The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

Letícia Parente was a pioneer of video in Brazil, and In is one of her earliest video works. It depicts the artist entering a closet, suspending herself from a hanger, and closing the door. Parente used video as a political tool to protest the military dictatorship in Brazil, and to comment on the mass torture committed by the government. Much of her work concerned domestic space and its association with conventional roles to which women were expected to conform. Several videos by Parente transform daily household tasks into forms of resistance.

People is a film shot behind closed doors in a workshop/house on the outskirts of Paris and features a dozen characters. It is based on an interweaving of scenes of moaning and sex. The house is the characters' common space, but the question of ownership is distended, they don't all inhabit it in the same way. As the sequences progress, we don't find the same characters but the same interdependent relationships. Through the alternation between lament and sexuality, physical and verbal communication are put on the same level. The film then deconstructs, through its repetitive structure, our relational myths.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Two men, one in a stolen vehicle and the other drunk, drive along a backroad to avoid city traffic. Suddenly both cars collide with an SUV and they are unwittingly drawn into a game of survival with a deranged rifle-wielding assassin out for blood.

雷神之锤惊现世间。辽阔蛮荒的美国沙漠地带,神盾局特工卡尔森(克拉克·格雷格 Clark Gregg 饰)独自驾车前往雷神之锤的所在地。夜幕降临,他把车停在一家加油站内。加油的同时,他走进便利店挑选商品。就在他为选择而烦恼时,一声怒吼突然传来。两名持枪歹徒闯进便利店,用枪指着美丽的女店员,命令他将钱交出,并质问外面的车是谁的。卡尔森从容露面,他把车钥匙扔了过去,还貌似大脑短路一般交出手枪。卡尔森按照歹徒指示把手枪滑了过去,而就在此时,意想不到的事情发生了……

史蒂夫·罗杰斯,也被称为美国队长,在被冰封的冰60年后,返回世间。 而这是一个不同的世界。一个需要英雄的世界。和铁人,Thor(雷神),Wasp(大黄蜂),巨人等其他伙伴一起,他成立了一个行动小组,在我们这个混乱年代维护正义。聚在一起的他们就是复仇者们。

Tension mounts between a quadraplegic man and his wife as she prepares a bath for him.

is a creative documentary-fiction film and a film that might expand your sense of reality. It is the story about a man who enters the virtual world Second Life to pursue his personal dreams and ambitions. His journey into cyberspace becomes a magic learning experience, which gradually opens the gates to a much larger reality.


空旷、渺烟、沧桑的露天剧场,迎来了一位孤独的旅客。 往事难追忆,依稀浮现在眼前,在那遥远的2012年…… 往事难再叙,一切繁华已逝去,只能在思念在中继续旅程。 FLASH BACK 2012在一首《天使之绘具》中,拉开了序幕。通过MUSIC CLIP中十余首歌,生动再现了当年人类历史上最为惨烈的战争和林明美一段刻苦铭心的恋情。 作者在最后结束曲同样是《天使之绘具》中,新锐机体VF-4和新超时空要塞Megaroad-01,即SDF-2首次亮相。另外,美树本晴彦巧妙的在片中点出剧中人物的下落,为这部传奇般的史诗划上圆满的句号。当剧中林明美对着空荡无人的剧场行下一个谢幕礼时,我们知道她成熟了,不似当年那个哭泣的女孩。虽然她失去了一条辉,但却赢得了整个银河系。 1987年9月发售的LD版的MUSIC CLIP《FLASH BACK 2012》全长30分钟,收集了2012年8月明美告别演唱会等为核心的电视版、电影版的许多MUSIC VIDEO。 剧中曲目为:天使之绘具、日落海滩、O-G LOVE、小白龙、银色的月光,红色的月亮、爱在流逝、灰姑娘、可有忆起的爱、天使之绘具、明美最后回眸:奔走的人。

In the middle of the 13th century, following the death of "The Iron Sultan, Alaeddin Keykubat," Mongols attack Anatolian Seljuks to destroy the last power against "The Great Khan". Allegiance or independence turns into an issue of debate among the Seljuk statesmen. A secret resistance is possible. A new and stronger state is not a dream. Emir Celaleddin Karatay, Vizier of Seljuks is to sparkle a nationwide resistance. His way is not predictable.

Marco the Monkey works as a beach officer. But he spends most of his time trying to win the heart of the beautiful Lulu. He is just about to succeed, when Marco's rival, Carlo, builds a gigantic monkey-shaped casino right on Marco's beach. Lulu is fascinated by the charming Carlo. Jealously Marco starts an undercover investigation of Carlo's strange casino. Soon he discovers the truth. Carlo will take over the island and force Lulu to marry him! When Marco tries to arrest Carlo a problem rises. Literally from the ground. Because Carlo's Casino is a giant robot.


Primitive human Zan learns of his past and future lives when he discovers a spaceship.