Ponorte sa do veľkolepého príbehu o rodine, odvahe a návrate domov. Pridajte sa k Athene, majestátnej vodkyni slonieho stáda, ktorá vedie svoju rodinu cez nemilosrdnú africkú krajinu.

The hourlong concert event, filmed at the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, features multi-platinum recording artist, songwriter and trailblazer Miley Cyrus performing an array of her hits all in the spirit of PRIDE.

A corrupt customs official joins forces with a vicious gangster to form the most powerful crime partnership in Busan.

Elizabeth je reportérka športových novín, ktorá nedávno pokazila dôležitý rozhovor s basketbalovou hviezdou Jimmym. Nanešťastie mala práve táto epizóda obrovskú sledovanosť, a tak jej šéf prijal Jimmyho ako Elizabethinho kolegu. Tara pracuje ako servírka v kaviarni a svoj čas trávi s kamarátkou Daisy na prechádzkach s jej psom. Jedného dňa spoznáva excentrického Garretta, ktorý vlastní malý útulok pre zvieratá. Grace a Kurt sú manželia a čakajú príchod svojej dcéry, ktorú si adoptovali. Od prvého okamihu sa im ale zdá, že Amelia je smutná a napriek veľkej snahe ju nevedia rozveseliť. Dax je tínedžer v tele dospelého muža. Jeho sestra s manželom ho požiadajú, aby sa im postaral o psa, kým budú preč. No a Walter je osamelý vdovec, ktorému sa na prechádzke stratí psík. Našťastie ho pri roznáške pizze nájde mladý chlapec Tyler. Aj keď sa zdá, že každému z nich sa súkromné problémy stále viac komplikujú, nikto z nich netuší, že už čochvíľa pocítia úľavu.

A comprehensive 12-part documentary on the making of "Spider-Man 2," covering everything from pre-production to premiere.

Stig is a 15-year-old pupil of 37-year-old teacher Viola. He is attracted by her beauty and maturity while she is drawn to him by his youth and innocence, a godsent relief from her drunk and miserable husband.

In the year 180 A.D. Germanic tribes are about to invade the Roman empire from the north. In the midst of this crisis ailing emperor Marcus Aurelius has to make a decision about his successor between his son Commodus, who is obsessed by power, and the loyal general Gaius Livius.

A young drug-addled writer approaching the bottom of his descent submits to two months of agonizing detox at a treatment center in Minnesota.

Ku Klux Klansman Mike Burden opens the Redneck Shop and KKK museum in historic Laurens, SC. He subsequently falls in love with a single mother and, under her influence, quits the Klan and is taken in by an African American Reverend.

A promising young Dutch-Moroccan trumpet player sets out to succeed at a posh Amsterdam music conservatory.

An in-depth look at the full-cycle breeding program for bluefin Kindai tuna pioneered by Kinki University’s Aqua Culture Research Institute.

In an isolated farmhouse, located in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by a mysterious wooden wall, Zac and Eva, two siblings gifted with extraordinary abilities, endure every day the wrath of their strict father while witnessing how a cruel sickness lurks their beloved mother.

A young woman quits her teaching job to be a private tutor for two wealthy young kids, but soon starts to suspect there’s more to their house than what meets the eye.

Ed Hemsler spends his life preparing for a disaster that may never come. Ronnie Meisner spends her life shopping for things she may never use. In a small town somewhere in America, these two people will try to find love while trying not to get lost in each other’s stuff.

We’ll Take Manhattan explores the explosive love affair between sixties supermodel Jean Shrimpton and photographer David Bailey. Focusing on a wild and unpredictable 1962 Vogue photo shoot in New York, the drama brings to life the story of two young people falling in love, misbehaving and inadvertently defining the style of the Sixties along the way.

After spending 20 years in prison, notorious villa thief Juan "el Candela" is released and reunited with his son Juan "el Chispa" and his friend Cristo. While "el Candela" tries to adapt to the new world he finds himself in, his son plans to raise money to fulfil his musical dream, using his father as a reference.

Two men try to avoid military service by pretending to be gay, but they must act the part when the recruiting officer doesn't buy it.

A large and beautiful property on the French Riviera. A place that seems out of time and sheltered from the rest of the world. Anna goes there with her daughter for a few days of vacation. Amidst her family, friends and the house staff, Anna has to handle her fresh break-up with her partner and the writing of her next film.

A fresh-faced deputy must choose between her duty and her feelings when the town bandit takes interest in her.