An orthodox heroine astride a motorbike. Young people breaking the monotony of a country life through stunt riding. A meeting against a Western backdrop between two universes that are at odds with each other except for their very reason for being: passion.

A young woman finds herself in a fight for survival against an evil maniac with an unlikely motive.

A swarm of slaves in ancient Egypt moves massive boulders to erect a statue of Re, the god of the sun. Erecting impressive structures required knowledge and exact measurements. However, the statue's massive hand falls down and crushes the builders. The statue has been awe-inspiring for many centuries. Meditations on the religious nature of man.

It’s the weekend when Jenny is going to play an away-game in basketball and her father John comes along. John wants quality time with his daughter, but Jenny would rather hang out with her team mates. This weekend nothing turns out like they thought and the distance between father and daughter has never felt bigger.

Siostry Ella i Marianne Dashwood po prostu uwielbiają Boże Narodzenie. Kochają świąteczne ozdoby i atmosferę tych dni. Na co dzień zajmują się prowadzeniem firmy organizującej imprezy. Udaje im właśnie nawiązać współpracę z nowym klientem z branży zabawkarskiej. Bardzo szybko przychodzi im zmierzyć się z burkliwym, zamkniętym w sobie szefem firmy, Edwardem Ferrisem. Mężczyzna zupełnie nie podziela ich świątecznego entuzjazmu. Starają się jednak zarazić go bożonarodzeniową radością.

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

When Jessica Parker’s former high school boyfriend, superstar baseball player Chase Taynor, returns to town, she finds the inspiration to reinvent her struggling diner… and revisits the past to find something even better for the future.

An inside look at what it took to bring the Wu-Tang Clan together for their final performance at the Rock the Bells Hip-Hop festival.

After mysteriously awakening in a barren alien landscape, a self-serving prisoner must conquer a series of grueling trials in order to reunite with his lost love.

The economy has collapsed. In a universe of moral and economic impoverishment, we find Flavia, a spoiled teenager with artistic aspirations that are somewhat frustrated when she is not accepted at the University. Her neighbor Martin, a mature man with rigid routines, is her antipode. When Flavia meets Martin, there are sparks of friction at all times, and the situation is unlikely to get any better.

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

Rosalie loves to shop too much to let a little thing like no money stop her. When the local shopkeepers no longer take her bad checks or bad credit cards, she's finds herself out of ways to please her consumerist tendencies… until she discovers The Internet! Master shopper becomes master hacker, and Rosalie is back on top.

In 1950's Hollywood, movie star Guy Stone must marry a studio secretary in order to conceal his homosexuality. Sally has no idea her marriage is a sham, though, and turns Guy's life upside-down. However, soon after the wedding, Guy develops feelings for a writer named Rick.

Po odzyskaniu wzroku niewidomy mężczyzna zaczyna mieć obsesję na punkcie otaczającego go świata.

After blowing his professional ballet career, John's only way to redeem himself is to concoct the demise of his former partner, Leah, who he blames for his downfall; he rehearses his salvation in his mind in the way that he rehearses a dance, but being able to break from the routine will be the key to his success.

Martin Bashir conducts a rare interview with Michael Jackson and is given unprecedented access to the reclusive performer's private life over a span of eight months, from May 2002 to January 2003.

James Lake (Raymond St. Jacques) is an escaped black convict imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit. Leslie Whitlock (Kevin McCarthy) offers James money to kill his wife, Ellen (Dana Wynter). He declines and tries to look up his old flame Lily (Barbara McNair), but discovers his own brother is now married to the sultry nightclub singer. James returns to Leslie, and the trio travel towards a mountain retreat. James and Ellen escape and try to find the murderer who had framed James years before.

W podziemiach centrum handlowego, Emily, Jamie i Rory odkrywają skrzyneczkę pełną złota, którą zabierają ze sobą. Każde z nich myśli tylko o tym, co sobie za owe złoto kupi. Przyjaciele nie mają jednak pojęcia, że skrzyneczka należy do Karła, który budzi się ze snu i wyrusza na poszukiwania osób, które go okradły. Karzeł nie będzie litościwy dla nikogo.

Grupa przyjaciół postanawia spędzić szalony weekend, którego nigdy nie zapomną. Podczas imprezy nawiązują kontakt z Daemonem Sloane’em (Pierce Brosnan) – handlarzem narkotyków, który oferuje niezwykły specyfik. Bohaterowie zostają ostrzeżeni, że mogą go zażyć tylko raz w życiu, ale łamią tę zasadę. W efekcie wydobywają się z nich najbardziej pierwotne instynkty i pragnienia. Wycieczka na tropikalną wyspę zamienia się w koszmar.