A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

În India rurală, unde menstruația este încă stigmatizată, niște femei produc tampoane igienice ieftine cu o nouă mașină, câștigându-și independența financiară.

Ciel learns of a "Aurora Society", that is rumored to be researching how to bring the dead back to life. Their next meeting is scheduled to be conducted on the ship Campania, voyaging across the Atlantic Ocean. Much to Ciel's dismay, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford, is taking the same ship, thus leaving him with no choice but to get aboard as well.

A swarm of slaves in ancient Egypt moves massive boulders to erect a statue of Re, the god of the sun. Erecting impressive structures required knowledge and exact measurements. However, the statue's massive hand falls down and crushes the builders. The statue has been awe-inspiring for many centuries. Meditations on the religious nature of man.

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

După ce a fost învins de Ip Man, Cheung Tin Chi încearcă să păstreze un profil scăzut. În timp ce se ocupă de afacerea sa, el se luptă cu un străin pe nume Davidson. Tin Chi luptă din greu cu Wing Chun și câștigă respect.

The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.

A schizophrenic rock musician, is convinced that his parents were murdered by three men. Taking the support of a journalist, he sets out to find the culprits. Will he succeed in his mission, and in the process, what will he learn about his own roots?

În viitorul apropiat, maimuțele domestice au înlocuit animalele de companie și servitorii personali - până în momentul în care maltratarea lor continuă o determină pe o primată avansată (Roddy McDowell) să pornească o revoltă îndrăzneață care ar putea schimba pentru totdeauna rolurile oamenilor și ale maimuțelor!

When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...

Sequel to 2002's "Summer Things" (Embrassez qui vous voudrez). This French comedy follows various people in two families. Bertrand and his wife, Elizabeth, are a wealthy couple who plan to vacation near the same coastal town as their friends, Jerome and Veronique, who are secretly struggling with financial problems. Meanwhile, Bertrand and his daughter, Emilie, have each been hiding a secret, and these deceptions are bound to have repercussions.

After the death of their college age son, Anne and Paul Sacchetti relocate to the snowswept New England hamlet of Aylesbury, a sleepy village where all is most certainly not as it seems. When strange sounds and eerie feelings convince Anne that her son's spirit is still with them, they invite an eccentric, New Age couple to help them get to the bottom of the mystery.

Jesus, who's hitting the big 3-0, brings a surprise guest to meet the family. A Christmas special so wrong it must be from comedians Porta dos Fundos.

Joseph and his two sons, Joachim and Ivan, form a close-knit family but fail to see that each one is losing control of his life. Joachim is supposed to be studying psychiatry but spends most of his time daydreaming about his ex-girlfriend, Ivan cannot fit in at school despite being very smart, and Joseph has secretly quit his job as a doctor and is trying to become a writer. While there is plenty of affection at home, all three are also, clumsily, searching for love...

După ce expertul în securitate Ray Breslin a fost angajat să salveze fiica răpită a unui mogul al tehnologiei din Hong Kong, iubita lui Breslin este, de asemenea, capturată și ținută într-o închisoare letonă teribilă. În timp ce se scufundă mai adânc în misterul răpirilor, el descoperă că vinovatul este fiul unui fost prieten devenit inamic.

Jacob, un manager de bancă bântuit de un jaf violent care a luat viața unui colaborator, se aliază cu vecinul său fost polițist, James, pentru a da de urmă atacatorului. În timp ce cei doi bărbați lucrează împreună pentru a descoperi următoarea mișcare a hoțului, Gabriel, un criminal foarte bine instruit, este cu un pas înainte. Când Gabriel le răpește pe soția lui și fiica lui Jacob, acesta pornește pe calea vărsării de sânge care inițiază un contraatac exploziv și îi aduce pe toți cei trei bărbați într-un punct limită.

Picking up directly where the previous film left off, the story follows Riley, one of the last people to come in contact with Samantha, as he scrambles to track down those responsible for the outbreak before the highly contagious disease not only consumes his body, but the world as we know it.

A grieving father grapples with the seedy, manipulative world of high stakes debt collection while struggling to shed the tragedies of his past. He find's himself pitted against his best friend with troubling consequences.

Thanks to an auto accident, a parasitic alien manages to get into a hospital. It quickly moves from the crash victim into a candy striper. Among the patients at the hospital are some rather short high school basketball players. It is through them that we watch the events unfold. The infected, or inhabited, candy striper becomes predatory. She goes after men for sex and after women to spread. Infected women develop an incredible sweet tooth and devour anything sweet they can find. The horror then spreads. As the horror takes over more of the hospital and the CDC locks it down, the basketball players and a few friends do everything they can to try and get out of the hospital. But soon it becomes evident that the problem has spread too far. Now if they manage to escape it will only be to delay the inevitable if they cannot halt the spread of aliens before they get out and take over the whole world.