A young man has a renewed interest in his girlfriend when he takes a job that separates the two.

Tragicomic road movie set during the Edo period. It follows a samurai, his two servants – including spear-carrier Genpachi – and the various people they meet on their journey, including a policeman in pursuit of a thief, a young child and a woman who is to be sold into prostitution.

Four women were murdered, each was knifed and, though they had their clothes torn, they weren't molested. As the famed police inspector Jules Maigret pieces the clues together, he comes to realize that for the elusive man that he suspects to be unmasked, he has to set him a trap.

American crime reporter John Jones is reassigned to Europe as a foreign correspondent to cover the imminent war. When he walks into the middle of an assassination and stumbles on a spy ring, he seeks help from a beautiful politician’s daughter and an urbane English journalist to uncover the truth.

Early new wave effort from Rohmer, which was the first of his six moral tales. It concerns a young man who approaches a girl in the street, but after several days without seeing her again, he becomes involved with the girl in the local bakery. Eventually, he has to choose between them when he arranges dates with them on the same day.

Aboard a ship early in the 20th-century, a middle-aged Italian tells his story of love to a Russian.

Četras kāzas un vienas bēres – tieši tik daudz pasākumu apmeklē zvērinātais vecpuisis Čārlzs, līdz apjauš, ka ir atradis sava mūža lielo mīlestību. Amerikānieti Keriju viņš sastop jau pirmajās draugu kāzās – tāpat arī visās nākamajās, taču kaut kas visu laiku nostājas viņiem ceļā. Čārlzs, kurš vienmēr domājis, ka “es nekad”, beidzot pošas savām kāzām. Neiztrūkstošais britu humors, spilgti personāži, jautri pārpratumi – tas viss romantiskajā komēdijā “Četras kāzas un vienas bēres”.

Explores the true story of the notorious Jesse James, how the myth developed during his lifetime, and how the legends have persisted over 100 years after his death at the hands of his former friend, Robert Ford.

A leftist professor wants the truth about two men killed during a hunting party; but the mafia, the Church and corrupt politicians don't want him to learn it.

After being run out of Las Vegas, reporter Carl Kolchak heads for Seattle and another reporting job with the local paper. It's not long before he is on the trail of another string of bizarre murders. It seems that every 21 years, for the past century, a killer kills a certain number of people, drains them of their blood and then disappears into the night. Kolchak is on his trail, but can he stop him?

Pirms sešiem gadiem vienas dienas laikā Amēlija zaudēja vīru un dzemdēja dēlu. Semam jau iet septītais gads, bet viņam visur rēgojas briesmoņi. Reiz pirms gulētiešanas zēns lūdz mātei palasīt tam pirms miega grāmatu par briesmoni Babaduku...

Old professional killer Wagner seeks someone to teach what he knows as long as he is already dying, and he chooses Max, young and passionless thief to be his successor.

Glimpses of Chaucer penning his famous work are sprinkled through this re-enactment of several of his stories.

Četri svešinieki Vecgada vakarā nejauši satiekas uz kāda Londonas debesskrāpja jumta. Ikviens no viņiem ir tur nonācis ar vienu mērķi – nolēkt. Savādajā situācijā viņi vienojas nodzīvot līdz svētā Valentīna dienai un satikties šajā vietā atkal.

Šons Andersons saņem šifrētu trauksmes signālu no noslēpumainas salas, kas nav atrodama nevienā kartē. Nespējot apturēt puisi, Šona jaunais patēvs dodas ceļā kopā ar viņu. Abi lavierē pa Atlantīdas brūkošajiem akmens gaiteņiem, sastopas ar dīvainām dzīvības formām, zelta kalniem, nāvējošiem vulkāniem un dažādiem pārsteidzošiem noslēpumiem.

Officer Carey Mahoney and his cohorts have finally graduated from the Police Academy and are about to hit the streets on their first assignment. Question is, are they ready to do battle with a band of graffiti-tagging terrorists? Time will tell, but don't sell short this cheerful band of doltish boys in blue.

Nino establishes a club of supporters of Naples, fighting against the violence in the stadiums. But the Camorra hinders its project.

Jim is an average New Yorker living a peaceful life with a well paying job and a loving family. Suddenly, everything changes when the economy crashes causing Jim to lose everything. Filled with anger and rage, Jim snaps and goes to extreme lengths to seek revenge for the life taken from him.

Tajos tālajos laikos, kad dzīvoja gan briesmoņi, gan varoņi - varenais kareivis Beovulfs dodas pāri jūrai, lai atbrīvotu karaļa Hrotgara pārvaldīto Dānijas karalisti no nežēlīgā dēmona Grendela. Nogalinot to, Beovulfs izraisa dēmona mātes naidu.

Orlando is in his 40s and is "loser" until the 2012 earthquake makes him change his life.