Desmitgadīgais Augusts Pulmens, kas piedzima ar nopietnu sejas defektu un slimības dēļ līdz šim ir mācījies mājās, pirmoreiz dosies uz skolu, lai uzsāktu mācības vietējās skolas 5. klasē. Augija vienaudžiem nebūs viegli pieņemt citādo un aiz neparastās ārienes ieraudzīt to stipro, drosmīgo un labsirdīgo zēnu, ko pazīst viņa mīlošā ģimene. Lai gan Augijs pūlēsies būt tāds pats kā citi skolēni, viņš tikai vēlreiz apliecinās, ka ir īpašs, un ne jau neparastā izskata dēļ.

Uzreiz pēc astoņdesmit piektās jubilejas nogalināts detektīvromānu autors un kuplas ģimenes patriarhs Harlans Trombijs. Slepkavības izmeklēšanu uzsāk harizmātiskais un skrupulozais detektīvs Benuā Blanks, kuram acumirklī kļūst skaidrs – slepkavību ir pastrādājis kāds no Trombija plašās ģimenes locekļiem. Bet kurš tieši? Atjautības spēle uz dzīvību un nāvi ir sākusies!

Kriss un viņa draudzene Roza dodas uz ziemeļiem apciemot viņas vecākus nedēļas nogalē. Sākumā Kriss notur ģimenes pārlieko viesmīlību kā nervozu mēģinājumu pieņemt meitas drauga izcelsmi, bet brīvdienu gaitā caur dažādiem nepatīkamiem atklājumiem viņam parādās patiesība, kādu nekad nebūtu varējis iedomāties.

A man is left at the altar by his bride, so his two cousins decide to bring him to the place they used to go on vacation when they were kids.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

A brutal mugging leaves Grey Trace paralyzed in the hospital and his beloved wife dead. A billionaire inventor soon offers Trace a cure — an artificial intelligence implant called STEM that will enhance his body. Now able to walk, Grey finds that he also has superhuman strength and agility — skills he uses to seek revenge against the thugs who destroyed his life.

The story of a group of men, an Army Rifle company called C-for-Charlie, who change, suffer, and ultimately make essential discoveries about themselves during the fierce World War II battle of Guadalcanal. It follows their journey, from the surprise of an unopposed landing, through the bloody and exhausting battles that follow, to the ultimate departure of those who survived.

Two university students gain insight into life and love as they get to know each other during a road trip across Europe.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

Filmas galvenais varonis Džons Robi agrāk bijis nepārspēts profesionāls zaglis, kurš ieguvis iesauku "kaķis". Sakrājis kapitālu, Robi dodas pensijā un eleganti atpūšas Francijas Rivjērā. Viņa mierīgajai dzīvei pienāk beigas, kad kāds viņa stilā sāk laupīt bagātniekus. Džons nolemj atrast tos, kas imitē viņa zagšanas rokrakstu.

Bruņojies ar vienu vārdu – Tenet –, filmas galvenais varonis dodas cīņā, lai novērstu Trešo pasaules karu. Viņa misija ved cauri krēslainajiem starptautiskās spiegošanas koridoriem, un atklājas, ka tā pārkāpj esošā laika rāmjus. Tā nav ceļošana laikā. Tā ir inversija.

After her father died, a Hong Kong girl discovers she has two hitherto unknown sisters, one in Taiwan and one in China. To settle her father's debt, she must reunite with them to run the family's hot pot restaurant.

Suspicion is on high after Batman, Batgirl, Robin and other DC superheroes receive mysterious invitations. However, family values must remain strong when Batman and his team encounter the villainous Red Hood, who is obsessed with destroying the Bat-family and all of Gotham City.

A group of students investigates a series of mysterious bear killings, but learns that there are much more dangerous things going on. They start to follow a mysterious hunter, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.

Helovīna naktī draugu kompānija dodas uz “šausmu māju”, kurā apmeklētājiem solīts piedzīvot savas lielākās bailes. Tomēr nakts izvēršas nāvīgi un viņi ātri saprot, ka viņu ļaunākie murgi sāk kļūt par īstenību.

Two thieving teenage brothers, stealing money to help their sick mom, match wits with a troubled security guard stuck at the bottom of a forgotten well.

Greek general Themistocles attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. Themistocles faces the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god, Xerxes and Artemesia, the vengeful commander of the Persian navy.

A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated house; but the twisted horrors he finds inside are enough to send anyone running. So why does he stay? And why are so many people drawn to Penance Lane?

After his father commits suicide, Rendy, his wife Laura (Kelly Brook) and his two children return to Indonesia to look after his ailing mother. Rendy is shocked to find his mother mysteriously unable to speak, lying in bed in a trance. After his mother unexpectedly attacks the family, they soon realize she is haunted by a terrifying dark magic. A rampage of horrific attacks soon befall the family as they try to escape the demonic black magic that assails them.

Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings.