本片讲述了伟大的音乐天才沃尔夫岗.阿巴迪斯.莫扎特(Wolfgang AmadeusMozart)的一生。影片采用倒叙手法,由安东尼奥.萨利埃雷(AntonioSalieri)讲述。他是一位宫廷乐师、莫扎特的天才使他既羡慕又震惊,心理上发生了变态,决定除掉莫扎特。音乐在全片中具有叙述和点出主题的作用,将莫扎特的音乐和他的生平事件串连在一起,刻划了莫扎特与萨利埃雷在音乐上的冲突。

Two guys against globalization want to plant a virus in the network of a finance corporation. On the day of the attack Alex has an accident and cannot remember anything. Visions and reality are thrown together in a confusing maze. Alex tries to escape from this muddle but what he discovers turns out to be rather frightening…

When their best friend dies, Tara and Noah find out that Louis is not the person they used to know..


  高一生涯结束,野猫队的所有成员都准备好迎接美妙的暑假。暗恋特洛伊(扎克·埃夫隆 Zac Efron饰)已久的夏培(阿什丽·提斯代尔 Ashley Tisdale 饰)利用她父亲的影响力帮特洛伊在自家经营的豪华俱乐部中弄到一份工作,和藉机让他获得大学篮球奖学金的机会。而条件是特洛伊必须放弃野猫队,并和夏培搭档参加俱乐部一年一度的才艺比赛。同时,这也是夏培让特洛伊远离女朋友盖比瑞拉(瓦妮莎·哈金斯 Vanessa Hudgens饰)的计谋。可特洛伊让盖比瑞拉被同时被俱乐部录用,让夏培十分气愤。夏培的弟弟莱恩和没了特洛伊的野猫队合作,排练曲目参加比赛。不料被夏培知道,强行取消了他们的资格。盖比瑞拉伤心地从俱乐部辞了职,并开始与特洛伊产生裂痕,野猫队的成员也开始把特洛伊排除在外。   这一次特洛伊到底该选择哪一边的阵营?这个夏天到底会有怎样不一样的抉择?

The film follows a 'tempbot', a robot assigned for a short period of time at an ordinary office, and his romantic endeavours with the Human Resources manager.

律师弗兰克(詹姆斯·维尔拜 James Wilby 饰)因为脚踝受伤而来到了一处偏远的小山村里修养,在那里,他邂逅了名为梅根(伊莫金·斯塔布斯 Imogen Stubbs 饰)的美丽女子。弗兰克的风趣和健谈吸引了梅根的注意,可是梅根此时已经有了未婚夫乔(杰罗姆·弗林 Jerome Flynn 饰)。   在一场剪羊毛大会上,弗兰克亦爱上了能歌善舞的梅根,然而两人的这段感情遭到了梅根家人和乔的强烈反对。虽然饱受非议,但这对爱侣还是决定尊重他们内心的选择,两人相约在镇上的火车站碰头,踏上私奔的旅途。然而,当梅根赶往火车站之时,却并没有看到弗兰克的身影,与此同时,弗兰克遇见了大学同学的妹妹,两人度过了甜蜜的三天。

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Hayflower starts her summer holiday on a badminton camp which is ruined by Cynthia, a runaway chicken. Quiltshoe makes a new friend, Anita, who, to everyone's surprise, turns out to be a chicken. Under the leadership of constables Bellybutton and Goggleclock, a big chicken hunt is launched.

Determined to win the Miss American Miss pageant, Mona is ready to sacrifice anything and everything to guarantee herself the crown including her own daughter! She manages to persuade her best bud to raise the kid as her own (Miss AM can't be a mom), but just when this beauty-queen wannabe thinks her prize is in sight, she's surprised by a come-from-behind competitor. Love.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

艾瑞克(John White 饰)算得上是一个标准的失意青年了,连在家中打个手统也造成祖母受惊去世的恶果。艾瑞克与女友翠西交往两年,但一直未能上垒,现在已是全校最后的处男、公认的笑柄,这些还不算,他是大名鼎鼎的“硬条”家族的一员,堂兄德维特等人名满江湖,给他巨大的心理压力。翠西终于同意与艾瑞克共赴巫山,岂料两人时运不济最后又发展成一场屎尿屁笑话,幸好德维特的学校要举办考后大裸奔活动,艾瑞克与死党匆匆投奔堂兄希望用狂欢宽慰心怀…… 经历了与侏儒橄榄球队的对决,裸奔活动的大幕即将揭开,然而关键时刻,艾瑞克忽然领悟了爱与性的意义,做出了自己的抉择。

Terminator the Second is the premiere production of the Nashville performance collective, Husky Jackal Theater. A product of nearly a year of research and revision, the script tells the story of a boy and his cyborg protector entirely in lines and phrases taken from the plays of William Shakespeare. Each line and phrase is taken from original folios, with only proper nouns, pronouns and corresponding verb tenses subject to change. In doing so, the authors were able to accurately recreate the story of Terminator 2: Judgement Day, while remaining true to the words of Shakespeare in form, if less so in intent.


A family on the brink of bankruptcy decides to do dirty jobs undercover by the government to overcome their condition.


  贪欲和邪念横行世间,愚蠢的人类不断开发大规模杀伤性武器,原子弹、氢弹,甚至足以毁灭地球和宇宙的太阳弹也在开发之中。某高度发达的外太空文明为了阻止地球人的自毁行为,想尽办法进行劝阻。但地球人拒绝外星人的规劝和存在,转而兵戎相向。万般无奈之下,外星长官依洛(Dudley Manlove 饰)启动第九号计划,将已死去的人类复活,让僵尸四处为虐已警示人类。   一时间飞碟和凶案接连出现,军方、警方以及民间纷纷联合起来,以摧毁外星人的入侵计划……