An intimate, all-access documentary that will chronicle Lewis Capaldi's journey from a scrappy teen with a viral performance to a Grammy-nominated pop star.

During an opulent and luxurious banquet, complete with hordes of servers and valets, eleven pampered guests participate in what appears to be a ritualistic gastronomic carnage. In this absurd and grotesque universe, an unexpected sequence of events destabilizes the endless symphony of abundance.

The story of teenager Billy Bloom who, despite attending an ultra conservative high school, makes the decision to run for homecoming queen.

This documentary follows three women — a fire chief, a judge, and a street missionary — as they battle West Virginia's devastating opioid epidemic.

V Donbase, regióne na východnej Ukrajine, prebieha hybridná vojna, teda otvorený ozbrojený konflikt spojený s vraždami a lúpežami, ktoré v masovom meradle páchajú separatistické skupiny. V Donbase je vojna nazývaná mierom, propaganda považovaná za pravdu a nenávisť vydávaná za lásku. Cesta naprieč Donbasom odhaľuje reťazec kurióznych dobrodružstiev, v ktorých sa mieša fraška s tragédiou rovnako ako život so smrťou. Nie je to príbeh jedného regiónu, jednej krajiny či jedného politického systému. Snímka pojednáva o svete stratenom v post-pravdivých a falošných identitách. Je to film o každom z nás.

Peter Malkin, tajný agent Mosadu, pri love na nacistického vojnového zločinca zabije v Rakúsku nesprávnu osobu. Medzitým v Buenos Aires si Sylvia Hermannová začína románik s mladým Klausom netušiac, že je to syn Adolfa Eichmanna. Do Buenos Aires pricestuje operatívec Zvi Aharoni a vyfotografuje Klausovho otca, ktorý tu žije pod menom Riccardo Klement. Po potvrdení Eichmannovej identity ho tím Mosadu plánuje zajať a uniesť do Izreala. V apríli 1961 sa všetci agenti a ich spolupracovníci stretnú na Eichmannovom procese v Izraeli, ktorý bude trvať niekoľko mesiacov, až kým v decembri súd nevynesie spravodlivý rozsudok

Ronnie Coleman is known as "The King" and for good reason. He is the 8x Mr. Olympia champion in the world of bodybuilding - sharing the world record for most Olympia wins. Now retired, he has undergone over 6 surgeries leaving him unable to walk without crutches but his desire to train like a pro bodybuilder has not dissipated. Exploring the history of his career as a bodybuilding legend and following his journey to recovery; for the first time ever discover the true man behind The King.

A policewoman whose childhood friend disappeared in Patagonia years ago starts a new search to find answers, and soon finds her own life in danger.

Ten-year-old Nico receives a threatening letter and now his life is in danger. No one seems to believe him except one person that he doesn't know.

Amy Schumer's live stand-up set performed in Chicago where she jokes about marriage, pregnancy and personal growth.

Los Reyes County, Arizona. Leland, a retired lawman, works with Wallace, the new sheriff who replaces him, when a vicious hit man, sent by a Mexican drug cartel, threatens their border small town.

High school senior Alex has an encounter with mysterious lights that appear over her small town. She soon develops dangerous, supernatural abilities, and turns to her childhood friend Sean. The authorities target them and a chase ensues as officials try to discover the truth behind Alex's transformation.

The unexpected and gruesome death of a student threatens the existence of an old Catholic school for girls. Pat Consolacion, the school guidance counselor, involves herself with the students in the hopes of helping them cope, and at the same time uncover the mysteries of the student’s death. Most students suspect of the strict and borderline abusive Mother Alice, who also threatened Pat’s tenure in the school because of her continuous meddling with the case. But Pat’s unusual talents lead her to knowing Eri, a former student who's been watching the whole school for years. Piece by piece, Pat uncovers the secret of the school and the monster that it nurtured for the past century.

Reeling from a terrifying assault, a nineteen year old enrolls into college with his brother and pledges the same fraternity. What happens there, in the name of 'brotherhood,' tests him and his loyalty in brutal ways.

Somálski piráti prepadnú a unesú ruský tanker vo východnej časti Adenského zálivu v Indickom oceáne. Po obsadení lode zločincami sa 23-členná posádka ukryje v bezpečnej kabíne kapitána a námorníci vysielajú volanie o pomoc s nádejou, že ich niekto zachráni. Núdzový signál zachytí ruská vojnová loď, ktorá vyšle svojich mužov na nebezpečnú záchrannú misiu. Špeciálny vojenský tím však má už len dvadsaťdva minút na to, aby zlikvidoval pirátov, oslobodil loď a zachránil životy všetkých uväznených rukojemníkov.

A group of archaeologists uncover a strange structure in Northern Canada, dating over ten thousand years before the present. The team finds themselves isolated when their communication systems fail and it's not long before they begin to feel the effects of the solitude.

Three siblings have had enough and hatch a plan to kill their tyrannical mother.

An attack on the new President of a fledgling Eastern European democracy pits an American covert operative against the country’s ruthless military leader determined to seize control of the government.