When Grizz, Panda, and Ice Bear's love of food trucks and viral videos get out of hand, the brothers are now chased away from their home and embark on a trip to Canada, where they can live in peace.

A group of old actors and filmmakers tries to resist the efforts of a young couple to kick them out of their mansion.

After her sister and brother-in-law's tragic deaths, an American woman who is the guardian for her young niece and nephew is invited to a royal European castle for Christmas by her late brother-in-law's father, the Duke of Castlebury. Feeling out of place as a commoner, she is determined to give her family a merry Christmas and surprises herself when she falls for a handsome prince.

Claire Darrow, a lawyer, fights for what’s right, regardless of whether it makes her a dime. Naomi, Claire’s estranged mother and a lawyer as well, would rather make a profit. They clash on nearly everything, even on the best way to raise Claire’s daughter, Louise.

In Hamburg, German-Greek chef Zinos unknowingly disturbs the peace in his locals-only restaurant by hiring a more talented chef.

Џеки „Џастис“ је осрамоћена као ММА борац која није успела у јединој ствари у којој је одувек била добра - тучи. Када се на њеним вратима појави шестогодишњи син Мартин, кога је давно напустила, Џеки мора да се суочи с сопственим демонима. Пред њом је борба за повратак на спортски трон, али и оно што је и већи изазов - да коначно буде мајка овом детету какву он заслужује...

With Christmas just around the corner, 8-year-old Molly asks the mall Santa to find a boyfriend for her beloved aunt.

In 1843, despite the fact that Dickens is a successful writer, the failure of his latest book puts his career at a crossroads, until the moment when, struggling with inspiration and confronting reality with his childhood memories, a new character is born in the depths of his troubled mind; an old, lonely, embittered man, so vivid, so human, that a whole world grows around him, a story so inspiring that changed the meaning of Christmas forever.

Christmas is a busy, busy time for the residents of Green River, particularly for Grace Long, the third generation of her family to steward the New England town’s signature Christmas Eve parade. This year’s audience for the parade promises to be in the millions, thanks to a national morning show that has chosen Green River as the site of its Christmas Eve day program.

A young working girl with a blue-collar background is surprised when her new fiancé announces he is actually a prince of a small sovereign country in Europe. After the couple quickly takes off to spend the holidays at his family’s sprawling, royal castle, she must work hard to win over her disapproving and unaccepting future mother-in-law—the Queen—and find out if love truly can conquer all.

Несвакидашња романса о двоје различитих људи који траже нешто стварно у свету где се вредност заснива на лајковима и пратиоцима, ТИ СИ ТАЈ је модерна љубавна прича о славним личностима, браку и друштвеним мрежама.

When a talented chef returns to her Texas hometown, she winds up entering the town's famous BBQ cook off and gets more than she bargained for when the surprise judge turns out to be her high school love.

With her wedding day rapidly approaching, an anxious bride-to-be has doubts about her pending marriage. At a romantic island resort, she encounters a handsome kindred spirit and must now decide if her "perfect" fiancé is really her true love.

A cynical radio host is banished to Colorado, where he has an on-air spat with a hopeless romantic. Soon, their antagonistic relationship sparks the interest of the whole town.

Пратимо причу о групи „неприлагођених“ старијих људи који су приморани да заврше своје средњошколско образовање, како би могли да наставе са својим животима. Урнебесне ситуације у којима ће се затећи вратиће сваког гледаоца у своје тинејџерске дане.

When Marie begins receiving ornaments from her mother, a new coincidental blessing comes with each one, causing Marie to feel more excited for the holidays than she has in years. Marie’s once-lost Christmas spirit gets another boost when she meets her handsome neighbor Nate and feels a spark with him while celebrating the season.

When Environmental Protection Agency inspector Steve Malone travels to a remote military base in order to check for toxic materials, he brings his family along for the ride. After arriving at the base, his teenage daughter Marti befriends Jean Platt, daughter of the base's commander, General Platt. When people at the base begin acting strangely, Marti becomes convinced that they are slowly being replaced by plant-like aliens.

Samantha, a dedicated teacher in Manhattan, returns to her home town of Maple Falls, Wyoming every year for Christmas. This year, she’s delighted when her boyfriend Alex, a European diplomat from the tiny country of Madelvia, decides to joins her. Samantha later discovers Alex is actually a prince destined for the throne, turning her entire world upside down. Realizing that staying with Alex means spending her life in the constant glare of publicity and giving up the job opportunity of a lifetime, Samantha must decide if she loves Alex enough to make the transition from teacher to royal – or will it be too big a leap

When an accident causes a woman to lose her memory, her husband Jack does everything in his power to keep her from remembering that they are total opposites and that their marriage is doomed. Now Jack is hoping for a second chance, and a little Christmas magic, to help rekindle their relationship and fall in love all over again.

Прича прати трговца Лукаса Хила, кога игра фантастични Кијану Ривс, који због ретког и веома скупог дијаманта одлази у хладну Русију. Борба почиње када дијамант нестане, а руска мафија која га жели губи стрпљење.