Jeffery hasn't been the same since the loss of his wife who died during childbirth. Now crisis returns to his life, as his only child is diagnosed with leukemia, sending him into a tailspin. He turns away from his faith, feeling that life is no longer worth living. As God brings reminders of His goodness into Jeffery's life, will that be enough to guide him back to what matters most?

A short piece that looks at the casting and subsequent work of Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, and Anthony Hopkins.

Henry is hired to authenticate and purchase a long lost and very valuable recipe book. Soon Henry and Maggie find themselves in a murder mystery where secrets hidden within a treasured book have dire consequences for all who own it.

A technological civilization takes three intelligent salamander creatures captive to conduct experiments on them. The experiments go awry and the salamander creatures wreak havoc in the city of humans.

Auf Lindenhof laufen die Vorbereitungen für das Abschlussfest auf Hochtouren, an dem Shakespeares "Romeo und Julia" aufgeführt werden soll. Die Ankunft einer Schulklasse mit englischen Jungs bringt nicht nur die Pläne von Madame Bertoux, sondern auch den Hormonhaushalt von Hanni und Nanni gehörig durcheinander. Die Zwillinge verlieben sich ausgerechnet in denselben schnuckeligen englischen Boy. So wird die bedingungslose Loyalität, die sich die Mädchen eben noch geschworen haben, auf eine harte Probe gestellt.

"Among ...Sadeghi's most iconic projects during his time at Kanoon was Malek ol-Khorshid (King of the Sun, 1975), a magical animation inspired by the tenth-century Persian epic The Shahnameh (The Book of Kings)." (from Ubu Web)

Reds friedliche Morgenroutine des Blumengießens wird unterbrochen, als ihm ein Insekt ins Gesicht fliegt. Er versucht mehrfach, das Insekt loszuwerden, bis er es schließlich mit Wasser bespritzt. Red freut sich, dass es funktioniert hat, bis er sieht, dass das Insekt klatschnass auf Stanleys Statue sitzt und nicht fliegen kann. Red trocknet das Insekt ab und sieht ihm beim Wegfliegen zu. Bald kommt das Insekt zurück, während Red noch Blumen gießt, diesmal mit Freunden.

The Indians try to make a fire in the Kettles fireplace the old fashion way, the smoke signal way. Judges are a comin' to award a child with a scholarship. However, who ever has the nicest looking farm and raises their kids in a good enviroment has a chance of winning.

Nachdem er seine Freundin geschlagen und vergewaltigt hatte, wurde der Lehrer Bernd verurteilt. Nach der Haft rückt er Hannah nun wieder auf den Leib - sie habe sein Leben zerstört. Mit ihren Kindern flieht Hannah vor dem Besessenen… Fesselnd gespielt, zeigt das bittere Drama die Angst und Ohnmacht der Opfer.

Mr. Sugar Daddy depicts the story of a man looking for a fresh start. Hans falls for young Andrej and is thrown into a game that does not allow any winner.

BBC farewell concert from The Seekers, in London, England, on July 7, 1968.

After murdering his entire family, a man marries a widow with a young daughter in another town and prepares to kill them as well. But this time things go differently for all of them.

The Cost of High Living is a 1916 Vitagraph comedy starring William Duncan and Corinne Griffith.

On a typical day, this small town is very peaceful. Grandmothers tell stories of biblical monsters while gently slapping the listener with a shoe. The daily routine of sunset ball play is interrupted only by the call of fresh fried sausages, or, perhaps, by the beckoning of a colorful alcoholic beverage. But this day is not a typical one. This day, the sea does not bring the usual boat engine, fish scull or metal briefcase ashore. Instead, it delivers a woman and a doll. A group of Mexican hipsters beach bums come upon this woman and her doll. Louise -- who may or may not be a disgruntled hippie dropping out, or a failed Ponzi schemer seeking solace in the ocean -- responds to her new surroundings with a coma-like stare.

The story of how Lady Godiva came to ride naked through the streets of Coventry.

The film follows Kamel, who opens a bookstore, and is continuously unsettled by Sayyed, the landlord, who wants to kick Kamel out and turn the store's specialty to garments. One day, Kamel finds an invisibility lace hidden in one of his old books, so he decides to use it in order to help his poor neighbors who were mistreated in any way.

A meeting is held by a man who wants to help others in need.