator of all robots.

Teresa und Patricia are best friends. Despite the big differences between date-experienced Teresa and romantically predisposed single-mother Patricia, they have one thing in common: they have enough of bad dates and are sick of stupid dudes, bad surprises and broken hearts. When Teresa meets the neurotic programmer Anton, who is completely inexperienced in the field of romance, they come up with a genius business idea: together with the womanizer and start-up founder Paul, they develop an app with which potential dates can be categorized. In this manner, users can paint a picture of what they're getting themselves into. However, quite quickly they find out that people can't be easily fit into boxes and that matters of the heart shouldn't be left to an algorithm...

How far would you go to get the person of your dreams? With the help of Gwen and Tiffani, Kyle pretends to be heterosexual in order to land Troy, the new guy (and nude model) who's turning the heads of both men and women. He soon finds himself joining the campus ex-gay support group and nabbing a girlfriend! Kyle's ex-boyfriend Marc is horrified at the plan and decides to pursue the confused Troy with his own tactic -- being his "out" gay self. Who will win Troy first?

Toro (Spanish for "Bull") is a young con man and the right hand of Romano, a powerful mob boss in Torremolinos, Málaga (Andalusia, south to Spain). After Toro decides to leave Romano to get a life free of crime, his last sting fails, resulting one of his brothers dead and he sent to jail. Five years later, Romano realizes that López, Toro's older brother, is robbing him money from his tourism business and he orders to kidnap Diana, López's little daughter, until this one get back the money. Without options, López visits Toro, now a touristic driver with the third grade prison close to get the parole, who only wants to be free to marry his girlfriend Estrella. When Toro accepts to help López and both meet Romano looking for a solution, Toro ends attacking Romano's men and fleeing with Diana, trying to escape from Romano's revenge. But Romano starts a ruthless searching for they three, meanwhile Toro counts the hours to back the prison according to the third grade...

Secretele întunecate ale unei insule aparent liniștite amenință să distrugă un student orfan care se atașează de o profesoară nouă și misterioasă.

John Meehan created a terrifying trap of seduction, deceit and betrayal for countless victims. The illuminating revelations into his backstory showcase a series of events that flipped switches to create a monster wired for psychopathy. Goffard exposes John’s troubled background that built the foundation for his ominous fantasy world of lies and manipulation. In addition to hearing the Newell family’s terrifying tale, John’s first wife Tonia Bales and her daughters Emily and Abigail Meehan speak out, along with other women from his past who were caught in his web of lies.

Ava is recovering from demonic possession. With no memory of the past month, she must attend a Spirit Possessions Anonymous support group to figure out what happened. Ava's life was hijacked by a demon, now it's time to get it back.

Mr. Pricklepants tells Forky about the complexities of being an actor and the art of performance.

Guy gets mugged on horseback and left for dead; farmgal nurses him back to health and when he's on his feet again, he puts a domino on and swings into J J action.