Noah Holiday lives his life being constantly reminded of a tragic event that occurred while he was a baby in 2004. During his rough times alone, Noah rediscovers his long lost childhood teddy bear; however, what once brought him great joy now has a mind of his own and has sinister plans in store for him.
A young bride in the midst of her wedding finds herself mysteriously transported to the TARDIS. The Doctor must discover what her connection is with the Empress of the Racnoss's plan to destroy the world.
Pokračovanie mimoriadne obľúbeného a úspešného animovaného rodinného filmu V HLAVE od študiá Disney a Pixar “VHLAVE 2” sa vracia opäť do mysle tentokrát už čerstvej tínedžerky Riley a to práve v čase, keď ústredie prechádza náhlou demoláciou, aby uvoľnilo miesto pre niečo úplne nečakané. Film V hlave 2 prináša Veľké zmeny – Nové Emócie! Radosť, Smútok, Hnev, Strach a Znechutenie, ktoré podľa všetkého dlho úspešne fungovali, si nie sú isté, ako sa majú cítiť, keď sa objaví Úzkosť. A zdá sa, že nie je sama.
V starovekej Číne boli draci a ľudia priateľmi, ale ľudská chamtivosť ukončila ich spojenectvo a tieto čarovné stvorenia sa stali korisťou. Posledného z nich teraz drží v zajatí krutý cisár. Jedného dňa drakovi prinesie jedlo malá sirota menom Ping a čoskoro sa ukáže, že ona je tou vyvolenou, ktorá jediná ho môže zachrániť. Títo nepravdepodobní spojenci sa musia naučiť pomáhať si a chápať jeden druhého. Na ich ceste za slobodou ich prenasleduje zlý čarodejník a lovec drakov. Aby prežili a Ping splnila svoje poslanie, musí nájsť odvahu a magickú silu, o ktorej doteraz nevedela. Už nemôže byť tým bojazlivým, plachým sirotou, akým bývala kedysi. Teraz je skutočnou hrdinkou, ktorá musí zachrániť draka.
Vojna! Republika sa rúca pod brutálnymi útokmi vodcu separatistov grófa Dooku. Na oboch stranách sú hrdinovia. Pred zlom však niet úniku. Krutému generálovi Grievousovi, mozgu separatistov, sa podarilo nečakane preniknúť do hlavného mesta Republiky a uniesť kancelára Palpatina, vodcu Galaktického senátu. Zatiaľ čo sa separatistická armáda droidov pokúša uniknúť z obliehaného mesta s cenným rukojemníkom, dvaja rytieri Jedi sa zúfalo snažia uneseného kancelára zachrániť.
Dej filmu sa odohráva medzi udalosťami prvého filmu Votrelec (1979) a druhého filmu Votrelci (1986) v temnom vesmíre, kde pri čistení útrob opustenej vesmírnej stanice sa skupina mladých vesmírnych kolonizátorov stretáva tvárou v tvár s najdesivejšou formou života vo vesmíre s Votrelcom, ktorý v klaustrofobickom priestore vesmírnej lode začína hon na svoje obete.
When an army commando finds out his true love is engaged against her will, he boards a New Dehli-bound train in a daring quest to derail the arranged marriage. But when a gang of knife-wielding thieves begin to terrorize innocent passengers on his train, the commando takes them on himself in a death-defying kill-spree to save those around him — turning what should have been a typical commute into an adrenaline-fueled thrill ride.
A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.
After the brutal murder of her twin sister, Darcy goes after those responsible by using haunted items as her tools for revenge.
When the initial Cylon attack against the Twelve Colonies fails to achieve complete extermination of human life as planned, twin Number Ones (Cavils) embedded on Galactica and Caprica must improvise to destroy the human survivors.
When a dedicated rescue worker inadvertently gets caught up in the kidnapping plot of a mogul's tween daughter, he must save her from the clutches of rival gangs hunting them down with unpredictable dangers around every corner.
As an evil takes over the world beyond their front doorstep, the only protection for a mother and her twin sons is their house and their family’s protective bond.
The first theatrically release of the SD Gundam series. Contains two shorts, "The Storm-Calling School Festival" and "The Tale of the SD Warring States: The Chapter of the Violent Final Sky Castle".
A Romance of the Three Kingdoms retelling using SD Gundams. (Source:
After waking from a coma, Tino learns his future in-laws have given him a high-powered financial job, for which he is woefully unqualified.
A collection of short parodies of the Mobile Suit Gundam saga. Episode 1 pokes fun at key events that occurred during the One Year War. In episode 2, Amuro, Kamille and Judau fight over who runs the better pension when Char comes in to crash their party. Episode 3 is the SD Olympics, an array of athletic events pitting man with mobile suit.
At the height of the Oyo Empire, the ferocious Bashorun Ga'a became more powerful than the kings he enthroned, only to be undone by his own blood.
When a ruthless serial killer terrorizes a small Southern town, everyone becomes a suspect -- including local authorities. As the body count rises and the dark mystery deepens, the chief detective becomes haunted by the horrors of his past.
Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.